Prof. Dr. Dhea Mizhir Krebt was a head of English department and instructor of ELT and applied linguistics, University of Baghdad, College of Education/Ibn Rushd. His research interests are curriculum, methods of teaching English, and assessments
Methods of Teaching English Linguistics
Learning the vocabulary of a language has great impact on acquiring that language. Many scholars in the field of language learning emphasize the importance of vocabulary as part of the learner's communicative competence, considering it the heart of language. One of the best methods of learning vocabulary is to focus on those words of high frequency. The present article is a corpus based approach to the study of vocabulary whereby the research data are analyzed quantitatively using the software program "AntWordprofiler". This program analyses new input research data in terms of already stored reliable corpora. The aim of this article is to find out whether the vocabularies used in the English textbook for Intermediate Schools in Iraq are con
... Show MoreThe majority of Iraqi translator-student have problems at two main levels: the conceptual level and the productive level. From different perspectives, such problems are either related to ‘language’ or to ‘cognition’. This binary view is an indication to the implicit and interchangeable relationship between language and cognition. The relationship between cognition language and translator starts with the first language and its effect on the Iraqi translators. Identifying the effect is the aim of the present study. It is hypothesized that Iraqi students are negatively influenced by the problems and weaknesses of first language schema. This reflects the major claim and later concludes that first language instruction in the Iraq
... Show MoreThe paper investigates the impact of role-playing as a classroom technique on Iraqi EFL students’ speaking skill on Iraqi EFL students at the college level. The students are 40 college language students in University of Baghdad, College of Education Ibn-Rushd randomly chosen. Then, they were divided into two groups, experimental and control groups. Thirty questions were applied to both groups as a pre-test of speaking and the students asked to answer them orally. The experimental group was taught speaking skill of the targeted role-play technique while the control group was taught in traditional method. After 20 lessons of the teaching, the post-test of speaking was conducted in which the students in both groups were asked to answ
... Show MoreCommunicating effectively by gaining productive skills in a classroom setting is one of the critical goals of learning the English language. The current study was conducted to explore the correlation of EFL learners’ level of academic intelligence with their productive skills. The study tries to find an answer to what is the correlation between EFL learners’ academic intelligence and level of production skills. The study population represents EFL students at the departments of English language of the Iraqi Colleges of Education for the academic year (2022-2023). The sample includes 310 EFL students selected from the 3rd year of the Department of English of the College of Education, Ibn-Rushd for Human Sciences/University of Bagh
... Show MoreThe revolution in technology made students plagiarize others’ work and submit it as their own. The aim of this study is to find the effectiveness of teaching paraphrasing strategies in reducing students’ plagiarism in university of Baghdad. The Sample of the study is randomly chosen out of eighty, fourth year college students. The materials were taught within eight weeks of instruction about paraphrasing strategies. Results represent that treating the experimental group with paraphrasing strategies have resulted in expanding the range of avoiding plagiarism in the post-test. Moreover, the findings showed that plagiarism is a problem for the students at a college level and their assignment submitted during the course of study includes a
... Show MoreThe knowledge related with lexical items can be realized as including relations of meaning a cross words. Words that share a similarity of meaning are called to be synonymous, and words that share a contrary of meaning are called to be antonymous. Both of them are universal linguistic phenomenon that exist in terms of linguistic system of every language. The present study aims at finding out areas of difficulty that Iraqi EFL learners encounter in the use of synonymy and antonymy, both on the recognition and production levels. Also tries to detect the main reasons behind such difficulties. A diagnostic test of two parts, namely, recognition and production, is designed. The test is built to include two linguistic phenomenon which are: synony
... Show MoreListening comprehension of Iraqi EFL college students are not given time for practice, and incorporate in the programme of the Department of English, therefore, students are not well-prepared to comprehend the spoken language also the Iraqi EFL College students are deficient in comprehending the spoken English. So, listening strategies require a larger amount of consistent practice. The present study aims at finding out the effect of teaching the proposed listening strategies programme on EFL university students' listening comprehension. The sample consists of 104 of 1st year college students at the Department of English Language, College of Education Ibn-Rushed for Humanities. The programme deals with the following strategies: summrazing-n
... Show MoreProviding Iraqi students with proficiency in English is the ultimate goal of the educational system which is a way of getting knowledge in the fields of arts, sciences, transferring knowledge and sciences to other communities. Therefore, conducting such a type of study is very important because the contents of English textbooks have a huge influence on learning of the students. Once the content of English textbooks contain errors as the correct one, this will effect on his/her learning. The present study is an attempt to evaluate the new course entitled “English for Iraq” for fifth grade students for secondary schools, by Olivia Johnston and Mark Farell. It aims to answer eleven questions relating to the following domains: strength, obj
... Show MoreSelf-assessment is a process of formative assessment during which teachers reflect on and evaluate the quality of their work, decide the degree to which they reflect explicitly stated goals or criteria, identify strengths and weaknesses in their work, and revise accordingly. The present study is an attempt to find out the SA of Iraqi English language teachers. The sample consists of 100 teachers in Baghdad. An inventory of many domains distributed to the teachers, they are, routines, expectations, language, time, opportunities, physical environment, and interactions. The results show that the EFL teachers practice four domains of SA they are: routines, physical environment, time, and language.