This research is marked by "a look at the art of farming in Islam" to sign Mehdi Mohaqiq worthy of translation into Arabic because it is known in the arts and sciences of agriculture in the Islamic heritage, which was known and which has been translated into Arabic, has dealt with the following topics:
- The attention of Muslim scholars to study the works of Greece
- The discretion of the caliphs and the judges and the Senate Agriculture ordered
The research covered "the portrayal of women in the Baghdadi proverbs" in the introduction to the proverbs, their importance and the early ones who wrote them, and proverbs in the Arab societies, and was prepared to speak about the Baghdadi proverbs. Then he went on to mention a number of Baghdadi proverbs that talked about women and how to portray them, and the injustice that the society inflicted on them as a result of the look of contempt that is seen to them.
ولد ونشا ابو الوليد محمد بن احمد بن محمد بن احمد بن رشدالحفيد في قرطبه
This study devoted to the emergence of the Arab-Islamic architectural thought and its development. Introduced through a lengthy introduction to the reality of architecture in the Arab world, showed the control methods and concepts of Western architecture in architectural education and in practice.
There was a huge role in the history of a muslim woman and several books have mentioned that politically or in religion and even scientifically and socially which leaded a lot of women to look up to these women who helped in keeping the religion just in the right form for other generations
The topics that I wrote about Anbar took care with one side, because most of what was mentioned specializes with the special geographical nature of the region and its elements, neglected many social, urban and religious aspects, for a fundamental reason that the researcher sees, which is that Anbar did not occupy a metropolis.The Abbasid Caliphate was for a very limited period of time and did not have a great historical dimension. This is what the researcher believed, because Anbar did not have a sufficient period of time to be the capital of the Caliphate for a long time, and the accompanying construction, and its situation is similar to cities and villages that were built according to the desire of their owners.
البيئة في اللغة لها معانٍ متعددة ، والأصل من بؤاه أتخذه منزلا أو نزله ومكن له فيه أو هيأه له ، والمكان حل به وأقام .
قال تعالى :" واذكروا إذ جعلكم خلفاء من بعد عاد وبؤاكم في الأرض تتخذون من سهولها قصوراً وتنحتون الجبال بيوتاً فاذكروا آلاء الله ولا تعثوا في الأرض مفسدين" (1) .
والبيئة حال التبوء وهيئته . والبيئة والباءة والمباءة المنزل . ومنزل القوم حيث يتبوأون من قبل وادٍ أ
... Show Moreشكلت السيطرة العثمانية على العراق حقبة تاريخية مهمة ، حيث وضعت فيها ركائز عدد كبير من الأنظمة الأدارية فغدت الأساس للتنظيمات فيما بعد ومنها الإجراءات الإدارية والقانونية وسبل معالجتها لآزمة الأراضي في بغداد1938-1932.
All praise be to Allah, Lord of the worlds, and prayers and peace be upon the most honourable of the prophets and messengers, our beloved Muhammad, and on his family and companions until the Day of Judgment
فكرة البحث تتلخص في دراسة أثر سيبويه في الأبواب المبنية من كتاب شرح التسهيل المسمى تمهيد القواعد بشرح تسهيل الفوائد لناظر الجيش المصري، حيث كان الناظر يأتي برأي سيبويه تأييدا لبعض آراء ابن مالك الواردة في كتاب التسهيل أو اختياراته، فمثلا: عندما قال ابن مالك في ( باب شرح الكلمة والكلام وما يتعلق بهما): (( الكلمة لفظ مستقل دالٌّ بالوضع تحقيقا أو تقديرا أو منوِيٌّ معه كذلك)) شرح الناظر قوله هذا بالتفصيل حتى أتى عل
... Show Moreان هذا البحث الموسوم ( الترجيحات الفقهية للامام عبد الرحمن بن محمد بن قدامه المقدسي شمس الدين (ت 682هـ) في مسائل الشركة - دراسة مقارنة
نشأت اللسانيات البنيوية الامريكية في الولايات المتحدة الامريكية في نظرة كانت سائدة في منظار اجتماعي ولكن ```````````هذه المدرسة لم تصمد طويلا في ساحة الدراسات اللسانية الغربية .
تندرج هذه الدراسة في صلب النظرية التداولية ، اذ تعد افعال الكلام من اهم المفاهيم التي يقوم عليها الدرس التداولي في كل اللغات
Al-Jahiz was an aesthetic philosopher, and the concept of beauty for Al-Jahiz depended on objectivity and focus on the idea of moderation
The mihrab is an architectural element created by the Muslims for the necessities of which the direction of Qibla is set in the mosques, and the front stands in it during the prayer so as to provide a complete description of the Muslims inside the chapel. The mihrab has a third benefit in amplifying the voice during the time of prayer, Peace be upon him) and the Mosque of Damascus, the Mosque of Kairouan, and the Mosque of Amr Balfstat?.
A man find himself in front of narrative literal productions when he read the title of this paper that deals with specialist , followers of Arabic literal narration productions through the era of Arabic literature in a period arrived to 1500 years. It is strange to present (Narration art in Arabic heritage) , in addition to (Arabic diwan) . This matter introduces us to come back to the past to inspect Arabic narration production , specially that is called (Artistic narration ) which is full ,variety of purposes and goals.
