After the democratic transformation in 2003 in Iraq, young people waited a lot to take their real opportunity to participate in politics, but most of the laws regulating political and electoral work have been unfair to young people, despite developments in laws and legislation, but opportunities did not allow young people to participate in politics, which was reflected It negatively affected their participation in voting and nomination, and even their assumption of public office and positions, which is why they complained about the ruling class and the political system through protests, or when they refused to vote, and this is reflected in the recent parliamentary elections and low participation rates
المجتمع المدني وديمقراطية التنمية (انموذج المنطقة العربية)
The article aims to study the crisis of political change from three Phases . The first focuses on the crises of political legitimacy and democratic postponement, as fundamental issues in analyzing the phenomenon of power struggle through the dialectic between the concept of historical legitimacy and institutional fragility from the beginning of statehood in 1962 to the stage of multi-partyism and the cessation of the electoral process in the 1990s. While the second focuses on the question of the monopoly of power in the post-terrorism and national reconciliation according to considerations Political, social and security measures to prolong the life of the regime and avoid the demands of political change brought about
... Show Moreالمقال منشور على موقع مجلة الفورين بوليسي الأميركية (Foreign Policy) على الانترنت في 27 أيلول/سبتمبر 2019. يُشير مصطلح العزل (Impeachment) في الثقافة السياسية الأميركية إلى مجموعة الإجراءات التي يتم بموجبها عزل الرئيس من منصبه، وهذه الإجراءات هي بمثابة عملية طويلة تجري داخل الكونجرس، وتتم وفقاً لخطوات يؤدي فيها كل من مجلسيّ النواب والشيوخ دوراَ. ولا يعني القيام بهذه الإجراءات أن يتم عزل الرئيس، فقد تتم إ
... Show Moreنشاطات فرع الدراسات الدولية
عملية صناعة واتخاذ القرار في السياسة الخارجية للرئيس جورج والكر بوش
اثر بديع الزمان سعيد النورسي على الفكر الاسلامي المعاصر في تركيا
The political movements of Islam are among the most prominent phenomena of the popular uprisings witnessed by the Arab world. However, this rise and the rise of some movements led to many problems on the political theses of Islam, especially those associated with the ideas of Islamic ideologues and their slogan Legitimacy and the authorities as the origin of the divine, and said the application to achieve the Islamic solution, and then became the state in theses of some Islamists a tool to apply the law and then the preservation of religion.
Briefly the term of cyber security is a bunch of operations and procedures working on insurance and protecting the network, computer devices, the programs and data from attack and from damaging penetration, also from breaking, abstraction and disturbing in spite of the fact that the concept of cyber conflict is got widening. So, the needs arise in the state to secure cyberspace and protect it by several methods to confront the electronic intrusions and threats which is known as cyber security. Countries seek to preserve its national security in particular the United States of America after the events of September 11 ,2001. In addition, the United States follow all ways to take over cyber threats.
The Role of Japan in the Reconstruction of Iraq
The policy issue in all countries of the world is concerned with government and research because it has the ability to reveal many of the problems facing the state and its organizational and scientific capabilities in the development of solutions and appropriate treatments that go beyond random and improvisational reactions, As a result of this interest, many studies have attempted to conceptualize and academicism it. The concept of public policy has been linked to various aspects of social life such as social, economic, educational, agricultural or other aspects. Public policy, regardless of its meaning or its relation to aspects of life, refers to the systematic thinking that directs the behavior and actions of the state, organization
... Show MoreAbstract: In accordance with contemporary Western thinking, power is an organized force with a high ability to achieve stability and social security because it possesses tools based on rational organization, which helps it to control the behavior of the individual and society and prevent them from practicing the processes of exclusion and discrimination against others in pursuit of their interests and needs. Vision The philosophers and thinkers of the theory of social contract can consolidate it, which changed the form and nature of power from the traditional heritage to the constructionWhich has contributed to the development and development of civil society - Western political, and despite the success of this experiment, especially aft
... Show Moreقراءة في كتاب ذاكرة الدولة : السياسة والتاريخ والهوية الجمعية في العراق الحديث
This research aims to analyze the impact of the United States policy of pressure and sanctions on changing Iran's conduct. Since the Islamic Revolution of Iran in 1979, the US has continuously pursued various policies towards Iran, aiming to change the regime by force or isolate it politically and economically. The main research question lies in the following: To what extent does the US pressure policy and its sanctions affect the conduct Iran?. This research discusses that the more there are economic and political alternatives to Iran, the more it will be challenging the US demands. Moreover, the more the US pursues a negotiating policy based on mutual interests, the more Iran will positively respond to American demands.
