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On Inference of Finite Mixture of Rayleigh Distribution by Gibbs Sampler and Metropolis-Hastings
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Inferential methods of statistical distributions have reached a high level of interest in recent years. However, in real life, data can follow more than one distribution, and then mixture models must be fitted to such data. One of which is a finite mixture of Rayleigh distribution that is widely used in modelling lifetime data in many fields, such as medicine, agriculture and engineering. In this paper, we proposed a new Bayesian frameworks by assuming conjugate priors for the square of the component parameters. We used this prior distribution in the classical Bayesian, Metropolis-hasting (MH) and Gibbs sampler methods. The performance of these techniques were assessed by conducting data which was generated from two and three-component mixture of the Rayleigh distribution according to several scenarios and comparing the results of the scenarios by calculating the mean of classification successful rate (MCSR) and the mean of mean square error(MMSE). The results showed that Gibbs sampler algorithm yields a better computation results than the others in terms of MMSE and MCSR.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2016
Journal Name
Statistics And Its Interface
Search for risk haplotype segments with GWAS data by use of finite mixture models
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The region-based association analysis has been proposed to capture the collective behavior of sets of variants by testing the association of each set instead of individual variants with the disease. Such an analysis typically involves a list of unphased multiple-locus genotypes with potentially sparse frequencies in cases and controls. To tackle the problem of the sparse distribution, a two-stage approach was proposed in literature: In the first stage, haplotypes are computationally inferred from genotypes, followed by a haplotype coclassification. In the second stage, the association analysis is performed on the inferred haplotype groups. If a haplotype is unevenly distributed between the case and control samples, this haplotype is labeled

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 01 2010
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Finding Mixture Weibull Distribution
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In this paper a new idea was introduced which is finding a new distribution from other distributions using mixing parameters; wi  where  0 < wi < 1 ­and . Therefore we can get many mixture distributions with a number of parameters. In this paper I introduced the idea of a mixture Weibull distribution which is produced from mixing two Weibull distributions; the first with two parameters, the scale parameter , and the shape parameter,  and the second also has the scale parameter , and the shape parameter,  in addition to the location parameter, . These two distributions were mixed using a new parameter which is the mixing parameter w which represents the proportion

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
An Estimation of Survival and Hazard Rate Functions of Exponential Rayleigh Distribution
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In this paper, we used the maximum likelihood estimation method to find the estimation values ​​for survival and hazard rate functions of the Exponential Rayleigh distribution based on a sample of the real data for lung cancer and stomach cancer obtained from the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment, Department of Medical City, Tumor Teaching Hospital, depending on patients' diagnosis records and number of days the patient remains in the hospital until his death.

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Thu Mar 03 2022
Journal Name
Italian Journal Of Pure And Applied Mathematics
The inverse exponential Rayleigh distribution and related concept
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Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bayesian Estimators of the parameter and Reliability Function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution" A comparison study "
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     In this paper, Bayesian estimator for the parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution (IRD) were obtained Under three types of loss function, namely, square error loss function (SELF), Modified Square error loss function (MSELF) and Precautionary loss function (PLF),taking into consideration the  informative and non- informative  prior. The performance of such estimators was assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion by performing a Monte Carlo simulation technique.

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Bayesian and Non - Bayesian Inference for Shape Parameter and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution
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In this paper, some estimators of the unknown shape parameter and reliability function  of Basic Gompertz distribution (BGD) have been obtained, such as MLE, UMVUE, and MINMSE, in addition to estimating Bayesian estimators under Scale invariant squared error loss function assuming informative prior represented by Gamma distribution and non-informative prior by using Jefferys prior. Using Monte Carlo simulation method, these estimators of the shape parameter and R(t), have been compared based on mean squared errors and integrated mean squared, respectively

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Scopus (2)
Scopus Clarivate Crossref
Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Survival estimation for singly type one censored sample based on generalized Rayleigh distribution
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This paper interest to estimation the unknown parameters for generalized Rayleigh distribution model based on censored samples of singly type one . In this paper the probability density function for generalized Rayleigh is defined with its properties . The maximum likelihood estimator method is used to derive the point estimation for all unknown parameters based on iterative method , as Newton – Raphson method , then derive confidence interval estimation which based on Fisher information matrix . Finally , testing whether the current model ( GRD ) fits to a set of real data , then compute the survival function and hazard function for this real data.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 20 2021
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Using Entropy and Linear Exponential Loos Function Estimators the Parameter and Reliability Function of Inverse Rayleigh Distribution
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     This paper is devoted to compare the performance of non-Bayesian estimators represented by the Maximum likelihood estimator of the scale parameter and reliability function of inverse Rayleigh distribution with Bayesian estimators obtained under two types of loss function specifically; the linear, exponential (LINEX) loss function and Entropy loss function, taking into consideration the informative and non-informative priors. The  performance of such estimators assessed on the basis of mean square error (MSE) criterion. The Monte Carlo simulation experiments are conducted in order to obtain the required results. 


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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Estimating the Parameters of Exponential-Rayleigh Distribution under Type-I Censored Data
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     This paper discusses estimating the two scale parameters of Exponential-Rayleigh distribution for singly type one censored data which is one of the most important Rights censored data, using the maximum likelihood estimation method (MLEM) which is one of the most popular and widely used classic methods, based on an iterative procedure such as the Newton-Raphson to find estimated values for these two scale parameters by using real data for COVID-19 was taken from the Iraqi Ministry of Health and Environment, AL-Karkh General Hospital. The duration of the study was in the interval 4/5/2020 until 31/8/2020 equivalent to 120 days, where the number of patients who entered the (study) hospital with sample size is (n=785). The number o

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Scopus (1)
Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Apr 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Bayesian Inference for the Parameter and Reliability Function of Basic Gompertz Distribution under Precautionary loss Function
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     In this paper, some estimators for the unknown shape parameter and reliability function of Basic Gompertz distribution have been obtained, such as Maximum likelihood estimator and Bayesian estimators under Precautionary loss function using Gamma prior and Jefferys prior. Monte-Carlo simulation is conducted to compare mean squared errors (MSE) for all these estimators for the shape parameter and integrated mean squared error (IMSE's) for comparing the performance of the Reliability estimators. Finally, the discussion is provided to illustrate the results that summarized in tables.

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