The present study introduces description of new species of leafhopper Cicadella latreilla nov. External morphological characters particularly female genitalia were discussed and illustrated, shape of male abdominal apodeme, chaetotaxy of genital style and genital plate of male genitalia, shape of Aedeagus and connective . The external morphological characters were: spotting patterns of vertex, face, pronotum of prothorax, and metothorax, and of lower and upper valves of ovipositors,shape of female seventh abdominasternum.
The present study introduces description of a new species of leafhopper of genus Assuita Lindberg; 1969. This study includes external morphological characters and the spotting patterns and photos of vertex face pronotum, mesonotum, fore wing, hind wing and the shape of male abdominal abodeme, also aedeagus, connective, genital style and genital plate.