التوجهات الفكرية الجديدة لانظمة دول العالم الثالث في ظل النظام العالمي الجديد : العراق نموذجاً
The systems of governance in Europe are characterized by ancient democratic systems that have developed and developed through a long history of political conflicts that have emerged from a social reality that feeds them and receives the resulting effects. This is an achievement that has been achieved after the sacrifices and great efforts in formulating models of good governance through which to realize the aspirations of their peoples. . The democratic system operates within a balanced mechanism of two competing parties to manage and direct the work of the government and the parliament. The parties that achieve the majority in the elections carry out the functions of the government supported by their parliamentary base belonging to one
... Show Moreالعراق من التحول الديمقراطي الى التماسك الديمقراطي
ملاحظات اولية على قانون الانتخابات ونتائجها
من نحن ؟ التحديات التي تواجه الهوية الامريكية
Abstract The Kenyan policy towards Somalia was influenced by a set of interrelated factors between the two countries and stemmed from the internal environment and most prominent: the geographical factor, ethnic, cultural, religious, political, economic and security, has been dominated by this policy since independence from the British colonial administration in the sixties of the last century and so far the nature of instability and tension, As the two countries are geographically contiguous and as security risks escalate, Kenya in 2011 rushed military action against Somalia, the first military action by Kenya outside its borders since independence.
تتحقق اهداف الدول عبر توظيف امكانياتها ومواردها ، وهذا التوظيف يقترن بوسائل مختلفة باختلاف الامكانيات المتاحة. وتتفاوت هذه الوسائل ما بين الاكراه والترغيب ، واحياناً من الممكن استخدام كلا الوسيلتين ، وتندرج هذه الوسائل من حيث تصنيفها ضمن نوعين رئيسين هما: القوة الصلبة ]القوة العسكرية والاقتصادية[ والقوة الناعمة ]استخدام جميع ادوات الترغيب وتسخيرها من اجل ان تُعجب بها الدول الاخرى وتنصاع
... Show MoreScientific Activities College of branches
ماهية الازمة الدولية : دراسة في الاطار النظري
الحقوق والحريات السياسية " دراسة مقارنة بين المواثيق الدولية والشريعة الاسلامية"
The Islamic Issue did not rise the “widespread arguments” in contemporary times, just as the issue of applying Islamic Law. Just as the Islamic forces used this purpose, or employed it during their march to reach to power by adopting the sacred as motivation towered the power, or control the governance. However, the reality show that this goal remained within the boundaries of slogans in the sense of a teleological slogan, and did not go beyond the limits of advocacy or arrangement as the primary source of legislation with differences of teleological reasoning, in a manner that reflected an intellectual problem about the validity of the use of this concept or the ability to apply and enforce the law in today's world, to impose
... Show Moreواقع العلاقات التركية الالمانية والبحث عن نموذج للاستقرار
Conclusion The observation of the phenomenon of structural evolution of the international system and its instability on a particular situation, by its transition from unipolar to polarity to bipolarism and then to unilateralism in the early 1990s led by the United States, and to the present moment, To say that the structure by which the hierarchy of superpowers or the regime is directed in terms of its various capacities that qualify it, and with the consent of the rest of the States directing the regime to lead and lead the world's first place, has no direct relation to the stability of this system, I hope other more influential in its stability. The structure of the new international order will be completely different in terms of the r
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