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Solving tri-criteria: total completion time, total late work, and maximum earliness by using exact, and heuristic methods on single machine scheduling problem
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The presented study investigated the scheduling regarding  jobs on a single machine. Each  job will be processed with no interruptions and becomes available for the processing at time 0. The aim is finding a processing order with regard to jobs, minimizing total completion time , total late work , and maximal tardiness  which is an NP-hard problem. In the theoretical part of the present work, the mathematical formula for the examined problem will be presented, and a sub-problem of the original problem of minimizing the multi-objective functions  is introduced. Also, then the importance regarding the dominance rule (DR) that could be applied to the problem to improve good solutions will be shown. While in the practical part, two exact methods are important; a Branch and Bound algorithm (BAB) and a complete enumeration (CEM) method are applied to solve the three proposed MSP criteria by finding a set of efficient solutions. The experimental results showed that CEM can solve problems for up to  jobs. Two approaches of the BAB method were applied: the first approach was BAB without dominance rule (DR), and the BAB method used dominance rules to reduce the number of sequences that need to be considered. Also, this method can solve problems for up to , and the second approach BAB with dominance rule (DR), can solve problems for up to  jobs in a reasonable time to find efficient solutions to this problem. In addition, to find good approximate solutions, two heuristic methods for solving the problem are proposed, the first heuristic method can solve up to  jobs, while the second heuristic method can solve up to  jobs. Practical experiments prove the good performance regarding the two suggested approaches for the original problem. While for a sub-problem the experimental results showed that CEM can solve problems for up to  jobs, the BAB without dominance rule (DR) can solve problems for up to , and the second approach BAB with dominance rule (DR), can solve problems for up to  jobs in a reasonable time to find efficient solutions to this problem. Finally, the heuristic method can solve up to jobs. Arithmetic results are calculated by coding (programming) algorithms using (MATLAB 2019a)  

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 27 2020
Journal Name
Asian Journal Of Civil Engineering
Using measured mile method to quantify the loss of labor productivity in Iraqi construction site
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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Cadmium Removal Using Bio-Electrochemical Reactor with Packed Bed Rotating Cylindrical Cathode: A Kinetics Study
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   The kinetics of removing cadmium from aqueous solutions was studied using a bio-electrochemical reactor with a packed bed rotating cylindrical cathode. The effect of applied voltage, initial concentration of cadmium, cathode rotation speed, and pH on the reaction rate constant (k) was studied. The results showed that the cathodic deposition occurred under the control of mass transfer for all applied voltage values ​​used in this research. Accordingly, the relationship between logarithmic concentration gradient with time can be represented by a first-order kinetic rate equation. It was found that the rate constant (k) depends on the applied voltage, the initial cadmium concentration, the pH and the rotational speed of cathode. It

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 10 2023
Journal Name
Proceedings Of The Pakistan Academy Of Sciences: B. Life And Environmental Sciences
Characterization of Titanium dioxide (TiO2 ) Nanoparticles Biosynthesized using Leuconostoc spp. Isolated from Cow’s Raw Milk
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Nanotechnology is a continually expanding field for its uses and applications in multiple areas i.e. medicine, science, and engineering. Biosynthesis is straightforward, less-toxicity, and cost-effective technology. TiO2 NPs biosynthesis has attained consideration in recent decades. In this study, probiotic bacteria were isolated from cow’s raw milk samples, and then were identified by using the Vitek2 system; as Leuconostoc spp. included Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. mesenteroides (Leu.1), Leuconostoc mesenteroides subsp. cremoris (Leu.4), and Leuconostoc pseudomesenteroides (Leu.14). All Leuconostoc spp. isolates showed an ability for TiO2 NPs bio-production, after being incubated at anaerobic conditions (30 o C/ 24 h) in DeM

