Omar Abbas Sallal an English Literature Lecturer. I have teaching experience at Al-Nahrain University and University of Baghdad. And administrative experience as a Director of Registration, Undergraduate Studies, Summer Training, and Graduate Follow-up at Al-Nahrain University and a rapporteur for Evening Studies/ University of Baghdad.
1- Bachelor's Degree from the University of Baghdad. 2- MA Degree from the University of Baghdad.
Al Nahrain University 1-Director of Student Affairs and Registration Department.
2-Coordinator of Al-Nahrain University and the Japanese Embassy.
3-Head of Undergraduate Studies Unit.
4-Head of Graduate Follow-up Unit.
5-Head of Summer Training Unit.
University of Baghdad 1- The Rapporteur of the evening Studies.
Official letters of thanks and appreciation from: 1- Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research. 2-President of Al-Nahrain University. 3-Dean of the College. 4- a member in a lot of committes.
1- Romantic, Victorian Poetry 2- Modern Poetry
This study aims to deeply analyze the character of serial killers in Thomas Harris’ novels and focuses on his novel Red Dragon. The Study searches in these complex and deep characters through the use of Erich Fromm's concepts about the destructive nature of the human psyche and what are the factors affecting serial killers in all social psychological, and biological aspects. This study Concluded: Thomas Harris portrayed the characters of serial killers in a professional and complex and made the reader go on a contemplative journey in the mind and soul of the serial killer, thus reaching the climax of artistic perfection.
حللت الدراسة التأثيرات النفسية والاجتماعية على السفاحين باستخدام نظريتين. "تجربة الطاعة" لميلجرام ، أثبتت التجربة أن غالبية الناس سوف يطيعون التعليمات التي جاءت من سلطة أعلى دون التفكير في القيم الأخلاقية. النظرية الثانية هي معتقدات سيغموند فرويد حول العنف والحق الذي اعتقد أن العنف شيء طبيعي وأن هناك علاقة قوية بين العنف والحق. عينة البحث هم القتلة المتسلسلين وضحاياهم وكيفية تأثير النظريات المطروحة على تل
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