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صورة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية لدى طلبة الجامعات العراقية دراسة مسحية
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اصبح مصطلح الصورة الذهنية من المصطلحات الشائعة التي يتزايد استخدامها في المجالات السياسية والإعلامية والعلاقات الدولية اذ اصبح يشكل اهمية كبرى لدى دراسي السلوك الانساني، فقد احتلت دراسة المصادر المتعددة التي يستقي منها الافراد انطباعاتهم عن الاخرين، وتعاظم الدور الذي تلعبه وسائل الاتصال في تدفق الصور عن الشعوب في ظل التطور التكنولوجي الهائل الذي يشهده عالم الاتصال حاليا، والذي يسمى بعصر السموات المفتوحة نظراً لتعدد مصادر المعلومات وتزايد الانفتاح على العالم الخارجي. وتزداد اهمية الدور الذي تلعبه وسائل الاتصال في تكوين الصورة الذهنية لدى الافراد عن دول وشعوب العالم الاخرى مع قلة فرص الافراد في الاحتكاك والسفر الى هذه الدول ، والاحاطة بما يجري في أراضيها، ان المنظمات والمؤسسات بل والشخصيات لا تسطيع العمل في مناخ جيد يمكنها من تحقيق مصالحها واداء دورها، الا اذا كانت صورتها الذهنية لدى الجماهير ايجابية، حيث تتفهم الجماهير دورها، وتقبل على التعاون معها، اي ان هذه القطاعات تعمل في اطار الصورة الذهنية المنطبعة عنها في اذهان الجماهير التي تتعامل معها، لذلك تسعى المنظمات والمؤسسات والدول الى بناء صورة ايجابية لها في اذهان الجمهور مستعينة بوسائل الإعلام التي أصبح لها دور كبير في بناء الصورة الذهنية. وتأتي اهمية الدراسة بعد التغيير الذي طال المجتمع العراقي بعد الاحتلال الامريكي للعراق ومحاولة الولايات المتحدة الأمريكية بناء صورة ايجابية لها عن طريق الممارسات التي حاولت رسم هذه الصورة عن طريقها ومحاولة تبرير احتلال العراق من اجل تحريره ونشر الديمقراطية.وتخليص الشعب العراقي من نظام دكتاتوري يشكل تهديداً دائماً لجيرانه من العرب وغير العرب فضلا على ما يشكله من تهديد للامن والسلام العالمي بامتلاكه اسلحة الدمار الشامل. وتاتي هذه الدراسة في سياق التعرف على صورة الولايات المتحدة لدى طلبة الجامعات العراقية وقياس الصورة التي يحملها طلبة الجامعات العراقية عن الولايات المتحدة الامريكية، وما الصورة التي يحملها الطلبة عنها ومصادر تكوينها. وتحقيقا لاغراض الدراسة فقد قسمت الاطروحة الى خمسة فصول تناول الفصل الاول منهجية البحث الذي تضمن مشكلة البحث واهميتها واهدافها وتحديد المنهج المستخدم والدراسات السابقة، اما الفصل الثاني فقد تناول الصورة الذهنية وتضمن ثلاثة مباحث تضمن المبحث الاول مفهوم الصورة الذهنية وخصائصها وسماتها وانواع الصور وابعاد الصورة وتضمن المبحث الثاني دوروسائل الإعلام في تشكيل الصورة وتضمن المبحث الثالث الصورة النمطية وخصائصها ونقاط التقائها واختلافها مع الصورة الذهنية، ، وتناول الفصل الثالث العلاقات العراقية الامريكية من 1989-2003 واحتلال العراق، وتناول الفصل الرابع الاجراءات المنهجية للدراسة الميدانية وتضمن تحديد مجالات الدراسية وخطوات بناء المقياس وصدقه وثباته وتميزُهُ وتحديد عينة البحث والوسائل الاحصائية المستخدمة في الدراسة، وتناول الفصل الخامس تحليل جداول العينة والاستنتاجات والتوصيات.

Publication Date
Sun Nov 04 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
شروط شروط الكتابة والوزارة في كتاب النصيحة لقابوس نامه (دراسة تاريخية مقارنة)
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Prince Kikaus  explained  to us Conditions of writing and establishing .Then he touched  upon the Conditions of the ministry and qualities that must be characterized Author and minister both need machines must be availabla in person if given these positions .he was creative in presenting his ideas which is not  without judgment an knowledge.He had a distinct style in mentioned professions and administrative hierarchy As explained in his speech About the writer and his Correspondence and construction and writer position who has developed into a minister then he touched it to the cabinet system and what the minister should do.of qualities .and the importance of the post of minister who mentioned several points to him ou

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
الرواة الذين خرج لهم البخاري في صحيحه وجرحهم ابن حبان دراسة نقدية
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Since the early ages, scientists have been keen on the second source of Islamic law, namely the hadith of the Prophet. They also took from the less disciplined narrators, but they chose from their conversations a selection, and for this some prominent narrators who can be considered that Ibn Habban has been hardened to weaken them. Narrators who avoided Ibn Habban novel They are not true because Ibn Habban neglected her and left her to hurt some narrators who are confident in themselves

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
A practical study of the problems of queues for vehicles in some filling stations in the city of Baghdad
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 According to the circumstances experienced by our country which led to Occurrence of many crises that are the most important crisis is gaining fuel therefore , the theory of queue ( waiting line ) had been used to solve this crisis and as the relevance of this issue indirect and essential role in daily life  .

