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Effect of Dietary Linseed on Egg Quality of Laying Quail
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To assess the effects of dietary oil sources on productive and reproductive traits, sunflower oil, flax oil, corn oil, or fish oil were induced in quail diets. One hundred and sixty-eight 7-week-old Japanese quail were randomly assigned to 4 groups (12 males and 30 females each) with 3 replicates per group containing 4 males and 10 females each and fed for 13 weeks (including one week as an adaptation period) on a commercial diet supplemented with 3% of sunflower oil (T1), flax oil (T2), corn oil (T3), or fish oil (T4). The birds received water and were fed ad libitum during the study. The results of the experiment revealed that dietary supplementation with different sources of oil had no significant effect on male body weight, female body weight, or feed consumption of quails. Dietary fish oil at the inclusion level of 3% (T4) recorded the best results (p<0.05) in regard to egg weight, hen-day egg production, egg mass, cumulative egg production, feed conversion ratio, fertility, hatchability of eggs set, hatchability of fertile eggs, and embryonic livability, followed by the results of flax oil (T2), whereas the lowest values for these traits were recorded for corn oil (T3), followed by the results of sunflower oil (T1), which recorded the lowest means with relation to characteristics included in this study. However, there was no significant difference between T2 and T3 in respect to feed conversion ratio during the entire period of the experiment. In general, it can be recommended that the use of fish oil (T4) and flax oil (T2) at levels of 3% in the Japanese quail diet during the laying period lead to higher economic efficiency without adverse effects on productive and reproductive performance. Therefore, providing fish oil or flax oil to quail throughout their laying period may be a simple means to enhance the reproductive efficiency of these birds.

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Publication Date
Wed May 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Physical Education
The Effect Of Compound Exercises Using Visual Training Aid On Tactical Performance Of Deaf Soccer League Players
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S Ali…, Journal of Physical Education, 2019 - Cited by 1

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Numerical Investigation of the Effect of Inserted Twisted Tape inside Submerged Bundle Tubes on its Thermal Performance
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Twisted tape insertion in the smooth plain tube is one of the types of passive methods that are used to enhance heat transfer. Swirl fluid flow inside the tube and related heat transfer characteristics are very complex. ANSYS FLUENT (V 16.1) and ASPEN industrial program are used in analyzing this technique for enhancement heat transfer. A circular plain tube has length L=8534mm and 17 mm inner diameter with a twisted tape of twist ratio of y = (H/D) = (150/17) =8.8 along the plain tube were considered for this study. Eight Reynolds numbers (Re) of 784, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000, 5000, 6000 and 7000 are used to analyze the response of thermal performance. Crude oil API 28 exit temperature, film heat transfer coefficient, Nus

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of 1,4-Napthaquinone (NQ) and benzophenone (BPH)on the photodegradation and biodegradation of methyl cellulose film
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The induced photodegradation of methyl cellulose (MC) films in air was investigated in the absence and presence of aromatic carbonyl compounds(photosenssitizers): 1,4-naphthaquinone (NQ) and benzophenone (BPH) by accelerated weathering tester. The addition of (0.01 wt %) of low molecular weight aromatic carbonyl compounds to cellulose derivatives films(25µm in thickness) enhanced the photodegradation of the polymer films.The photodegradation rate was measured by the increase in carbonyl absorbance. Decreases in solution viscosity and reduction of molecular weight were also observed in the irradiated samples. Changes in the number-average chain scission, the degree of deterioration and in the quantum yield of chain scission values are als

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 28 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Parasitic Diseases
The effect of toxoplasmosis on the level of some sex hormones in males blood donors in Baghdad
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Toxoplasma gondii is a unique intracellular parasite, which infect a large proportion of the world population, but uncommonly causes clinically significant disease. The present study was performed to estimate the prevalence of toxoplasmosis in 400 apparently healthy blood donor males, their ages were between 18 and 57 years using enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, and to examine the effects of infection on total testosterone, free testosterone and follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) levels in their sera. Seroprevalence showed 10 (2.5 %) and 121 (30 %) of them had IgM and IgG antibodies respectively. Both acute and chronic toxoplasmosis in males recorded higher significant (P < 0.05) mean concentration for total and free testosterone hormone,

