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The rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study
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Allah Almighty has aggrandized the position of orphans and elevated their status in the society and has given the graces for those who sponsor the orphan and care for and protecting them, even those who rub their heads. The divine care is manifested in the verses of the Holy Bible and the Holy Quran. Therefore, the whole world cared for the orphan, and called for the rights of the orphans in the conferences and the channels. But all that was little effort that does not meet what the orphan need and some were only ink on paper that were not applied. All that mentioned above is necessary in dealing with the study (the rights of orphans in the Old Testament and Islam, a Comparative Study). The study was divided into a Preface and four inquiries. The Preface includes the term orphan in language; the first inquiry includes the rights of orphans in the Old Testament; the second inquiry is about the rights of orphans in Islam, third inquiry is to the statement of the similarity between the two doctrines of these rights, preceded by introduction and followed by a conclusion and a list of the references.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 16 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Basic Education
A comparative study between students of smokers and non-smokers in endurance antenna
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Subjects took physical fitness for health imposed on the area of research that have become an important and clear answer to the many problems resulting from the nature of dealing with modern life current actions that were needed to be hours of manual work has become accomplished by modern technology circumstance minutes, and mediated equipment And machinery. The lack of traffic rights and further burdens the intellectual and psychological pressures and the typical method of work has led to the identification of kinetic activity, thereby threatening public health in many ways stands at the forefront of these threats the problem of smoking, which causes many types of cancers, notably lung cancer. The most important reasons that led to This dr

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Fiscal federalism: a study of the concept and models
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يمثل الأخذ بالنظام الفيدرالي أطاراً تنظيمياً لشكل الدولة و مرحلة تحول مهمة في بنية الدولة العامة في مختلف مجالاتها، فالانتقال من المركزية في أدارة الشؤون العامة للدولة الى النمط الفيدرالي يمثل تحولا بنيوياً وسيكولوجياً ،حيث يكون هنالك توزيع مكاني - عمودي للسلطة والثروة بين الوحدات المكونة للدولة بشكل يختلف كليا عن الحالة المركزية، ونجد صور تنظيمية عديدة تتأسس ضمن اطار الفيدرالية العام ،

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 03 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Transitional justice: a study of the concept and mechanisms
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The concept of transitional justice is newly emerging, as it was mainly associated with addressing issues of serious breaches and abuses of human rights during conflicts and situations resulting from violence and the use of force in societies that are in the process of democratization, as transitional justice aims primarily to restore civil peace and rebuild institutions The state needs multidimensional justice: a judicial system that achieves the rule of law, corrective restoration of the wounds of the past, and a distributive characteristic of the redistribution of wealth.

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Publication Date
Tue Apr 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Developing a Learning Organization According to Analysis of the Relationship between Knowledge Gap and Strategic Performance Gaps: Field Study in a Sample of Private Banks in Baghdad.
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The purpose of this research shed light on the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the strategic performance  gap and diagnose the level of impact this relationship in building a learning organization, and sought search to achieve a number of goals, cognitive and Applied been tested nature of the relationship and effect between variables in a sample size (62) of the managers of banks civil in Baghdad (Baghdad, Gulf, Assyria, Union, Elaf) and focused research problem in question is bold is whether the analysis of the relationship between the knowledge gap and the performance gap strategic leads to recognize organizations need to shift to organizations educated, either in the side of the field was the pr

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
مجلة الاداب
Unpublished Economic Texts From the old Babylonian period
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The cuneiform texts considered one of the most important resources which play an important role , wich help us to know how was the economic , politic and religious conditions , and everything related of the history of Mesopotamia , which contain many of information that enrich our knowldgement about Mesopotamia civilization , since using writing as away to documentation the science and human knowldgement . In this research we studied four cuneiform texts, which confiscated and keeped in the Iraq museum , all of these are economic texts , the content of three of them are loans, are take the numbers (IM.206972- IM.163718-IM.163808-), the fourth text is the text of income which take the number (IM.163182). therefore , We will talk about what l

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 03 2018
Journal Name
Al- Utroha Journal
Grice’s Maxims in British and American Conversation: A Comparative Study.
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DBN Rashid, Al- Utroha Journal, 2018

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 15 2021
Journal Name
The semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its publicity message: رغده بنت فيصل بن خضر الدعواني
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This study discusses the semiotic of the Islamic blazon - a related analytical study between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The aim of the current study is to explore the related relationship between the Islamic blazon and its visual publicity message. The sample is contained Five of Islamic blazon in the Mamelukes period which is between 1250 to 1517. The methodology is descriptive-analytical, and the result is that there is a clear relation between the Islamic blazon with its visual publicity message. This study's recommendation is to go towards analyzing the meanings of the cultural legacies of the Islamic civilization, and researching the implicit meanings accompanying these features leads to a deeper understand

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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The study of the concepts of "democracy" and "human rights" and their impact on development, has taken a prominent place in the context of general political and cultural concerns, or in specialized studies even though researchers and scholars do not agree on defining the concepts: Democracy, Human Rights, Development or deriving a global definition hindering them, and that because of the importance of this topic, which proceeds from a number of considerations standing in the forefront, of which:


First: What the world witnesses today in the first decade of this century of consecration of the unipolar theory, trying to give its concepts and perceptions through the law ((excessive force)) to the power of international

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
The formal variations of the Quran calligraphy at the beginning of Islam: كفاح جمعة حافظ
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The present research deals with studying the formal variations for the Quranic calligraphy at the beginning of Islam , as being regarded from the original Arabic calligraphies which were developed later till they became as they are now, where the calligraphers in pushing for simulating these original calligraphies and knowing the methods of their writing by the calligraphers at that time.That helped in enriching and developing the aesthetic and designing valuesFor these calligraphies, as being calligraphic achievements represent transmission resulted from the objective, aesthetic and indicative vision in producing the verses according to a certain form. This has a clear impact in tendency to the technical, aesthetic and expressing develo

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A comparative study of the effects of argon laser and continuous Nd: YAG laser on blood vessel
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Several types of laser are used in experimental works in order to study the effects of laser on blood vessel. They differ from each other by a lot of properties mainly in wavelength, energy of the laser and pulse duration. In this study argon laser (488 nm- 514 nm) and continuous Nd: YAG laSer (1064 nm), have been applied to 50 samples of sheep blgod tesselS. Histologically, tha results of the study were different According to the txpe of L`sar used; apgon larer had distrabtave effects on $he blood vessal while continuous Nd: YAG laser Appeaped to be the safesd one on the blmod vessel architecture. This study concluded that argoj laser has da-aging ef&ect on

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