In this paper, the dynamic behaviour of the stage-structure prey-predator fractional-order derivative system is considered and discussed. In this model, the Crowley–Martin functional response describes the interaction between mature preys with a predator. e existence, uniqueness, non-negativity, and the boundedness of solutions are proved. All possible equilibrium points of this system are investigated. e sucient conditions of local stability of equilibrium points for the considered system are determined. Finally, numerical simulation results are carried out to conrm the theoretical results.
In this paper, the conditions of persistence of a mathematical model, consists from
a predator interacting with stage structured prey are established. The occurrence of
local bifurcation and Hopf bifurcation are investigated. Finally, in order to confirm
our obtained analytical results, numerical simulations have been done for a
hypothetical set of parameter values .
The dynamical behavior of an ecological system of two predators-one prey updated with incorporating prey refuge and Beddington –De Angelis functional response had been studied in this work, The essential mathematical features of the present model have been studied thoroughly. The system has local and global stability when certain conditions are met. had been proved respectively. Further, the system has no saddle node bifurcation but transcritical bifurcation and Pitchfork bifurcation are satisfied while the Hopf bifurcation does not occur. Numerical illustrations are performed to validate the model's applicability under consideration. Finally, the results are included in the form of points in agreement with the obt
... Show MoreIn this paper, a harvested prey-predator model involving infectious disease in prey is considered. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution are discussed. The stability analysis of all possible equilibrium points are carried out. The persistence conditions of the system are established. The behavior of the system is simulated and bifurcation diagrams are obtained for different parameters. The results show that the existence of disease and harvesting can give rise to multiple attractors, including chaos, with variations in critical parameters.
The cheif aim of the present investigation is to develop Leslie Gower type three species food chain model with prey refuge. The intra-specific competition among the predators is considered in the proposed model. Besides the logistic growth rate for the prey species, Sokol Howell functional response for predation is chosen for our model formulation. The behaviour of the model system thoroughly analyses near the biologically significant equilibria. The linear stability analysis of the equilibria is carried out in order to examine the response of the system. The present model system experiences Hopf bifurcation depending on the choice of suitable model parameters. Extensive numerical simulation reveals the validity of the proposed model.
This paper is concerned with a Holling-II stage-structured predator-prey system in which predators are divided into an immature and mature predators. The aim is to explore the impact of the prey's fear caused by the dread of mature predators in a prey-predator model including intraspecific competitions and prey shelters. The theoretical study includes the local and global stability analysis for the three equilibrium points of the system and shows the prey's fear may lead to improving the stability at the positive equilibrium point. A numerical analysis is given to ensure the accuracy of the theoretical outcomes and to testify the conditions of stability of the system near the non-trivial equilibrium points.
In this paper, an ecological model with stage-structure in prey population, fear, anti-predator and harvesting are suggested. Lotka-Volterra and Holling type II functional responses have been assumed to describe the feeding processes . The local and global stability of steady points of this model are established. Finally, the global dynamics are studied numerically to investigate the influence of the parameters on the solutions of the system, especially the effect of fear and anti-predation.
A prey-predator model with Michael Mentence type of predator harvesting and infectious disease in prey is studied. The existence, uniqueness and boundedness of the solution of the model are investigated. The dynamical behavior of the system is studied locally as well as globally. The persistence conditions of the system are established. Local bifurcation near each of the equilibrium points is investigated. Finally, numerical simulations are given to show our obtained analytical results.
In this paper, a mathematical model consisting of a prey-predator system incorporating infectious disease in the prey has been proposed and analyzed. It is assumed that the predator preys upon the nonrefugees prey only according to the modified Holling type-II functional response. There is a harvesting process from the predator. The existence and uniqueness of the solution in addition to their bounded are discussed. The stability analysis of the model around all possible equilibrium points is investigated. The persistence conditions of the system are established. Local bifurcation analysis in view of the Sotomayor theorem is carried out. Numerical simulation has been applied to investigate the global dynamics and specify the effect
... Show MoreA prey-predator interaction model has been suggested in which the population of a predator consists of a two-stage structure. Modified Holling's disk equation is used to describe the consumption of the prey so that it involves the additional source of food for the predator. The fear function is imposed on prey. It is supposed that the prey exhibits anti-predator behavior and may kill the adult predator due to their struggle against predation. The proposed model is investigated for existence, uniqueness, and boundedness. After determining all feasible equilibrium points, the local stability analyses are performed. In addition, global stability analyses for this model using the Lyapunov method are investigated. The chance of occurrence of loc
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