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Scopus (31)
Publication Date
Sun May 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effect of Four Lateral Methyl Groups on The Thermotropic Behavior of Azo Liquid Crystal Homologous Series
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  Twenty binary liquid crystalline mixture diagrams were investigated with polarizing microscope and differential scanning calorimeter (DSC). Four binary mixture diagrams were constructed to identify the smectic phase which is found to be the same in all components of the homologous series (4-n-alkoxy -2, 3, 5, 6-tetra methyl-4-n-alkoxy azo benzene) (nPA4M). The fifth binary mixture diagram was between the (6PA4M) and the reference liquid crystal compound, terephthlylidene-bis (4-n-butylanaline) (TBAA) to   identify the type of smectic mesophase of these compounds, and the results obtained were compared with the literature. To study the effect of the 4 methyl lateral groups on the thermotropic behavior of the (nPA4M) homol

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of Diffusion Temperature on the some Electrical Properties of CdS:In Thin Films Prepared by Vacuum Evaporation
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CdS films were prepared by thermal evaporation technique at thickness 1 µm on glass substrates and these films were doped with indium (3%) by thermal diffusion method. The electrical properties of these have been investigated in the range of diffusion temperature (473-623 K)> Activation energy is increased with diffusion temperature unless at 623 K activation energy had been decreased. Hall effect results have shown that all the films n-type except at 573 and 623 K and with increase diffusion temperature both of concentration and mobility carriers were increased.

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effect of storage duration on the Type and concentration of aflatoxin in local paddy and polished rice.
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?Natural Occurrence of aflatoxin Bi and B2 was investigated monthly in paddy rice stored for duration of six months. Aflatoxin B| was detected at the beginning of storage. The concentration of aflatoxin Bi in paddy and polished rice was found to be (0.3 and ()) ppb respectively while aflatoxin B2 W'as not detected in both paddy and polished rice afler six months of storage, concentration of aflatoxin Bi ‘ ’ ' reached 3 ppb in paddy rice and 0.9 ppb in polished rice, while the study proved that the concentration of aflatoxin in paddy rice was higher than polished rice as a result of processing which reduce the toxin

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Publication Date
Mon Jul 01 2024
Journal Name
Iop Conference Series: Earth And Environmental Science
The Effect of Spraying with Plant Extracts on Some Growth Characteristics and Active Ingredients of Basil Plant
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Abstract<p>Basil (Ocimum basilicum L.), a leafy plant used for fresh food, medicinal purposes, and aromatic purposes (including the extraction of volatile essential oil and active compounds), was the subject of a worker experiment at the College of Education for Pure Sciences Ibn Al-Haitham / University of Baghdad during the 2023 growing season. The experiment aimed to determine the effects of spraying the basil plant’s vegetative system with aqueous extracts of watercress and parsley on the plant’s growth characteristics and the production of active compounds. The experiment included two factors, the first factor, the aqueous extract of the watercress plant in three concentrations (0, 5, 10</p> ... Show More
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Analytical and Experimental Investigation for the Effect of Air Injection Angle on the Performance of Airlift Pump
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The effect of air injection angle on the performance of airlift pump used for water pumping has been studied analytically and experimentally. An airlift pump of dimensions 42mm diameter and 2200 mm length with conventional and modified air injection device was considered. A modification on conventional injection device (normal air-jacket type) was carried out by changing injection angle from 90  (for conventional) to 45  and 22.5  (for modified). Continuity and one-dimensional momentum balance for the flow field with basic principle of two-phase flow and expressions of slip ratio and friction factor as function of flow rates were formulated. The analytical and experimental investigations were carried out f

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Publication Date
Sat Apr 01 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Effect of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Levels on Yield, Concentration, Physical and Chemical Properties of Dill Seed Oil
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To test the effect of 4 levels of nitrogen (i.e. 0, 45, 90 and 135 Kg N ha-1) as urea (46% N) and 3 levels of phosphorus (i.e. 0, 17.5 and 35 Kg P ha-1) as triple superphosphate (21.8% P) on yield and concentration of dill (Anethum graveolens L. local cultivar) seed oil this experiment was carried out during winter season of 1999 - 2000 at the experimental field of Agriculture College, Abu-Ghraib.

 Both fertilizers were applied in two equal splits, first at seeds sowing and the second was added one month after emergence. Dried and ground seed samples were subjected to water distillation for extraction of volatile oils

 Result indicated that fertilization of dill plants with 90 Kg N

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