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The Quality of University Environment According to the Viewpoint of Female Students: The College of Sciences for Woman an Example
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This research aims at identifying the level of quality of University environment according to the viewpoint of female students taking the College of Sciences for Woman an example, as represented in the college units as registration unit and the unit of students' affairs, the curricula, instructors, study halls, the college library, scientific labs, computer access, stationary and photocopying services, health care center, the unit of artistic, cultural and sportive activity, the canteen, the college gardens, college buildings and equipment and bathrooms. To achieve the objectives of the research, the researcher prepared a questionnaire to identify the viewpoints of female students concerning the extent of the availability of the standards of proper college environment, after scanning some previous studies done in this field which are related to the variable of the recent research. In its final version, the questionnaire contained A items, distributed on components of the university environment, which are all investigated for their validity and reliability. The questionnaire is carried out on a sample of female student of The College of Sciences for Women, University of Baghdad. The results were collected using the Weighted Mean and the Relative Weight to examine the extent of availability of the standards of quality in university environment. The following results were concluded: The level of quality in university environment is seen as average by the students of the College of Science for Women, because the standards of quality of university environment were decided to be available in Y components of the university environment including the study halls, college buildings and equipment, the canteen, bathrooms, stationary and photocopying service, instructors and health center. While these quality standards were absent in the other components, as in the college library, computer access, scientific labs, the college gardens, and the unit of artistic, cultural and sportive activity, the curricula, the registration unit and the unit of students' affairs. Depending on these conclusions, the researcher presented a number of recommendations and suggestions.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Improving the Recovery of Hydrocarbons in a Well in the Gullfaks Field by Injecting Sequestrated CO2
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The Gullfaks field was discovered in 1978 in the Tampen area of the North Sea and it is one of the largest Norwegian oil fields located in Block 34/10 along the western flank of the Viking Graben in the northern North Sea. The Gullfaks field came on stream in 1986 and reached a peak of production in 2001. After some years, a decrease in production was noticed due to the decrease in pressure in the well. The goal of this paper is to improve the production of a well located in Gullfaks field by injecting CO2 through coiled tubing. The use of the CO2 injection method is due to the fact that it is a greenhouse gas, and its production in the atmosphere contributes to global warming. It is important to reduce its emission

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of differentiation strategy on achieve competitive advantage: survey comparison between the companies maintenance service
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Is to obtain competitive advantage legitimate objective pursued by all organizations to achieve, because they live today in environments of rapid change and dynamic in order to meet the demands of the customer changing as well as intense competition between the organizations, which requires them to get the location of competitive markets in order to do this will remain to do the building and strengthening competitive advantage to be able to achieve, but that this feature is not easy and is not only through the identification and use of a successful strategy for a competitive standard and then manage it successfully. Hence the research problem of determining the sources of differentiation strategy and its impact on the dimensions of compe

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The Faculty Of Medicine Baghdad
Ultrasound, computed tomography and surgical observations in the evaluation and staging of the renal cell carcinoma
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Background: The evaluation and staging of renal cell carcinoma (RCC) has dramatically changed with the introduction of cross-sectional imaging. Nowadays, small renal lesions are easily detected by computed tomography (CT) examination while missed by other modalities.

Objective: To determine whether ultrasound (US) or CT scan is the optimum imaging modality for the evaluation of the renal masses.

Patients and methods: This is a comparative study in which 30 patients with hematuria were attending the urological consulting clinic in Ghazzi Al-Harriry hospital, Baghdad, Iraq from May 2016 to July 2017 were subjected to abdominal US and CT scan.


