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Steganography using dual tree complex wavelet transform with LSB indicator technique
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Image steganography is undoubtedly significant in the field of secure multimedia communication. The undetectability and high payload capacity are two of the important characteristics of any form of steganography. In this paper, the level of image security is improved by combining the steganography and cryptography techniques in order to produce the secured image. The proposed method depends on using LSBs as an indicator for hiding encrypted bits in dual tree complex wavelet coefficient DT-CWT. The cover image is divided into non overlapping blocks of size (3*3). After that, a Key is produced by extracting the center pixel (pc) from each block to encrypt each character in the secret text. The cover image is converted using DT-CWT, then the produced key is used to determine the starting pixel in each block for hiding and the direction of hiding (clockwise or anticlockwise). The proposed method is applied on many images with different embedding rate, and many metrics are used to evaluate the performance of the proposed method such as Peak Signal to Noise Ratio (PSNR), Mean Square Error (MSE), correlation factor (CF) and Structural Similarity Index Measure (SSIM). It achieves in average 52.225 dB of PSNR, 0.3215 of MSE, 0.9952 of SSIM and 0.9997 of CF with embedding rate 1.5.

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Psychology And Education
The effect of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking in the subject of Arabic language among students of the College of Management and Economics
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This research aims to identify the impact of Daniel's model on the development of critical thinking. In order to achieve this objective, the following hypotheses are formulated: 1. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the posttest scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model and the control group taught according to the traditional method in the measure of critical thinking. 2. There is no statistically significant difference at the significance level (0.05) between the average differences in the preand post-tests scores of the experimental group taught according to Daniel's model in the measure of critical thinking. The current research i

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 30 2012
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Hydrodynamic Pressure Gradient Correlation of Some Iraqi Oil Wells
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Empirical equation has been presented to predict the optimum hydrodynamic
pressure gradient with optimum mud flow rate (one equation) of five Iraqi oil wells
to obtain the optimum carrying capacity of the drilling fluid ( optimum transport
cuttings from the hole to the surface through the annulus).
This equation is a function of mud flow rate, mud density and penetration
rate without using any charts or graphs.
The correlation coefficient accuracy is more than 0.9999.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Assessment Improving of Rainwater Retention on Crop Yield and Crop Water Use Efficiency for Winter Wheat
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Storage of rainwater within the root depth zone is one of the modern ways to increase plant production. Subsurface water retention technology was applied to assess improving values of crop yield and crop water use efficiency, applying a membrane made of low-density polyethylene trough installed below the crop root zone. The goal of this paper is to assess that the retention of rainwater above the membrane can improve the crop yield and crop water use efficiency values for winter wheat. The experiment was conducted in open field, within Joeybeh Township, located in east of the Ramadi City, in Anbar Province, in winter growing season 2018-2019. Two plots T1 (with membrane trough) and T2 (without membrane) were used for the

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Proposed Hybrid Cryptosystems Based on Modifications of Playfair Cipher and RSA Cryptosystem
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Cipher security is becoming an important step when transmitting important information through networks. The algorithms of cryptography play major roles in providing security and avoiding hacker attacks. In this work two hybrid cryptosystems have been proposed, that combine a modification of the symmetric cryptosystem Playfair cipher called the modified Playfair cipher and two modifications of the asymmetric cryptosystem RSA called the square of RSA technique and the square RSA with Chinese remainder theorem technique. The proposed hybrid cryptosystems have two layers of encryption and decryption. In the first layer the plaintext is encrypted using modified Playfair to get the cipher text, this cipher text will be encrypted using squared

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of Charge Transfer in Styryl Thiazilo Quinoxaline Dyes STQ-1, STQ-2,and STQ-3 in Organic Media System
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Charge transfer in styryl dyes STQ-1, STQ-2,and STQ-3 with organic media system has been studied theoretically depending on the Franck- Condon rule and continuum dielectric model . The reorientation energies (eV) were evaluated theoretically depending on dipole momentum, dielectric constant , and refrective index n. The rate constant of charge transfer has been calculated depending on the reorientation energy (eV) ,effective free energy , potential height barrier , and coupling coefficient . A matlap program has been written to calculated the rate constant of charge transfer and other parameter. The results of calculations show that STQ-2 dye is more reaction for charge transfer compare with STQ-1 and STQ-3 dyes

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 06 2015
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Energy Calculation for Excited Lithium Atom in Position Space
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The energy expectation values for Li and Li-like ions ( , and ) have been calculated and examined within the ground state and the excited state in position space. The partitioning technique of Hartree-Fock (H-F) has been used for existing wave functions.

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 01 2012
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
On the design of the annexation experience between splintered and dissociated sectors
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The idea of the design of combination Between split – plot and split block means that an experiment conducted with a design

formed by combination Between split – plot and split block, and it presents a precise manner to analytic who aimed to make appropriate statistical analysis for the experiment because such design contains four random errors , it make a high precision rather than another designs. The plan and the theoretical analysis were presented with application   to show its idia and the ability to use it in many fields  especially in agricultural experiments field .

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Electrocoagulation for Treatment of Simulated Blowdown Water Of Cooling Tower
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This study investigates the results of electrocoagulation (EC) using aluminum (Al) electrodes as anode and stainless steel (grade 316) as a cathode for removing silica, calcium, and magnesium ions from simulated cooling tower blowdown waters. The simulated water contains (50 mg/l silica, 508 mg/l calcium, and 292 mg/l magnesium). The influence of different experimental parameters, such as current density (0.5, 1, and 2 mA/cm2), initial pH(5,7, and 10), the temperature of the simulated solution(250C and 35 0C), and electrolysis time was studied. The highest removal efficiency of 80.183%, 99.21%, and 98.06% for calcium, silica, and magnesium ions, respectively, were obtained at a current de

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 19 2025
Journal Name
International Journal Of Engineering & Technology
An integrated multi layers approach for detecting unknown malware behaviours
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Malware represents one of the dangerous threats to computer security. Dynamic analysis has difficulties in detecting unknown malware. This paper developed an integrated multi – layer detection approach to provide more accuracy in detecting malware. User interface integrated with Virus Total was designed as a first layer which represented a warning system for malware infection, Malware data base within malware samples as a second layer, Cuckoo as a third layer, Bull guard as a fourth layer and IDA pro as a fifth layer. The results showed that the use of fifth layers was better than the use of a single detector without merging. For example, the efficiency of the proposed approach is 100% compared with 18% and 63% of Virus Total and Bel

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
An evaluation of waste and well water quality for agriculture production around Erbil city, Iraq
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Erbil city is located in the northern Iraq with a population of over one million people. Due to water crises farmers usually use wastewater and well water for the agricultural production. In this study six stations were designed to sample waste water and three from well water to define waste water and ground water characteristics. In this study, Residual Na+ Carbonate, Mg++ hazard, salinity hazard, Kelley index, %sodium, total hardness, permeability index, potential salinity, sodium adsorption ratio, and Irrigation Water Quality Index (IWQI) were determined. The order of average cation concentrations in water was Mg2+> Ca2+ > Na+ > K+. While the proportion of main

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