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"Words of threat in Hebrew language- Pragmatic study": ביטויי האיום בלשון העברית (עיון פרגמטי)
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The present study approaches an analytical and deliberative analysis of the words of threat in number of Hebrew language examples through exploring all the reasons and conditions of threat act. Moreover, and because of the difficulty to make a distinction between the two verbs, the study discusses the use of the verbs “to warn and to threat” as one of the most common types verbs used in Hebrew language that implies internal threat. Threat is one of most prominent speech acts that language users resort to as a means to achieve intended threat goals. In Hebrew, it is expressed in different ways and depends on different aspects, including (internal and external context, circumstances in which the threat is made, the speaker and the recipient position, and types of intended goal; "negative or positive"). 
The study concludes that all threat types help to attain its intended goals and “internal threat” is the most commonly used type that could be expressed in different Hebrew verbal acts.

המחקר הזה שופך אור על טרמינולוגית האיום בלשון העברית על ידי ניתוח פרגמטי של כמה מודלים לשוניים, בנוסף להצגת סוגי האיום הבסיסיים, וסקירת התנאים למימושם. כמו כן, נדון ביחס השימוש בשני פעולות הדיבור "ההזהרה וההבטחה" עם פעולת האיום, ובגילוי כיצד להשיג באמצעותם, שכן הנמען מתמודד עם קושי להבחין בין שלושת הפעליםהללו. האיום הוא אחת פעולות הדיבור הבולטות שבהן נוקט הדובר כאמצעי להשגת מטרות מסוימות הקשורות לעניין אישי ולפי תנאים ספציפיים. ניתן להבין את האיום על ידי הסתמכות על ידע של היבטים מסוימים, כול: (הקשר פנימי וחיצוני, נסיבות שבהן הושמע האיום המילולי, הסמכות הן של המוען והן של הנמען, וסוג המטרה שיש להשיג, בין אם היא חיובית או שלילית).

מחקר זה הגיע למסקנה כי מעשה האיום מכל הסוגים הוא אמצעי יעיל להשגת מטרות אינדיבידואליות וקולקטיביות. עוד הגיע למסקנה שסוג האיום הנפוץ ביותר בעברית הוא "איום עקיף" מכיוון שניתן לבטא אותו בדרכים שונים באמצעות פעולות דיבור אחרות.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Pragmatics and Speech Act- History, Importance and Stages of Development: הפרגמטיקה ופעולת־הדיבור- התולדות, החשיבות ושלבי ההתפתחות (יישמוים בלשון העברית)
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      The present study stresses two of the most significant aspects of linguistic approach: Pragmatics” and the “Speech Act Theory”, revealing its importance and the stages and levels of development through Hebrew language’s speech acts analysis including (political speech, the Holy Bible, Hebrew stories).

       Chronologically, Pragmatics has always been the center of linguists’ interests due to its importance in linguistic decryptions, particularly, through “Speech Act Theory” that has been initiated and developed by the most prominent philosophers and linguistics.

        The prese

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ההשפעה והשענוע בנאום הפוליטי של שמעון פרס עיון פרגמטי בדוגמאות נבחרות מנאומיו Effect and Persuasion in the Political Discourse of Shimon Peres A Pragmatic Study in Selected form of His Addresses
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במחקר הזה ניתחנו מספר נאומים של שמעון פרס, אנחנו התמקדנו בהשפעה והשכנוע אצל שמעון פרס ואיך הוא יכול להעביר את המסרים של נאומיו בסגנון פרגמטי כדי להגיע ללבו של הציבור.

 גם כן, התמקדנו בסגנון הפוליטי שהוא חושב כי התחום הזה צריך להיות ברור מול הציבור וגם כן מול דעת הקהל הבינלאומי מתוך השימוש במונחים בעלי השפעה ושכנוע להגיע למטרות המבוקשות.

 במלים אחרות, שמעון פרס, לעתים, מתמקד בשפה מליצית ויעמוד הרב

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 15 2021
Journal Name
Al-adab Journal
הדיאקסיס בלשון העברית
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         נושא הדאיקסיס בצורה כללית הוא אחד הנושאים הלשוניים החשובים, הנושא הזה שייך לתחום הפרגמאטיקה, חשיבותו טמונה בכך שהוא אמצע הבעה חשוב בחיי היומיום שלנו, מכיוון שהוא נחשב אחד מאמצעי התקשורת בין האנשים. נושא זה קשור בקשר הדוק בהקשר, משום שהוא עוזר להסיר הדו-משמעות שבאמצעותו אנו מגיעים לרפרנטים המכוונים בצורה מדוייקת.