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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
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The calculation. of the nuclear. charge. density. distributions. ρ(r) and root. mean. square. radius.( RMS ) by elastic. electron. scattering. of medium. mass. nuclei. such. as (90Zr, 92Mo) based. on the model. of the modified. shell. and the use of the probability. of occupation. on the surface. orbits. of level 2p, 2s eroding. shells. and 1g gaining. shells. The occupation probabilities of these states differ noticeably from the predictions of the SSM. We have found. an improvement. in the determination. of ground. charge. density. and this improvement. allow. more precise. identification. of (CDD) between. (92Mo- 90Zr) to illustrate the influence of the extra

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 15 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Lingual Criticism and Explication of the Narrative Syntax A reading in Roger Fawler’s Critical Attempt
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يجمع المختصون أن ليس من نقد إلا وكان مُرحِّلا لنظرية لسانية إلى فضائه، فكان أثر اللسانيات السوسيرية، ومن ثم اللسانيات التوليدية التحويلية معروفا، ولم يكن هذا الأثر محدودا باللسانيين أو نقاد الأدب فحسب، بل امتد إلى الشعراء والجماليين أيضا. وفي هذا البحث سنتوقف عند أثر اللسانيات الوظيفية، وهو ما لم يتوقف عنده إلا قلة من المختصين. ولن نقف عند نقد الوظيفيين للشعر، بل سنقف عند نقدهم للرواية، بقراءة

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 25 2019
Journal Name
Working of the Secondary Event Structure in Embodying the Film Unity: ماهر مجيد ابراهيم - شروق مالك
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The topic of the working of the secondary event structure in the embodiment of the film unity is related to the ability to produce a film of controlled events that strengthen each other. The researchers divided the subject topic into an introduction and two sections, as follows: The first section is the event and the action in drama construction wherein the relationship of the dramatic act with the events in general and the secondary event in particular were studied as it has a relationship in a synergistic building of the film unity.

The second section was the patterns of the secondary event in the film wherein the researchers dealt with the patterns, types and functions

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 04 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The impact of strategic cohesion in achieving organizational prosperity: Applied research in the National Insurance Company
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                The research aims to shed light on strategic cohesion and its dimensions represented by (strategic logic, organizational excitement, organizational founding, organizational synergy) and measure its impact on achieving organizational prosperity and its dimensions represented by (intellectual capital, innovation, infrastructure, organizational agility, sustainable competitive advantage). The research problem emerged by raising the main question, which is: Does the management of the researched company realize the importance of practicing strategic cohesion and its role in achieving organizational pros

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Constants of blood money in the Koran   And its variables in the custom prevailing in Iraq
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Praise be to Allah, the Lord of the Worlds.
          Because it has a prominent role in the life of the Muslim person in particular, and in the stability, security, and safety of society in general, I found it appropriate to participate even a little in solving some of the problems that arise in the nation, and that Adello Badawi in this important issue that concerns everyone without exception And that I show that there are constants in the Koran, from which the scholars of the Ummah derived their evidence on this subject, and that there have been variables have occurred in some Islamic societies, in the issue of blood money that deserves the victim and his family, has allocated talk

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact the Organizational downsizing in organizational health: Analytical research in the Directorate of Education in Nineveh
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This research aims to determine the extent of the contribution of organizational downsizing strategies to enhance the health of the researched organization represented by the Directorate of Education in Nineveh, and to achieve this goal, the study provided a simplified intellectual framework for the most important topics covered by writers and researchers for search variables, reinforced by an applied analytical framework for the opinions of (79) individuals responsible for the researched organization. The research adopted organizational downsizing as an independent variable that includes three dimensions represented by (reduction of human resources, job redesign, systemic strategy), while the organizational health represented th

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Modeling and Optimization the Influence of CO2-MAG Welding Parameters on the Weld Joint Shape Factors
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This paper represents an experimentalattempt to predict the influence of CO2-MAG welding variables on the shape factors of the weld joint geometry. Theinput variables were welding arc voltage, wire feeding speed and gas flow rate to investigate their effects on the shape factorsof the weld joint geometry in terms of weld joint dimensions (bead width, reinforcement height, and penetration). Design of experiment with response surface methodology technique was employed to buildmathematical models for shape factors in terms of the input welding variables. Thepredicted models were found quadratic type and statistically checked by ANOVA analysis for adequacy purpose. Also, numerical and graphical optimizations were carried out

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