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"The wisdom of the Abraham son of Izra": "החכמה אצל המשורר אברהם בן עזרא"
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Abraham son of Izra, the poet, the philosopher, the grammarian, and the Turah exegesis, is considered one of the famous poets in the era of Islamic reign in Spain which is called the "Golden Era". He was taught all types of teaching which was rich in Jewish literary products. He learned Arabic and studied Arabic language and literature. He travelled a lot, and made tours within Spanish places, and even reached the North of Africa. He preferred living with Muslim rulers in the south of Spain, like the rest of the Jews who emigrated from the north of Spain to the South in search for freedom and to participate in higher positions of the Islamic Palace. He was influenced by Arabic culture, and even translated "The Message of Hay Son of Yaqdhan" by the philosopher Avicenna. He also was influenced by many various topic of poetry such as wine, riddles, chess, and disputes as in between wine and bread. He wrote about proverbs and many other purposes which were the craftsman's job amongst the Arabs.


     אברהם בן עזרא, אחרון המשוררים העבריים הגדולים של, תור הזהב. הוא משורר, פילוסוף, חכם, הוא קיבל חינוך מגוון ועשיר, רכש בקיאות ביצירות היהדות לדורותיה, למד את השפה הערבית והתוודע לתרבות ערב וספרותה. שנים רבות חי במקומות שונים בספרד הנוצרית, זמן מה לאחר שעזב, הוא עבר לא הדרום המוסלמי. כמו שאנו יודעים שלטו בספרד חליפים ערביים וביניהם לבין  היהודים שררו יחסים של כבוד והערכה. השלטון המוסלמי היה סובלני יחסית כלפי היהודים. הוא כתב שירים בסוגים שונים ביין, שהוא אחת סוגי השירה שהופיעה בתקופת ההיא בהשפעת השירה הערבית ובמיוחד שיר היין הערבית.



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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
האלמנטים המשותפים בשיריהם של משה בן עזרא ואבו פיראס אלחמדני (מחקר השוואתי) Elements common in the poems of Musa son of Izra and Abu Firas al-Hamdani (A comparative study)
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     Musa son of Yaqoob son of Izra, the Spanish poet, linguist, and  philosopher, was born in Granada. He has many poems representing  types of poetry. Also, he had important books, such as "the Poetry of Israel" and "Contemplative Research". He is knowledgeable in both Hebrew and Arabic, because most of his books were written in Arabic and the then translated to Hebrew. It seemed that he was influenced by Arab poets, specifically Abo Firas, and borrowed many issues, such as comparison, repetition, exaggeration, etc. and included them in his poetry.

     All know that Arabic literature clearly influenced Hebrew literature in the Spanish era. Ara

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 02 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Religious Discourse of Biblical Intertextuality in Abraham Regelson Works: Selected Samples from the Collection "House of Brightness": הנאום הדתי של האינטרטקסטואליות התנ''כית ביצירותיו של אברהם רגלסון סיפורים נבחרים מקובץ "בית הניצוץ"
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This research display a selected sample of Regelson's texts, there were interrelations and interactions unfolded so as to show his creativity in the employment of religious texts. In the story "In the Youth of Moses", he inter-texted the episode of the Prophet Moses from the Torah, the Source of legislation, to signify a legislative issue needed by the community. As for the story of "Samson, One of the Falling", he originated the character of The Judge Samson by alluding to the Book of the Judges, which is the Book which reminded of the defeat and slavery of the Palestinians by a Jewish leader, as is related in Jewish religious texts. Further, and the story of "And Haman Said", he chose the story of the Queen Esther from the Book of Esth

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Measuring wisdom of guidance department students in college of education
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The present research aims to measure the wisdom among university students and the differences of the concept of wisdom according to the gender of students in college of Basic Education. The sample of the research reached (300) male and female students in the morning studies upon the four stages of the psychological guidance department, the Scale of wisdom has been designed by the researcher herself and the psychometric feature were obtained as validity and Reliability. the researcher used Chi- square to Know the differences between the number of agreed and disagreed students for the wisdom scale, as well as the researcher used person correlation coefficient to Know the reliability of the scale by re test method for wisdom scale , t- test

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension: Test Wisdom of Postgraduates at the University of Samarra and Its Relationship to Learning and Psychological Tension
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The aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department,  gender,  age,  and employee or non-employee, and revealing the relationship between the test wisdom and the preoccupation with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) students randomly selected from postgraduate students at the college of Education. The researcher applies test –wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and measurement of preoccupation with learning prepared by (Al-zaabi 2013) also, the researcher used the scale of t

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Test wisdom of Postgraduate Students at the University of Samarra and its relation to the Engagement of learning and psychological tension
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The aim of the present research is to identify the test wisdom and the engagement with learning and psychological tension among postgraduate students at the University of Samarra according to the variables of the department, gender, age, and whether students are employee or non-employee. The study also attempts to identify the relationship between the test wisdom and the engagement with learning and psychological tension. The research sample consisted of (75) postgraduate students randomly selected from college of Education. The researcher applied the test–wisdom of (Mellman & Ebel) and the scale of engagement with learning preparation by (Al-zaabi 2013). In addition, the researcher used the list of the psychological stress of (Abu

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
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Allah's wisdom has necessitated concentrating un human nature the ability of
mediation and forethought .among the aspect of this ability is the recognition of the
relationship between causes and effects issues and reasons behind them and the
sensing of similarities and differences and distinguish the connection between the
subjects and characteristics and the innate perception of material and immaterial good
and bad.
Allah's wisdom has willed not to make his law away from the nature of people of
discovering the relationship between things and their causes, or similarity between
things and their counterparts to use the Quranic text to convince reason and to enable
reason to realize the wisdom quranic text within

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Wisdom In AL –Farazdak s Poetry
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Wisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 26 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Wisdom-Based Thinking and its Relationship to the Psychological Capital: طلل غالب علوان
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The present study aims to identify wisdom-based thinking and its relationship to psychological capital. It further aims to find out the differences in the level of wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital according to the variables of gender and specialization (scientific, humanities). To achieve this, the study has been conducted on a sample of (380) male and female students. The two scales, wisdom-based thinking and psychological capital are implemented to the sample after being constructed by the researcher and after ensuring their psychometric characteristics' suitability for the study's aims. Results concerning the first aim have shown that there is a significant relationship among students. The second aim has revealed that t

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Church of Wisdom in Baghdad in 1929 Historical study
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The study highlights the rivalry of foreign interests in Iraq, especially after the establishment of the monarchy in 1921. This period was characterized by extensive American activity in Iraq in general and Baghdad in particular. This activity increased after the Americans obtained the concession which came in the light of Article IV of the 1930 Treaty. Which officially guaranteed US interests in Iraq. The research also discussed the efforts of the Jesuit Fathers in Baghdad to convert the Church of Wisdom from a place of worship and rites of the Christian religion to a school of the propagation of science and culture along the lines of American schools, College Baghdad), which has become an important school in Baghd

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Features of wisdom and methods in the approach of Imam Hassan al-Askari (Peace Be upon Him)
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Wisdom is the separation and distinction between aim in the word and work and the lack thereof in accordance with the knowledge surrounding the arts of science, which reached a thorough understanding of things and put them in the quorum. In this research, I have tried to discern the characteristics of the wisdom of Imam Hassan al-Askari (peace be upon him) and to explain his methods and actions which are indicative of the various facets of wisdom required by the nature of the actions and behavior that he has to deal with. Or future mother.
The second topic was devoted to the style of Imam (p) and his wisdom in the situations that necessitated the diversity of methods of dealing such as the method of concealment and the method of refer

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