B3LYP density functional is utilized for probing the effect of decorating Al, Ga, and In on the sensing performance of a boron phosphide nanotube (BPNT) in detecting the 2-chloroethanol (CHE) molecule. We predict that the interaction of pure BPNT with CHE is physisorption, and the sensing response (SR) of BPNT is approximately 6.3. The adsorption energy of CHE is about − 26.3 to − 91.1, − 96.6, and − 100.3 kJ/mol, when the Al, Ga, and In metals are decorated on the BPNT surface, respectively. This indicates that the decorated metals significantly strength the interaction. Also, the corresponding SR meaningfully rises to 19.4, 41.0, and 93.4, indicating that by increasing the atomic number of metals, the sensitivity is increased. Therefore, we found that In-decorating much more increases the sensitivity of BPNT toward CHE. The SR of metal-decorated BPNT decreases in the water solvent. Our theoretical results further support the fact that the metal-decorated BP nanostructures have practical applications.
A system was used to detect injuries in plant leaves by combining machine learning and the principles of image processing. A small agricultural robot was implemented for fine spraying by identifying infected leaves using image processing technology with four different forward speeds (35, 46, 63 and 80 cm/s). The results revealed that increasing the speed of the agricultural robot led to a decrease in the mount of supplements spraying and a detection percentage of infected plants. They also revealed a decrease in the percentage of supplements spraying by 46.89, 52.94, 63.07 and 76% with different forward speeds compared to the traditional method.
The present study investigates the application of a combined electrocoagulation-electrooxidation (EC-EO) process for the treatment of wastewater generated from Al-Dewaniya petroleum refinery plant in Iraq. The EC-EO process was examined in terms of its ability to simultaneously produce coagulant and oxidant agents by using a parallel plate configuration system composed of stainless steel plates as cathode and pair of aluminum and graphite plates as anode at two different current concentrations (1.92A/l and 0.96A/l). The results showed that the best conditions for treatment of Al-Dewaniya petroleum refinery wastewater using the combined approach were current concentration of (0.96A/l), current density
Artificial lift techniques are a highly effective solution to aid the deterioration of the production especially for mature oil fields, gas lift is one of the oldest and most applied artificial lift methods especially for large oil fields, the gas that is required for injection is quite scarce and expensive resource, optimally allocating the injection rate in each well is a high importance task and not easily applicable. Conventional methods faced some major problems in solving this problem in a network with large number of wells, multi-constrains, multi-objectives, and limited amount of gas. This paper focuses on utilizing the Genetic Algorithm (GA) as a gas lift optimization algorit
Wettability of CO2-brine-mineral systems plays a vital role during geological CO2-storage. Residual trapping is lower in deep saline aquifers where the CO2 is migrating through quartz rich reservoirs but CO2 accumulation within a three-way structural closure would have a high storage volume due to higher CO2 saturation in hydrophobic quartz rich reservoir rock. However, such wettability is only poorly understood at realistic subsurface conditions, which are anoxic or reducing. As a consequence of the reducing environment, the geological formations (i.e. deep saline aquifers) contain appreciable concentrations of various organic acids. We thus demonstrate here what impact traces of organic acids exposed to storage rock have on their wettabil
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