An advertisement is a form of communication intended to promote the sale of a product or service, influence public opinion, gain political support, or to elicit some other response. It consists of various type, including style, target audience, geographic scope, medium, or purpose. An advertisement should catch a person's attention and quickly create a memorable impression. The main aim of the present paper is to investigate the phonological problems of translating English international TV advertisements into Arabic. It deals with the most common and popular TV advertisements. The importance of such advertisements lies not in its information content rather than in the achievement of the desired impact on the receivers. When translating such ads, certain linguistic elements (especially the phonological aspects like rhyme, rhythm, alliteration, etc.) are necessary to duplicate the impact an ad has on the domestic market in the foreign exchange. To conclude, translating international TV advertisements is a challenge since they cannot be translated 100% successfully without a loss in meaning or form. Since both English and Arabic belong to different language systems, it is difficult to maintain both form and sense which should have priority as it provides the message of the source language (SL) text and the translator should attempt to render form (particularly such sound devices as rhyme, rhythm, alliteration) as far as possible and be faithful to the SL message.
The purpose of this study is to investigate learners' listening comprehension problems with Englishlectures. The study was guided by research question (What are the listening comprehension problems learners have with lectures in English).Furthermore; the main significant goal were declared through conducting this study, as well as providing some procedures of distribution the questionnaire of the study.Moreover, it presents several definitions of listening. This study definitely depends on questionnaire instrument to gathering the required data. The participants of the study were 30 learners completed their secondary school and joined at the college. Based on the findings among the five factors (text, speaker, task, environment, and list
... Show MoreLos nombres propios nombran a un ser o a un objeto, distinguiéndolo de los demás seres de su misma clase, se escriben siempre con letra mayúscula a principio de palabra. Los lingüistas hacen mayor hincapié en las divergencias de referencia, entre nombres propios y nombres comunes. Así, suele decirse que el sustantivo propio no tiene como referente ningún concepto. El asunto de la traducción de los nombres propios parecería una cuestión de gusto personal del traductor pero vemos también que en algunas épocas es más frecuente traducirlos, y en otras, por el contrario, se prefiere dejar esos nombres en su forma original, tal vez con algunas adaptaciones ortográficas. Parecería entonces cuestión de modas. Pero, eviden
... Show MoreLexicography, the art and craft of dictionary-making, is as old as writing. Since its very early stages several thousands of years ago, it has helped to serve basically the every-day needs of written communication among individuals in communities speaking different languages or different varieties of the same language. Two general approaches are distinguished in the craft of dictionary-making: the semasiological and the onomasiological. The former is represented by usually-alphabetical dictionaries as such, i.e. their being inventories of the lexicon, while the latter is manifested in thesauruses. English and Arabic have made use of both approaches in the preparation of their dictionaries, each having a distinct aim ahead. Wit
... Show MoreDBN Rashid, IMPAT: International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts, and Literature, 2016 - Cited by 5
Iraqi EFL teachers face problems in teaching “English for Iraq Series” for primary public school pupils. In this paper, the researchers are going to identify the main problems faced by our teachers and try to find solutions to these problems. To achieve the aim of the study, list of questions asked and from teachers’ responses, the researchers have got an idea about the main problems which are related to textbook material, parents, learners, environment and technology. Therefore, the researchers adapted a questionnaire to achieve the purpose of the study with some changes and modifications. This questionnaire with five point scale (strongly agree, agree, undecided, disagree, strongly disagree). To achieve face validity, the
... Show MoreDBN Rashid, Rimak International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 2020
This paper studies the demonstratives as deictic expressions in Standard Arabic and English by outlining their phonological, syntactic and semantic properties in the two languages. On the basis of the outcome of this outline, a contrastive study of the linguistic properties of this group of deictic expressions in the two languages is conducted next. The aim is to find out what generalizations could be made from the results of this contrastive study.
The present study examines the main points of differences in the subject of greetings between the English language and the Arabic language. From the review of the related literature on greetings in both languages, it is found that Arabic greeting formulas are more elaborate than the English greetings, because of the differences in the social customs and the Arabic traditions and the Arabic culture. It is also found that Arabic greetings carry a religious meaning basing on the Islamic principle of “the same or more so”, which might lead to untranslatable loopholes when rendered in English.
This paper investigates the collocational use of irreversible food binomials in the lexicons of English (UK) and Arabic (Iraq), their word-order motivations, cultural background, and how they compare. Data consisted in sixteen pairs in English, versus fifteen in Arabic. Data analysis has shown their word order is largely motivated by logical sequencing of precedence; the semantically bigger or better item comes first and the phonologically longer word goes last. These apply in a cline of decreasing functionality: logical form first, semantic importance second, phonological form last. In competition, the member higher in this cline wins first membership. While the entries in each list clearly reflect culturally preferred food meals in the UK
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