The influence of gamma radiation and blend ratio on the optical constants (refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k), and real & imaginary parts of dielectric constants (C) & (C)) for high density polyethylene (HDPE) Polypropylene (PP) blends using the transmittance and reflectance spectra have been discussed. For unirradiated samples the results showed that (n) increases in rich PP sample while (k) declared strong dependence on blends ratio and revealed systematie variation. It was found that (n) increases as a result of irradiation by gamma-ray with doses (80 and 240) kGy indicating that polymer chain crosslinking is the dominate phenomena, while for irradiation with dose 160 kGy (n) is found to decrease indicating that
... Show MoreR. Jain studied multiplication modules and their generalizations. The aim of this paper is to give various properties for these classes of modules. In particular, we study M N and Hom (M. N), where M and N belongs to these classes.
In this paper we obtained Fourier transformation hologram that it has relatively
high efficiency by using Personal Computer, laser printer, transparence paper
without need to use the conventional photography process. Matlab program used to
obtain hologram. Optical and Computerized reconstruction process was done on it.
The results show this method is promising it is important to present it to researchers
and students that they are working in all optics laboratories.
A variational-perturbation approach is invoked to study the effect of the
environment potential around Fluoride ion on some important electronic properties.
The dipole polarisability α, oscillator strength S(-٢) and S (-١) and magnetic
susceptibility χ are theoretically estimated for Fluoride ion in different potentials.
Also we calculate these electronic properties in many Fluoride structure crystals
such as CdF٢, CaF٢, PbF٢, SrF٢ BaF٢, and LiF.
This research carried out to estimate mobility three herbicides (Basta
٢٠%, Weedoff ٤٨%, Carbyne ١٢.٥%) it might be reach on water table and
polluted it. We definite the mobility by hydraulic conductivity it depends on
liquid and soil feature.
The samples collected from two locations Kefel was first one sandy soil
belonged to Orthids group and second one was Mishkab clay soil belonged
to Torrifluvents group. Soil columns had been prepared by three replicates to
each one. So the H.CO determinated with constant head method to sandy
soil and variable hydraulic gradient to clay soil. The H.CO measures made
by two stages: ١-First stage treatments (٣ soil herbicides vs control)
٢- Sec
تم في هذا البحث تصميم وبناء منظومة فحوصات لااتلافية
عيوب المعادن الداخلية او الخارجية ، يستند مبدأ عمل هذه المنظومة على الاستفادة من قابلية الاخت ا رق
لهذه الاشعة من قبل (Attenuation) للاشعة النووية المنبعثة من المصادر المشعة وخاصية التوهين
المعادن .
مع (shield) تتكون المنظومة من مصدر للاشعة وهو عبارة عن احد النظائر المشعة يتم وضعه بدرع خاص
(metal rod) نظام تبئير وكاشف، تؤخذ القطعة الم ا رد فحصها والتي غالباً
In this paper we prove some theorems, the first states: If R is an almost
Noetherian domain, then the following statements are equivalent: ١- R is an almost
Dedekind domain.
٢- A(B∩C)= AB∩AC, for all ideals A, B and C of R. ٣- (A+B)(A∩B)= AB, for all
ideals A and B of R and the second states: If R is an almost Noetherian domain
which is not a field, then the following statements are equivalent: ١- R is a valuation
domain. ٢- The nonunits of R form a nonzero principal ideal of R. ٣- R is integrally
closed and has exactly one nonzero proper prime ideal. In addition to the above
some other results are proved.
Let R be a commutative ring with ١, and let Aut(R) denote the group of ring
automorphisms of R. We will usually consider a group G⊆ Aut(R).
In this paper we will study the relation between G- invariant ideals and their traces.
Also we study C.P modules and C.F modules.
The rapid thermal annealing (RTA) of single crystal silicon solar cell using the
radiation from a halogen lamp has been demonstrated. The electrical properties
under dark and illumination conditions followed by RTA are presented. The
maximum conversion efficiency and filling factor obtained after ٦٠٠oC/٢٠S RTA
were ١٣% and ٠.٧ respectively
In this paper the effect of light exposure duration on Anthracene solution in
chloroform is studied. It is found that: the Anthracene solution change its color when
it is exposed to light, and that its relative quantum efficiency, Φ, decreases as the
light exposure duration, t, increases and this govern by following empirical
Eight food materials were used. They affected differently the biology of this
beetle. Females laid highest number of eggs when fed on raw wool (٤٥ eggs), then
on goats hair (٤٠.٤ eggs) lowest number of eggs (١٧.٢) when fed on natural silk, and
(١٨ eggs) on sheep hide.
Larval duration was shortest on raw wool (٧٨.٤ days), then goats hair (٨٤.٨ days)
and camels hair (٩١.٨ days). It was largest on human hair (١٧٦ days) and natural silk
(١٧٣ days). Larval mortality was lowest on goat’s hair (١%) then on raw wool (٤%)
and highest on natural silk (١٦%) and human hair (١٢%). Other material lies between them. These materials affected variably pupal duration, adult emergence.
Pollen of Phlomis spp. grown wildly in Iraq has been investigated for the first
time, as a part of comparative study for the species of this genus.
Description of these pollen were important in diagnosis of this spp., the study
showed that pollen were isopolar and a single pollen is tricolpate, with reticulate
surface, and spherical -subspherical, in polar view, and almost ellipsoid to shortly
ellipsoid in equatorial view, but it was spherical in P. oliveri Bth.;
The longest axis of the pollen is ٤٨ um, thus all the species included in present study
were of medium size. Pollen of P.oliveri was the smallest in size, while pollen of
P.rigida Labill was the biggest.
