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المفارقة في سورة الحديد دراسة نقدية صوتية

Studying and considering the text of the holy Quran is a task of necessity which needs a valuable as well as reliable contribution from all the concerned parties because of the greatness of this holy and scared text. The text of the holy Quran

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 03 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
A critical methodological study in abrogative,abrogated, in a book of (Zad AlTafseer) in Surah Al-Baqara in the holy Quraan.

This research is a critical methodological  study deals with some Quranic verses abrogative,abrogated.

by Ibn al-Jawzi (may Allah have mercy on him) in his book (Tafseer Zad al-Maseer) inin Surah Al-Baqara the  in the holy Quraan.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
A Phonological Study of English and Arabic Assimilation : A Contrastive Study

        Assimilation is defined ,by many phoneticians like  Schane ,Roach ,and many others, as a phonological process when there is a change of one sound into another because of  neighboring sounds.This study investigates the  phoneme assimilation as a phonological process in English and Arabic  and it is concerned specifically with the differences and similarities in both languages.   Actually ,this study reflects the different terms which are used  in Arabic to refer to this phenomenon and in this way it  shows whether the term 'assimilation ' can have the same meaning of  'idgham' in Arabic or not . Besides, in Arabic , this phenomenon is discussed from&nb

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 26 2022
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ظاهرة المفارقة في كتاب بلاغات النساء دراسة بلاغية اسلوبية

The Arab woman expressed the life of oppression that she suffers from in her masculine environment, as she expressed her linguistic abilities with eloquence and intelligence, as she did not neglect philosophy, wisdom, and exhortation

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 30 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Problem of Paradox and its Manifestations: A Study in the Titles of Najm Wali's Novels

The irony pushes us to inquire about what is in the text of contradiction, irony, suspense, and other acts of paradox, as well as a departure from what is logical, or familiar, that attracts the attention of the addressee, and this is what drives us to introspect the text and interrogate it in order to get to know the intended product of the text or its real or metaphorical intent. On the other hand, the irony is more in the literary text than in the scientific texts. Therefore, critics add the word literature to it in their definition.

 As it is represented by the paradox, we will seek to study the paradox of the title and the problematic that it may pose as the beginning of the text, and i

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 23 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
ظاهرة المفارقة في كتاب بلاغات النساء دراسة بلاغية اسلوبية

The Arab woman expressed the life of oppression that she suffers from in her masculine environment, as she expressed her linguistic abilities with eloquence and intelligence, as she did not neglect philosophy, wisdom,

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 25 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية

  Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

Key words: psychological factor,lisps,children,vocal study .

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 04 2023
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر العامل النفسي في حدوث اللثغة عند الأطفال/ دراسة صوتية

Language is a gift from God to His servants, as it is a tool of communication, rather it is a tool of life, and without it, life cannot be straight and complete.

  A language is a kind of substitution. A vocal disorder that  may be a disease of speech, and it is one of the obstacles caused by organic and congenital causes, perhaps the common one is genetic.If we separate between lisping in children and separating it from what happens in adults, we find that lisping in children may have psychological causes as well as other ones, this is what we will show in this research.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 10 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
A critical study of contractual liability

The existence of contractual responsibility, together with civil liability, provoked a profound disagreement in jurisprudence that amounted to a claim to renounce the traditional division between the two responsibilities, and to adhere to uniform rules governing civil liability provisions. These calls have increased and culminated in the writings of the scholar Philip Remy, who explicitly called to the abolition of contractual responsibility, therefore, this research is an attempt to review the modern doctrinal views that denied the existence of contractual responsibility as an independent system Beside civil liability, and to demonstrate the validity to benefit from them in the development of our legislative systems and God conciliator.

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
مجلة العلوم القانونية
دراسة نقدية في محل العقد والالتزام

يعد موضوع المحل من المواضيع الشائكة في القانون المدني ، اذ ان هذا الموضوع رغم قدمه الا انه لازال يمثل ارضا خصبة للبحث ، اذ يوجد خلاف حول تحديد الكائن القانوني الذي يعد المحل ركنا فيه ، حيث اختلفت التشريعات في هذه المسألة ، فبعض التشريعات تذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في الالتزام ، وبعضها يذهب الى ان المحل ركن في العقد وركن في الالتزام وقد انتقل هذا الخلاف الى الفقه فظهر فيه عدة اتج

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 20 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
critical study in the subject-matter of the contract and the obligation

The topic of subject-matter is one of the thorny issues in civil law, as this topic despite its antiquity still represents a fertile ground for research , There is a dispute about the determination of the legal object in which subject-matter is element in it ,Where the legislation differs on this issue , Some legislation states that the subject matter is an element of a contract, and Some of them states that the subject matter is an element of an obligation, and Some of them states that the subject matter is an element of a contract and an obligation , This dispute has moved to jurisprudence, There were several directions in it , The research ended with us saying that the subject matter is an element of a contract.

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