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 10 2009
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مجلة كلية اللغات
relative pronoun in Hebrew language between ancient and modern
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Abstract The relative pronoun in Hebrew language is an important pronoun use anciently and recently, it developed and it's usage and meanings differed so, it was not confined to the particle "אֲשֶׁר" as a relative pronoun, but beside it appeared other pronouns giving the relative meaning. Hence, the topic of this research was on this basis through studying the relative pronouns in old and modern Hebrew, the way of using them and their connection with preposition particles, as well as studying the relative clause.

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The tragedy and grief in Hebrew poetry of the middle ages: הטרגידיה והצער בשירה העברית של ימי הביניים
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This paper tackles tragedy and grief in the Hebrew poetry of the Middle Ages, as being topics which was transferred to it from Arabic poetry at that time. This came as a result of Hebrew poets quoting images from, and adopting the form and content of the Arabic poem. So, this topic was a prominent feature in the Hebrew poetry of the middle ages. The Hebrew poets focused upon this topic along three trends: poems of lamentation, whether being what are called national lamentation where poets expressed their feelings and grieves because of their remoteness and longing to their homeland, which is Palestine or the sacred land, as they claim; here, Zionist trends were apparent in many poems lamenting Zion and other cities. The other type of poe

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 02 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
The theory of distortion and eradication in modern Zionist Hebrew literature: תיאוריית העיוות והחיסול בספרות העברית הציונית החדשה
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This title may have something strange or paradoxical; it is unusual or natural to look for violence in literature, or that literature is a tool for killing through the contribution of writers and poets in generating, feeding or advocating violence. The Zionist literature belongs to the 20th century, is almost the only literature among the etiquette of peoples, which professes racism and boasts of betraying its human role, and wants to be a vehicle for terrorism domination. It also tends to be a means in the hands of killers and adventurers.   Writers of this Literature show that no solution to the Jewish problem is only by Zionist presence to replace the Palestinian presence and to build the state of "Israel" on the ruins of Pa

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Politeness: A Socio- Pragmatic Study
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The most influential theory of ‘Politeness’ was formulated in 1978 and revised in 1987 by Brown and Levinson. ‘Politeness’, which represents the interlocutors’ desire to be pleasant to each other through a positive manner of addressing, was claimed to be a universal phenomenon. The gist of the theory is the intention to mitigate ‘Face’ threats carried by certain ‘Face’ threatening acts towards others.

            ‘Politeness Theory’ is based on the concept that interlocutors have ‘Face’ (i.e., self and public – image) which they consciously project, try to protect and to preserve. The theory holds that various politeness strategies are used to prot

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2017
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Significant words Collect and study
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The aim of this research is to collect the semantically restricted vocabulary from linguistic vocabulary and make it regular in one wire with an in-depth study. This study is important in detecting the exact meanings of the language. On the genre, as shown in this research, and our purpose to reveal this phenomenon, where it shows the accuracy of Arabic in denoting the meanings, the research has overturned more than sixty-seven words we extracted from the stomachs of the glossaries and books of language, and God ask safety intent and payment of opinion.

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 28 2017
Journal Name
جامعة بغداد- كلية اللغات- قسم اللغة العبرية
המבנה המורפולוגי של מונחי המטבח בלשון העברית
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This research sheds light on the morphological construction of kitchen terms in Hebrew language, especially methods of derivation, by offering an extensive review of the most important methods of morphological derivation. The field of kitchen terms is a fertile and rich field, where we see daily production of new kitchen tools which require suitable names with specific meanings. Morphologically, the research interested in methods of morphological derivation. So as to know and identify the common and effective methods to derive the kitchen terms in Hebrew language, in addition to put a special glossary of these terms. The research found that most of the kitchen terms were derived according to the methods of derivation prevailing in Hebrew la

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 31 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
A Pragmatic Study of Identity Representation in American Political Speeches
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Identity is an influential and flexible concept in social sciences and political studies. The basic sense of identity is looking for uniqueness. In one sense, it is a sign of identification with those we assume they are similar to us or at least in some significant ways they are so. Globalization, migration, modern technologies, media and political conflicts are argued to have a crucial effect on identity representation in terms of the political perspectives specifically in the United States of America. This paper endeavors to investigate how American politicians represent their identities in speeches delivered in different periods of time namely from 2015 to 2018 in terms of the pragmatic paradigm. Three randomly selected speeches by fa

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