Some great families in England had competed for the sake of getting authority and power in England.
This competition turned to be a bloody civil war which extended till 1455 and ended with the victory of Henry Tudor whose judgment in England started from 28th of August 1458, consequently a new dynast which is known as (the Tudor)has established
Centered importance of this study about the reality of women`s rights in ancient Iraq, showing the eagerness of kings and rulers in that period to formulation the laws and reforms inorder to ensure the rights of the parish of men, women and children and slaves and foreigners, with a focus on women's right to secure and protect their rights and not to be exploited, as n assential President element in the formation of the family, and then the humanitarian community.
تضمن هذا البحث محاولة لالقاء الضوء على اسماء و خصائص الرياح حسب ما جاء في المصادر التراثية الجغرافية ، فالتراث العربي توسع جدا في ذكر كل ما يتعلق بالرياح من حيث (اتجاه الرياح) و (سرعة الرياح) و (درجة حرارة الرياح) و (الرياح السحاب) و (الرياح الامطار) و (الرياح و الغبار) و (الرياح و الجفاف) و (صوت الرياح)
... Show More
شهد العصر الذهبي للإسلام تحول أساسي في مجال الزراعة عرف باسم "الثورة الزراعية الإسلامية" أو" الثورة الخضراء" أو "الثورة الزراعية العربية" ، وقد أتاح الوضع الاقتصادي العالمي الذي أسسه التجار المسلمون في جميع أنحاء العالم القديم ، نشر العديد من النباتات والتقنيات الزراعية بين أجزاء مختلفة من العالم ا
... Show Moreتركز هذا البحث على تصميم عدسة كهروستاتيكية ثلاثية الاقطاب اسطوانية الشكل متحدة المركز ومفصولة بفتحة هوائية . تم حل معادلة لابلاس بطريقة كثافة الشحنة في مجال بصريات الجسيمات المشحونة اللانسبية وبغياب تأثيرات شحنة الفضاء إن توزيع الجهد المحوري لعدسة ثلاثية كهروستاتيكية تم حسابه باستخدام كثافة الشحنة الموزعة على الاقطاب، الناتجة من تسليط فولتية معينة على الاقطاب اعتمادا على ق
... Show Moreحظيت عدد من الشخصيات التاريخية ممن كان لها أثر واضح المعالم في تطور النظام الإداري والسياسي للإمبراطورية المغولية، بأهتمام عدد لا بأس به من الباحثين.
Sustainable architecture in the thought of Sheikh Baha'i Sheikh Bahaa Al-Din is Muhammad bin Al-Hussein bin Abd Al-Samad bin Muhammad bin Ali bin Al-Hussein bin Saleh Al-Harthy Al-Hamdani Al-Amili Al-Jaba’i, a resident of Isfahan. And the mathematical and astronomical arts, and success was written for him in his writings, so it spread and was accepted by learned scholars in the last four centuries. Research from his activity and science is the engineering and architectural aspect.
Sufi architecture (gorges, bands, and zawiyas) played an important
role in the development of Islamic civilization, especially since these
buildings are used as centers of religious education and Sufism, where
people are taught the basic principles of Islam, the biography of the
Prophet, and Sufism.
The research included the statement of some prophetic
guidelines for preserving food and drink from contamination that
causes diseases, which originate either viruses and microbes, or
insects and vermin spread in the air,
The environment plays a fundamental role in the production of
poetry. It is often said that poets are the products of their environment.
The environment has a clear impact on poets in terms of their style
and their choice of simple and reader-friendly words, which do not
require linguistic dictionaries but suit the readers.
Damascus has great importance throughout its history and has increased in the Umayyad period, It was interested the by Caliphs, and became the capital of the Islam, But the late Umayyad era has witness of troubles and political, this led to collapse the Umayyad state and take the Abbasid rule, despite the neglect of the Abbasids for this city and they left to others, but it remains of great concern by some of the Abbasid caliphs.
The Qur'an was revealed with a clear Arabic tongue, and it seized minds, and was astonished by its eloquence and eloquence of tastes, so it was a new dawn, and a nucleus for the birth of a new literature inspired by the tolerant thought of Islam, its fresh words, and its delicate and revealing meanings
بحثنا الموسوم بـ (الأغلاط اللغوية في كتاب الإنسان الثاني لمحمود عباس العقاد دراسة في ضوء كتب التصحيح اللغوي الحديثة)، ليس الغاية منه النيل من شخص كاتب كبير، وعلم من أعلام الأدب العربي، بل اعتماد الموضوعية والرد على القول الشائع: (الخطأ الشائع خير من الصواب الضائع)، إذ إِن كثيرًا ممن يسلكون درب الأغلاط اللغوية يعمدون الى التمسك بها محتجين بأن ما ورد في تعبيراتهم ورد في تعبيرات كتّاب كبار، فضلاً عن أن الباحثة ل
... Show Moreتعد الرمانسية ثورة فنية وسياسية والجتماعية وايدلوجية ذات أهمية كبيرة، وقد احتلت جزءاً من القرن التاسع عشر وجزءاً أكبر من القرن العشرين في أوربا وبقية العالم، ومازالت تظهر ملامحها في كثير من الاعمال الادبية حتى الآن، مثل الحرية والفردية والديمقراطية والوطنية وكثير من الامور.