بعد الاحتجاجات التي اندلعت في ليبيا في فبراير 3122 ،استند مجلس الأمن وهيئات الأمم المتحدة الأخرى على مفهوم المسئولية عن الحماية (R2P )(لمعالجة الأوضاع الإنسانية الناجمة عن تلك الاحتجاجات. وأصدر المجلس القرار 1970والذي فرض بموجبه حزمة من العقوبات على ليبيا، ثم أصدر القرار 1973 الذي سمح بالتدخل العسكري هناك. وبعد البدء بتنفيذ الحملة العسكرية تبين أن الناتو استغل هذه القرارات لتنفيذ أجندته الخاصة وعمل على الإطاحة بالنظام الليبي. كما أن عملياته العسكرية تسببت في قتل وجرح الكثير من الأشخاص المدنيين فضلا عن تدمير الأعيان المدنية وغيرها. هذه التجربة أساءت لمفهوم المسئولية عن الحماية، وعمقت النقاشات بشأنها وأنتجت ما عرف بالمبادرة البرازيلية "المسؤو لية أثناء الحماية" (RWP )والنسخة الصينية "الحماية المسؤو لة " (RP )كمحاولة لتجاوز السلبيات الناجمة عن تنفيذ( R2P )في ليبيا
The concept of Justice in the Ancient western political thought The title of research is the concept of Justice in the ancient western political heritage. It includes the definition of the idea of Justice as well as its evolution and relation to the Law the study discussed two main period . the first one was regarding the concept of Justice in the Greek political thought ( sophists ,Socrates , plato , Aristotle ,Epicureans , and stoics ) . While the second ocused on the concept of justice in Roman political thought Via their great thinkers as polypus and Cicero .
جديرة تلك المجلة العريقة (Journal of management history) لما تقوم به من دور متميز في تأصيل الفكر الاداري وتنسيب الموضوعات لأصحابها الحقيقيين. فالمجلد (12)، العدد (3) لعام (2006) من هذه المجلة حمل مراجعة تاريخية كبيرة لعنوان عميق هو
(The emergence of job satisfaction in organization behavior A historical overview of the dawn of jop attitudes research)، للباحث (Thomas A. Wright) الاستاذ في قسم العلوم الادارية بجامعة نيف
تعـد الوحـدة الوطنيـة لأي شـعب قاعـدة الارتكـاز للبنـاء الحضـاري والتقـدم والتطـور والتنميـة في المجـالات كافـة وبغيابها يفقد الشعب المرتكزات الأساسية لآمنه واستقراره، وقدرته على احتواء الأزمات الناشئة عن الاختلافات العرقيـة والدينية والطائفية، وعلى هذا الأساس فان قيادات الشعب الوطنية يكون هاجسها الدائم الحفاظ على الوحدة الوطنية، وسـد كـل الثغـرات والمنافـذ في جـدرانها لكـي لاتنفـذ مـن خلالهـا ريـاح
... Show MoreTo limit or reduce common microbial contamination occurrence in dairy products in general and in soft cheese in particular, produced in locally plants, this study was performed to demonstrate the possibility of implementing HACCP in one of dairy plants in Baghdad city
HACCP plan was proposed in soft cheese production line. A pre-evaluation was performed in soft cheese line production, HACCP Pre-requisites programs was evaluated from its presence and effectiveness. The evaluation was demonstrated risk in each of: Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) program, evaluated as microbial and physical risk and considered as critical r
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... Show MoreThere is no doubt that the project control function is very important for administration, so the project Management depends on to monitor and control the project. The project control integrated to the planning which is the base of the administration functions; planning, organizing, directing, and controlling. Without project control cannot be insure to fulfill the plan of the project by the budget and specified time. The project management apply many methods of control to achieve the goals of project which are cost, time, and required specifications. Earned Value Management one of control methods that used in the project by international companies.
Earned Value Method is used in the project o
... Show MoreThe text has many connotations in the Arabic language, such as vowel points, designation, completion, etc., and the original meaning of the text is to show. The Western text has its owen independent semantic unit .The biblical texts are a mixture of what was reported by the Prophet Moses (peace be upon him) and what the authors described in terms of texts over many centuries.The meaning of the text is guidance and payment, and it is a natural connotation. The religious text for Muslims is divided into peremptory texts that are national proof. The evidence for the meaning of the text is proven by language, and it is not required that the researcher be a jurist. The approach is a factual questionnaire by the researcher according to a speci
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The Present study aims to shed some light on the concept of authority of university students and to find statistically significant differences as regards this concepts in accordance with three variables gender (males, females),field of study(scientific ,humanities)and grade(second ,fourth). To accomplish the study a ( 7) level scale was developed for the concept of authority and it subjected to validity and credibility the scale was used with 590 student sample (237) males and (353) females Results show that male students show obedience to authority forms below the Avery e component with the theoretical Avery of the scale besides ,reinforcement was on the top of authority chain ,followed by person traits ,friends, affect punishment and t
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The current research aims to find out the role of administrative leadership in the implementation of public policies and their effectiveness and their ability to do so, As well as analysis and testing of influence and correlations between research variables, The researcher has the descriptive and analytical approach, And several tools used to gather information consisted of personal interviews and field visits, While distributed questionnaire tool that consists of (35) items on a sample consisting of (147) individuals formed of staff of the Baghdad Provincial Council.
The research was based on a set of assum
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