This research aims to conduct a study of the distribution of gasoline station in (both sides AL – kharkh and AL Rusafa, for the purpose of reducing wasting time and services time through the criteria of the theory of queues and work to improve the efficiency of these stations by the other hand. we are working to reduce the cost of station and increase profits by reducing the active serv

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Publication Date
Sun May 10 2015
Journal Name
Performing processors of view between impressionism & superrealism (A comparative analysis): فريد خالد علوان
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Addressed the problem of the research is marked: (Performing processors for the time between Impressionism and superrealism) the concept of time and how to submit artwork. The search came in four sections: general framework for research and identified the research problem and the need for him. With an indication of the importance of his presence. Then determine the research objectives of (detection processors performing to the concept of time in works of art in each of Impressionism and superrealism. And a comparison between them to reveal similarities and differences), followed by the establishment of boundaries Find three (objectivity, the temporal and spatial) were then determine the terms related to the title. Then provide the theore

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 08 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The American Occupation Policy toward Japan 1945-1951 and Iraq 2003-2008: Comparative Historical Study
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With their strategic and geographical positions, Japan and Iraq are one of the major
countries in the world, especially to the United States. Japan lies near the two American
Continents, separated only by the Pacific and it is only normal to have the interests of both
countries crossed and joined in the Far East region. This made the occupation of Japan an
inventible matter in the second half of the 20th century. Iraq, on the other hand, has strategic
position in the Middle East, being surrounded by many active countries like Turkey, Iran, and
Gulf countries, besides Iraq’s oil wealth which is needed by such industrial country like the
United States.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Role of the Media in Empowering People with Disabilities to Participate in Society
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Disabled people are among the most important groups that need attention, care, and financial and moral care. They cannot fulfill the requirement of life normally without care from a person to meet their special needs. The disability is either mental or physical. The Iraqi government has paid attention to this category by adopting a law for this category, represented by Law No. (38) for the year (2013), which keeps their rights and duties in Iraqi society by  establishing institution of persons with disabilities and special needs of the Ministry of Labor and Social Affairs to create a modern society politically, socially, culturally or economically. In view of the importance of this group in society, the media reinforces the communit

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
A Comparative Study on the Double Prior for Reliability Kumaraswamy Distribution with Numerical Solution
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This work, deals with Kumaraswamy distribution. Kumaraswamy (1976, 1978) showed well known probability distribution functions such as the normal, beta and log-normal but in (1980) Kumaraswamy developed a more general probability density function for double bounded random processes, which is known as Kumaraswamy’s distribution. Classical maximum likelihood and Bayes methods estimator are used to estimate the unknown shape parameter (b). Reliability function are obtained using symmetric loss functions by using three types of informative priors two single priors and one double prior. In addition, a comparison is made for the performance of these estimators with respect to the numerical solution which are found using expansion method. The

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The love of the world and its lusts The preference and bliss of the Hereafter In Surat Al-Imran: "objective study"
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The love of the world and its lusts are the head of sins and the corruptors of religion, and the one who loves and loves them who prefers them over the hereafter is one of the most pitiful of creation, and the least intelligent of them, as he prefers imagination over reality, sleep over wakefulness, fleeting shadow over eternal bliss and the mortal abode over the eternal abode, and he sold the life of eternity for the most luxurious life. In life, it is dreams and sleep or as a fleeting shadow, and as it was said: The intelligent person is not deceived.
The reason for choosing this topic is due to two things:
The first: When I contemplated the reasons for the differences and conflicts that afflicted our wounded and occupied country

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Social Medical Care for the Deformed Children: A Field Study in Baghdad City
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The Child is the first sedum for the human society performing, and we deal in our
research to explain the nature of the mutual relations in between the form and the medicine
social caring foundation. So the motherhood and the childhood nowadays become the most
dedicated in the researchers works, whom interesting in the social affairs, and that whom
work in the medicine field as scientists.
So the child is the future man and must be in wright body construction that need to great
care and interest to make him wright mind through capability of performing anything support
to him.
In our research we deal with the main factors in which lead to infect the child by the
creative malfunction, like the environmental and m

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Revue Académique De La Recherche Juridique
Extent and limits of the judge's power to the contract (Comparative study)
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The contractual imbalance is perceived today by the majority of the doctrine as being one of the pitfalls to the execution of the contracts. As a result, most legislations grant judges the power to intervene to restore it. Granting the judge the power to complete the contract raises the question of the extent to which the judge can obtain such power. Is it an absolute authority that is not limited? If so, is it a broad discretion in which the judge operates in his conscience, or is it a power of limited scope by specific legal texts and conventions? This is what we will try to answer in this research.

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