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The rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study
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Allah Almighty has aggrandized the position of orphans and elevated their status in the society and has given the graces for those who sponsor the orphan and care for and protecting them, even those who rub their heads. The divine care is manifested in the verses of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Therefore, the whole world cared for the orphan, and called for the rights of the orphans in the conferences and the channels. But all that was little effort that does not meet what the orphan need and some were only ink on paper that were not applied. All that mentioned above is necessary in dealing with the study (the rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study). The study was divided into a Preface and four inquiries. The Preface includes the term orphan in language; the first inquiry includes the rights of orphans in the Old Testament; the second inquiry is about the rights of orphans in Islam, third inquiry is to the statement of the similarity between the two doctrines of these rights, preceded by introduction and followed by a conclusion and a list of the references.

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Publication Date
Thu May 30 2024
Journal Name
Proximus Journal Of Sports Science And Physical Education
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The researchers reached many conclusions, the most important of which was the distinction of practitioners of sports activity with high degrees in the trait (social). At the same time, it was low in the trait (aggression –restraint-desisting) and non-practitioners were distinguished by sports activity with high degrees in the trait (aggression –restraint-desisting). In contrast, the degree was low in the trait (social), and there were significant differences in favor of practitioners of the activity of the athlete, Through the conclusions, the researchers recommend the need for university students to practice sports activities because of their positive impact on their health in general and on the deve

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Publication Date
Fri Aug 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Cognitive Linguistic Study of the English Preposition 'in'
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The present study aims at analyzing the polysemy of the English preposition in from the cognitive linguistic (CL) point of view using Evans' and Tyler's approach (2003). The perplexity faced by Iraqi second language learners (L2) due to the multi-usages of this preposition has motivated the researcher to conduct this study. Seventy-six second year university students participated in this experimental study. The data of the pre-test and post-test were analyzed by SPSS statistical editor. The results have shown the following: First, a progress of more than (0.05≤) has been detected as far as students' understanding of the multiple usages of the preposition in is concerned. Second, the results of the questionnaire have s

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The Holy Totem in Qur’an, a study in the light of sociolinguistics
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The sacred totem is one of the social phenomena that occupied the ideas of researchers, and took up a wide area of ​​their research, and it is one of those phenomena that emerged from one of the translations of the Tabu; Who took a psychological and anthropological analysis   Because it is one of the social practices, and the main focus of it is the human group and its source is religion. Therefore, this research came with demands, the first of which is to give a semantic concept of the Tommy sanctuary, and then the analytical aspect by standing on the sacred things in the Qur’anic text that God Almighty sanctified, and the third requirement is to examine what people have sanctified, as an analysis of the verses that have

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The study of the concepts of "democracy" and "human rights" and their impact on development, has taken a prominent place in the context of general political and cultural concerns, or in specialized studies even though researchers and scholars do not agree on defining the concepts: Democracy, Human Rights, Development or deriving a global definition hindering them, and that because of the importance of this topic, which proceeds from a number of considerations standing in the forefront, of which:


First: What the world witnesses today in the first decade of this century of consecration of the unipolar theory, trying to give its concepts and perceptions through the law ((excessive force)) to the power of international

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
A Comparative Study of a Moving Bed Biofilm Reactor and Bio-shaft Technology for a Wastewater Treatment Process: A review
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In addition to the primary treatment, biological treatment is used to reduce inorganic and organic components in the wastewater. The separation of biomass from treated wastewater is usually important to meet the effluent disposal requirements, so the MBBR system has been one of the most important modern technologies that use plastic tankers to transport biomass with wastewater, which works in pure biofilm, at low concentrations of suspended solids. However, biological treatment has been developed using the active sludge mixing process with MBBR. Turbo4bio was established as a sustainable and cost-effective solution for wastewater treatment plants in the early 1990s and ran on minimal sludge, and is easy to maintain. This

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
He saw a linguistic study, in the Noble Qur’an
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In the name of God, praise be to God, and prayers and peace be upon the best of God’s creation, Muhammad bin Abdullah, and upon his family and companions, and from his family:
And after:
     He saw from verbs that transcend one effect if it is visual and to two effects if it is heart and this action has several strokes and it is an awareness of the sense and illusion and imagination and reason and in addition to that it has many meanings dealt with in the glossary books and as for what the verb included in the audio studies it is the explanation and deletion and slurring The heart of my place. As for what the grammatical studies included, it focuses on one or two effects according to its l

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Publication Date
Tue May 15 2012
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب الجزء الثاني\ اللسانيات –اللغات الاجنبية
العدد: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية.
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العدد: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية.

Publication Date
Thu Jun 03 2010
Journal Name
مجلة الاستاذ
العطف: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية
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العطف: دراسة مقارنة بين اللغة الاسبانية والعربية

Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب
Unpublished Economic Texts From the old Babylonian period
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The cuneiform texts considered one of the most important resources which play an important role , wich help us to know how was the economic , politic and religious conditions , and everything related of the history of Mesopotamia , which contain many of information that enrich our knowldgement about Mesopotamia civilization , since using writing as away to documentation the science and human knowldgement . In this research we studied four cuneiform texts, which confiscated and keeped in the Iraq museum , all of these are economic texts , the content of three of them are loans, are take the numbers (IM.206972- IM.163718-IM.163808-), the fourth text is the text of income which take the number (IM.163182). therefore , We will talk about what l

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2017
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
The Motivations of Using Facebook by Old People and their Achieved Need
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This research deals with the motives of the use of Facebook by elderly people and the achieved needs, which leads the researcher to ask an important question: why an old persons use Facebook and are the achieved needs through   which they got?  The research aims to find out the habits and patterns of using Facebook by old men and stands on the main motives of the elderly in their use of Facebook. It also identifies the most prominent needs that have been made for the elderly as a result of their use of Facebook.

The research is a descriptive one in which the researcher uses survey method to achieve the desired goals. The researcher has chosen a group of old men from Diyala province. The total sample number is about

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