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Iraqi EFL Students’ Attitudes towards Online Learning
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Online learning is not a new concept in education, but it has been used extensively since the Covid-19 pandemic and is still in use now. Every student in the world has gone through this learning process from the primary to the college levels, with both teachers and students conducting instruction online (at home). The goal of the current study is to investigate college students’ attitudes towards online learning. To accomplish the goal of the current study, a questionnaire is developed and adjusted before being administered to a sample of 155 students. Additionally, validity and reliability are attained. Some conclusions, recommendations, and suggestions are offered in the end.

Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Self-Localization of Guide Robots Through Image Classification
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The field of autonomous robotic systems has advanced tremendously in the last few years, allowing them to perform complicated tasks in various contexts. One of the most important and useful applications of guide robots is the support of the blind. The successful implementation of this study requires a more accurate and powerful self-localization system for guide robots in indoor environments. This paper proposes a self-localization system for guide robots.  To successfully implement this study, images were collected from the perspective of a robot inside a room, and a deep learning system such as a convolutional neural network (CNN) was used. An image-based self-localization guide robot image-classification system delivers a more accura

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 25 2022
Journal Name
Minar Congress 6
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In this paper, a handwritten digit classification system is proposed based on the Discrete Wavelet Transform and Spike Neural Network. The system consists of three stages. The first stage is for preprocessing the data and the second stage is for feature extraction, which is based on Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). The third stage is for classification and is based on a Spiking Neural Network (SNN). To evaluate the system, two standard databases are used: the MADBase database and the MNIST database. The proposed system achieved a high classification accuracy rate with 99.1% for the MADBase database and 99.9% for the MNIST database

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2019
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Enhancing islamic concepts through English children’s literature: Al-Ibtila, the test of patience
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Allah, in his Holy Quran introduced great prophet stories so as to learn from. The greatness of these stories lies in Allah himself being the author. He portrays his characters, lays the plot, defines the tests and Al- Ibtilla, provides ways of being patient, using Duaa to end all hard tests and generously describing the greatness of his rewards to all those who are patient. The purpose of this research is to study selected English prophet stories for children on three levels, the stories ability to convey lessons and Islamic teachings to children who do not speak Arabic, the stories portray the Islamic concept of patience, the teaching and learning styles andstrategies that Allah uses with each prophet. The concept of patience is defined a

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Improved Firefly Algorithm with Variable Neighborhood Search for Data Clustering
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Among the metaheuristic algorithms, population-based algorithms are an explorative search algorithm superior to the local search algorithm in terms of exploring the search space to find globally optimal solutions. However, the primary downside of such algorithms is their low exploitative capability, which prevents the expansion of the search space neighborhood for more optimal solutions. The firefly algorithm (FA) is a population-based algorithm that has been widely used in clustering problems. However, FA is limited in terms of its premature convergence when no neighborhood search strategies are employed to improve the quality of clustering solutions in the neighborhood region and exploring the global regions in the search space. On the

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Exploring Important Factors in Predicting Heart Disease Based on Ensemble- Extra Feature Selection Approach
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Heart disease is a significant and impactful health condition that ranks as the leading cause of death in many countries. In order to aid physicians in diagnosing cardiovascular diseases, clinical datasets are available for reference. However, with the rise of big data and medical datasets, it has become increasingly challenging for medical practitioners to accurately predict heart disease due to the abundance of unrelated and redundant features that hinder computational complexity and accuracy. As such, this study aims to identify the most discriminative features within high-dimensional datasets while minimizing complexity and improving accuracy through an Extra Tree feature selection based technique. The work study assesses the efficac

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Twitter Sentiment Related to Bitcoin on Stock Price Returns
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Twitter is becoming an increasingly popular platform used by financial analysts to monitor and forecast financial markets. In this paper we investigate the impact of the sentiments expressed in Twitter on the subsequent market movement, specifically the bitcoin exchange rate. This study is divided into two phases, the first phase is sentiment analysis, and the second phase is correlation and regression. We analyzed tweets associated with the Bitcoin in order to determine if the user’s sentiment contained within those tweets reflects the exchange rate of the currency. The sentiment of users over a 2-month period is classified as having a positive or negative sentiment of the digital currency using the proposed CNN-LSTM

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 01 2024
Journal Name
Alexandria Engineering Journal
U-Net for genomic sequencing: A novel approach to DNA sequence classification
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The precise classification of DNA sequences is pivotal in genomics, holding significant implications for personalized medicine. The stakes are particularly high when classifying key genetic markers such as BRAC, related to breast cancer susceptibility; BRAF, associated with various malignancies; and KRAS, a recognized oncogene. Conventional machine learning techniques often necessitate intricate feature engineering and may not capture the full spectrum of sequence dependencies. To ameliorate these limitations, this study employs an adapted UNet architecture, originally designed for biomedical image segmentation, to classify DNA sequences.The attention mechanism was also tested LONG WITH u-Net architecture to precisely classify DNA sequences

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 05 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering Pedagogy (ijep)
The Impact of Artificial Intelligence on Computational Thinking in Education at University
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This study aims to reveal the role of one of the artificial intelligence (AI) techniques, “ChatGPT,” in improving the educational process by following it as a teaching method for the subject of automatic analysis for students of the Chemistry Department and the subject of computer security for students of the Computer Science Department, from the fourth stage at the College of Education for Pure Science (Ibn Al-Haitham), and its impact on their computational thinking to have a good educational environment. The experimental approach was used, and the research samples were chosen intentionally by the research community. Research tools were prepared, which included a scale for CT that included 12 items and the achievement test in b

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Diagnosing COVID-19 Infection in Chest X-Ray Images Using Neural Network
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With its rapid spread, the coronavirus infection shocked the world and had a huge effect on billions of peoples' lives. The problem is to find a safe method to diagnose the infections with fewer casualties. It has been shown that X-Ray images are an important method for the identification, quantification, and monitoring of diseases. Deep learning algorithms can be utilized to help analyze potentially huge numbers of X-Ray examinations. This research conducted a retrospective multi-test analysis system to detect suspicious COVID-19 performance, and use of chest X-Ray features to assess the progress of the illness in each patient, resulting in a "corona score." where the results were satisfactory compared to the benchmarked techniques.  T

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 06 2022
Journal Name
Ijci. International Journal Of Computers And Information
Techniques for DDoS Attack in SDN: A Comparative Study
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Abstract Software-Defined Networking (commonly referred to as SDN) is a newer paradigm that develops the concept of a software-driven network by separating data and control planes. It can handle the traditional network problems. However, this excellent architecture is subjected to various security threats. One of these issues is the distributed denial of service (DDoS) attack, which is difficult to contain in this kind of software-based network. Several security solutions have been proposed recently to secure SDN against DDoS attacks. This paper aims to analyze and discuss machine learning-based systems for SDN security networks from DDoS attack. The results have indicated that the algorithms for machine learning can be used to detect DDoS

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