There is a table for result,
To estimate the prevalence of the thalassemia genes in Mosul city, a study was
carried out on ٣٧٥ persons randomly selected, from people attending three major
hospitals in the city.
A reduced mean cell volume (MCV) below ٨٠ fl was used as screening test for
thalassemia genes (e.g. hemoglobin, Hb. Electrophoresis, and finally blood Iron
A total of ٣٣ cases (٨.٨%) were found carrying thalassemia genes. From the above
cases, ٢٥ cases (٦.٧%) were beta-thalassemia trait ٨ cases (٢.١%) were alphathalassemia.
In this paper we have studied Jordan left derivation of a ٢-torsion free ring which
has a commutator left non- zero divisor and we initiate the study of generalized
Jordan left derivation of a ٢-torsion free ring, which has a commutator left non- zero
Let R be an integral domain with quotient field K. A prime ideal P of R is called
a strongly prime ideal of R if for each x, y ∈ K, x y ∈ P implies x ∈ P or y ∈ P. In
this paper, we generalize this concept to submodules, thus we define strongly prime
submodules and give some of their properties.
In the present work, the different possible interactions between comet tail and the solar wind in the present of the inter-planetary magnetic field (IMF) had been studied. Magneto-hydrodynamic laws (MHD) were used to simulate interactions occurring between comet tail and solar wind using one –dimensional space. The model simulation was achieved using Lax-Wendroff explicit method. The interaction between cometary tail ions and solar wind can be understood by means of spatial distribution of new-generated ions from the comet nucleus with the homogenous flow of the solar wind plasma. The difference between average molecular mass of both types along with step-increase in the number of particles can reproduce the whole shape of the comet ta
... Show MoreIn this paper, we deal with the problem of general matching of two images one of them has experienced geometrical transformations, to find the correspondence between two images. We develop the invariant moments for traditional techniques (moments of inertia) with new approach to enhance the performance for these methods. We test various projections directional moments, to extract the difference between Block Distance Moment (BDM) and evaluate their reliability. Three adaptive strategies are shown for projections directional moments, that are raster (vertical and horizontal) projection, Fan-Bean projection and new projection procedure that is the square projection method. Our paper started with the description of a new algorithm that is l
... Show MoreThe present work investigates the optimal effect of SiC addition on the mechanical and microstructure properties of Al/SiC composites. The samples were prepared using powder metallurgy (PM) technique. Different weight percentages ranging from 10% to 50% of SiC powder were added and mixed with Al. The particle size of SiC particulates ranged between 20 and 45 μm. The subsequent mixture was poured into a cylindrical steel mould and pressed to obtain cylindrical shape samples of 10 mm in diameter. The prepared compact samples were sintered at a temperature of 650˚C. The influence of adding different weight percentages of SiC on the microstructure and mechanical characteristics of the composite was investigated. The XRD diffraction and SEM
... Show MoreThe current research examines the distinct sensitivity displayed by WO3/Pd films prepared using the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD technique using a porous silicon substrate (PS). Tungsten oxide impregnated with palladium (WO3/Pd) films are created for the purpose of sensing Nitrogen Dioxide (NO2) by employing PLD with different laser pulse energies of 600, 800, and 100 mJ). The ablation process utilizes a laser device that uses a Q-switched Nd:YAG crystal to produce high-intensity light pulses that are precisely 1064 nm in wavelength. A frequency of 1 Hz and a pulse duration of 10 ns characterise the laser system. It operates upon an n-type Si (111) substrate made of porous silicon. Field emission-scanning
... Show MoreAir pollution caused by gas emission dispersion leads to damage of the environment and is harmful to humans. In this article, we study and analyze the gas emissions of nitrogen oxide (NOX), sulfur oxide (SOX), and Total Petroleum Hydrocarbons (TPHs) in Al Rifaee City. The feedback and main source of pollution was due to the production of crude oil from the Gharraf oil field (GOF), located in the northwest direction of Al Rifaee City. The highest monthly total emission rate for all years was for TPHs (79499.8685 MMSCF); it was 6483.69, and 1560.73 tons) for NOX and SOX, respectively. The value of correlation factor R2 for NOX was equal to 0.190, which is higher than SO
... Show Moreاستخدمت ثلاث مجاميع من تكون الفتران البيض Marsmsculus altinus وبالاعمار المختلفة (4) ليام و 10 اسابيع و 16 شهر) الدرسة التغيرات الصحية في قاع المعدة.
واظهرت نتائج الدراسة التسجية اختلافاً كبيراً في سماء ومكونات الطبقات المخاطية وتحت المخاطية و العضلية الخارجية. ظهرت الطبقات في عبدات ما بعد الولادة (4) ايام عمراً) الليلة النمو الصفيحة المخصوصة مشغولة بخلايا غير متخصصة، والعاد نشرة وخلاياها غير متمايزة، وال
... Show MoreNew metal Complexes of two newly prepared Schiff bases (Ly and Ly) and three previously prepared Schiff bases HL, L, Liv by reacting 2-amino benzothiazole(2- ABT) with 2,4-dimethoxybenzaldehyde, salicylaldehyde, 4-hydroxy benzaldehyde, N,N-dimethyl-4-
تم عزل وتلقية عزلات منتجة للمحلطة والمادة اللزجة وأخرى غير منتجة لها الجرثومة المكورات الذهبية (S) aureus) ملوثة المرضى وبيئة المستشفيات المحلية درس تأثير درجات الحرارة وقيم باء هاء المختلفة في التصاق سلالتين مختلفتين على أربع أسطح المواد الصنع منها الأدوات والعدد والمستلزمات الطبية والجراحية أظهرت النتائج أن كلنا السلالتين لم تتمكنا من الانتصاق على سطح الزجاج عند درجة 40 و كما أن السلالة المنتجة للمحفظة والم
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