The upbringing of Yehuda Amichai and the conditions he lived in had a great influence on his deep sense of pain, which made him think of death and suicide. Especially after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and his emigration with his family. Amichai searched for love throughout his life, and his failure was one of the most important factors affecting his psyche, which is A deep influence that made him live in harsh and painful pains that broke him, and prevented her from achieving his ambitions in life.Dramatic texts are characterized by repetition in writing and presentation. It is a textual discourse that has two advantages, first, that it can be read as a literary text like all other literary texts, and second, that it can be consider
... Show MoreSami Michael and Eli Amir - two Israeli writers born in Iraq and of the same generation (Sami Makhail was born in Baghdad in 1926 and Eli Amir in 1937). They wrote in their novels, among other things, about Orientalism , love and femininity. They both lived wild, extroverted lives. They did not shy away from experiencing anything new that came their way, rebelled against conventions and acted provocatively; they enjoyed the shock and amazement that evoked around them. While trying to find their place in different family settings, they chose to present two Arab Christian heroines. The narrator in Jasmine is the speaker Noori-Eli himself. While the narrator of “Trumpet in the Wadi” is Huda the heroine herself. Both are independent and bot
... Show MoreThe upbringing of Yehuda Amichai and the conditions he lived in had a great influence on his deep sense of pain, which made him think of death and suicide. Especially after the Nazis came to power in Germany, and his emigration with his family. Amichai searched for love throughout his life, and his failure was one of the most important factors affecting his psyche, which is A deep influence that made him live in harsh and painful pains that broke him, and prevented her from achieving his ambitions in life.Dramatic texts are characterized by repetition in writing and presentation. It is a textual discourse that has two advantages, first, that it can be read as a literary text like all other literary texts, and second, that it can be consider
... Show Moreال ذخفٝ اإلِىأاخ اٌفش٠ذج اٌرٟ ٠ص١ش٘ا اٌرظ٠ٛش اٌشٚائٟ فٟ فُٙ اٌعاٌُ ٚذعم١ذاذٗ ٚذشاتىاذ.ٗ فاٌشٚا٠ح تّا ٟ٘ جٕظ ذظ٠ٛشٞ تاِر١اص ال ذمً أ١ّ٘ح عٓ تالٟ اٌفْٕٛ األخش.ٜ فإرا وأد ٚعٍ١رٙا اٌرٛط١ٍ١ح ٚاإلتالغ١ح ٟ٘ اٌٍغح، تّا ذّٕحٗ ِٓ طالاخ ذعث١ش٠ح فإْ فْٕٛ أخشٜ ذعّذ إٌٝ اٌظٛس وّعطٝ إ٠حائٟ، ٔرحذز ِصال عٓ اٌفْٕٛ اٌرجغ١ذ٠ح اٌرٟ ذعرّذ عٍٝ اٌحشوح ٚاإلّ٠اءاخ وأعٍٛب ذٛطٍ١ٟ ِٓ ِصً اٌشلض ٚاٌّغشح. ِٓٚ شّح، فٍىً فٓ أعا١ٌثٗ اٌرعث١
... Show Moreتهدف هذه الدراسة إلى بحث ظاهرة الاغتراب في رواية " ديك الفداء " لايلي عامير ، لأن هذه الظاهرة تبدو أكثر وضوحا في هذه الرواية ، وتمثل تیارا مسيطرة على معطياتها واتجاهاتها الفكرية والفنية، خاصة أن الكاتب استطاع أن يجسد هذه الظاهرة المحورية تجسيدا فنيا متميزا ، وكشف عن طبيعة العلاقة بين عالم الواقع وعالم الحلم لدى الشخصيات، وعما تتسم به من تناقض و تعارض وتصادم و شعور بالإحباط والضياع والاغتراب. وقد اشتملت ال
... Show MoreThis research seeks to determine the nature of the relationship that brought together writing and memories,These memories have given the play (Bells and Trains) a new life, and brought it from one mold to another , And she re-drawn and produced it through words and imagination, and since they are important dramatic keys, they gave the writer the ability to maneuver. This play embodies part of the writer's suffering and an important part of his life It represents a journey into memories of the past through which the writer tried to narrate events that he lived and knew from his friends and relatives, It is the events of the Holocaust and its repercussions on the psyche of the Jews. This play is like a journey in memory with many feelings of
... Show MoreOur research addresses one of the aspects of nostalgia for one of the most well-known Israeli writers of Iraqi origin (Sami Michael) who spent his childhood in Baghdad. The Israeli government has also been forced to emigrate with its family as a result of the Zionist propaganda that the Zionist institutions have followed since the early decades of this century in the Arab unrest and massacres. The fact that the homeland is like a mother is A fact that is compelling and something of an expatriate human being; the homeland is a fact that remains in the person's consciousness to be the image of the mother: The lover, love, safety, identity. The language that is formulated, and the memories that make its past, present and future, are all concep
... Show Moreصورة المراة في رواية (متساوون ومتساوون اكثر) للروائي الاسرائيلي العراقي الاصل ( سامي ميخائيل ) هو صورة المرأة اليهودية في زمن الهجرة و الدمار ، صوت مرتفع تجسده شخصيات الرواية النسوية، في محاولة لإيقاظ المجتمع الاسرائيلي وتنبيهه في اتجاه الظلم الكبير الذي عانت منه المرأة ، وتحديدا – المرأة اليهودية العراقية - في ظل تناقضات هذا المجتمع وسلبياته. و الصوت الأنثوي في الرواية يفصح - بشكل لافت - عن عالم المرأة
... Show Moreيهدف هذا البحث إلي معرفة معنى اللغة وتجلياتها في نتاجات الاديب الإسرائيلي الأكثر جدلا في القرن العشرين، إلا وهو الاديب "موشيه سيملانسكي". فقد طغت صورة العربي في الكثير من أعماله الأدبية وتبوات مكانا واضحا، وكانت النظرة تجاهه، نظرة واضحة أيضا، فصورته لم تتغير بتغير الظروف والاتفاقيات، بشكل يتناسب وهذه الظروف، وإنما بقيت تراوح مكانها، ولم تتبدل بنظرة احترام على الأقل، بل على العكس من ذلك، فهناك بعض المطالبات
... Show MoreAbstract This research sheds lights on one of the important rhetorical linguistics methods, which is the idioms phrase and its use in the Israeli political article. By the studying of its most prominent types and different grammatical structures, and its deliberative function. The application of this study was the articles of the Israeli journalist Ben-Dror Yemini. Which were published on the website of Israeli newspaper " Maariv" in (2011-2012). This research is divided into two devotions: theoretically and practically. The theoretical side included an introduction to identify the article generally, and the political article. Practically with a review of the most important definitions concerned with the idioms phrase and showing i
... Show Moreٕ ضٞظ٤ق جالْطٌٞز ك٢ جالوخ هى ظٍٜ ً٘ٓ ظٌٜٞ جالوخ جٗٞ٤ُح٢ٗ جُوىْ٣ ، جي ضؼى ٌجكىج ٜٔٓح ُالوخ ذحؾحٚٓٗ جُٔهطِلس ؛ قط٠ أٚركص جُ٘ٞٛ٘ جٍُٓو٣س جُكى٣ػس ٝ جُٔؼحٍٚز ، ال ٌٜ٘ٔ٣ح ضكو٤ن ٖؼ٣ٍطٜح ٝ ٓطؼطٜح وٕٝ جالْطِٜحّ ٖٓ جألْطٌٞز ذ٘حت٤ح أٝ ك٣ٌٍح ، ًُج كوى ض٘حٍٝ جُركع ذىٌٙٝ ضٞظ٤ق جْطٌٞز ٕٖٞٗٔ جُطٌٞجض٤س ، ٢ٛٝ ٖٓ جالْحٍ٤٠ جُط٢ ٝؾىش قٌٟٞج ك٢ جالوخ جُؼح٢ُٔ ٝجُؼر١ٍ .جي ئٕ ضٞظ٤لٜح ك٢ جالوخ ٣ؼطٜ٤ح ذؼىج ٤ٓطحك٣ُ٤وح ٝجنٍ جٓٗح٢ٗ ٣ؿٔغ ك٢
... Show Moreف هذه الدراسة إلى حثىظ هىةهالا ارابىاا وىي ر"ادىة ا فدىء اللاىدا ا رر،ىي ىة ا لأن هىىذه الهىىةهالا تأىىد" ضوحىىا "هىى اة وىىي هىىذه الا"ادىىة "ت حىى تیىىةرا طىىی الا ،ىى ي یةتهىىة "اتجةهةتهىىىىة اللا ااىىىىة "اللاةیىىىىة تة ىىىىة ضن ال ةتىىىى اسىىىىب ةم ضن دجطىىىىد هىىىىذه الهىىىىةهالا ال ث راىىىىة تجط دا وةیة ب زا "كشف ن طأیية اليلاقة ب ن ةلم ال اقع " ةلم الث،م لدى الشخصیةت " ىىىة تبطىىىم حىىىض ىىىن تةى
... Show MoreAbraham son of Izra, the poet, the philosopher, the grammarian, and the Turah exegesis, is considered one of the famous poets in the era of Islamic reign in Spain which is called the "Golden Era". He was taught all types of teaching which was rich in Jewish literary products. He learned Arabic and studied Arabic language and literature. He travelled a lot, and made tours within Spanish places, and even reached the North of Africa. He preferred living with Muslim rulers in the south of Spain, like the rest of the Jews who emigrated from the north of Spain to the South in search for freedom and to participate in higher positions of the Islamic Palace. He was influenced by Arabic culture, and even translated "Th
... Show Moreהמחקר מתייחס לתופעת ההקטנה משני ענפים את הסימנטיקה והמורפופונולוגיה בשפה העברית, ומנסה ליגלוי את המשמעות בתוך ההקשר של צורות ההקטנה לדוגמאות מן התורה טקסטים מחדשות, שירה וסיפורים, הרי שחלק מהמשמעויות של מבנה הפלט עומדות בניגוד למשמעויות הבסיס או הדרגה במשמעות, כך מביעות על (הקטנה, חיבה, או זלזול) שרובן לא התקיימו בעברית הקלאסית, מצד אחר המחקר בדק במבנים המורפולוגיים במייוחד (המשקלים של צורת ההקטנה) ומבחין את
... Show Moreמחקר זה נועד להגדיר את ניתוח השיח התיעודי ברומן "השגעון הגדול" של הסופר היהודי אביגדור המאירי, רומן זה שנחשב הראשון בז'אנר זה בספרות העולמית או בספרות העברית החדשה. ז'אנר זה שהופיע אחרי מלחמת העולם הראשונה , קיבל הד מרוחב בספרות העולמית , מפני שהוא מתעד את תוצאות המלחמה מחורבן והרס ומליוני קורבנות. סוג רומן זה מסתמך על התיעוד ועל הרומן ההיסטורי. מחקר זה מחלוק לשני חלקים,הפרק הרשון מתייחס ל"מושג התיעוד "," תול
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