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 25 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Corrosion Rate Optimization of Mild-Steel under Different Cooling Tower Working Parameters Using Taguchi Design
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This study investigates the implementation of Taguchi design in the estimation of minimum corrosion rate of mild-steel in cooling tower that uses saline solution of different concentration. The experiments were set on the basis of Taguchi’s L16 orthogonal array. The runs were carried out under different condition such as inlet concentration of saline solution, temperature, and flowrate. The Signal-to- Noise ratio and ANOVA analysis were used to define the impact of cooling tower working conditions on the corrosion rate. A regression had been modelled and optimized to identify the optimum level for the working parameters that had been founded to be 13%NaCl, 35ᴼC, and 1 l/min. Also a confirmation run to establish the p

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Spectrophotometric Determination of Nitrofurantoin Drug in its Pharmaceutical Formulations Using MBTH as a Coupling Reagent
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A direct, sensitive and efficient spectrophotometric method for the determination of nitrofurantoin
drug (NIT) in pure as well as in dosage form (capsules) was described. The suggested method was
based on reduction NIT drug using Zn/HCl and then coupling with 3-methyl-2-benzothiazolinone
hydrazone hydrochloride (MBTH) in the presence of ammonium ceric sulfate. Spectrophotometric
measurement was established by recording the absorbance of the green colored product at 610 nm.
Using the optimized reaction conditions, beer’s law was obeyed in the range of 0.5-30 μg/mL, with
good correlation coefficient of 0.9998 and limits of detection and quantitation of 0.163 and 0.544
μg/mL, respectively. The accuracy and

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study of Using of Recycled Brick Waste (RBW) to produce Environmental Friendly Concrete: A Review
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Several million tons of solid waste are produced each year as a result of construction and demolition activities around the world, and brick waste is one of the most widely wastes. Recently, there has been growing number in studies that conducted on using of recycling brick waste (RBW) to produce environmentally friendly concrete. The use of brick waste (BW) as potential partial cement or aggregate replacement materials is summarized in this review where the performance is discussed in the form of the mechanical strength and properties that related to durability of  concrete. It was found that, because the pozzolanic activity of clay brick powder, it can be utilized as substitute for cement in replacement level up t

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Study of Using of Recycled Brick Waste (RBW) to produce Environmental Friendly Concrete: A Review
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Several million tons of solid waste are produced each year as a result of construction and demolition activities around the world, and brick waste is one of the most widely wastes. Recently, there has been growing number in studies that conducted on using of recycling brick waste (RBW) to produce environmentally friendly concrete. The use of brick waste (BW) as potential partial cement or aggregate replacement materials is summarized in this review where the performance is discussed in the form of the mechanical strength and properties that related to durability of  concrete. It was found that, because the pozzolanic activity of clay brick powder, it can be utilized as substitute for cement in replacement level up to 10%. Whereas,

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 31 2017
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Active Vibration Suppression of Smart Cantilever Beam with Sliding Mode Observer Using Two Piezoelectric Patches
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This paper presents a vibration suppression control design of cantilever beam using two piezoelectric ‎patches. One patch was used as ‎an actuator element, while the other was used as a sensor. The controller design was designed via the balance realization reduction method to elect the reduced order model that is most controllable and observable. ‎the sliding mode observer was designed to estimate six states from the reduced order model but three states are only used in the control law. Estimating a number of states larger than that used is in order to increase the estimation accuracy. Moreover, the state ‎estimation error is proved bounded. An ‎optimal LQR controller is designed then using the ‎estimated states with the slid

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 01 2010
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Improvement of Surface Roughness Quality for Stainless Steel 420 Plate Using Magnetic Abrasive Finishing Method
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     An experimental study was carried out to improve the surface roughness quality of the stainless steel 420 using magnetic abrasive finishing method (MAF). Four independent operation parameters were studied (working gap, coil current, feed rate, and table stroke), and their effects on the MAF process were introduced. A rotating coil electromagnet was designed and implemented to use with plane surfaces. The magnetic abrasive powder used was formed from 33%Fe and 67% Quartz of (250µm mesh size). The lubricant type SAE 20W was used as a binder for the powder contents. Taguchi method was used for designing the experiments and the optimal values of the selected parameters were found. An empirical equation representing the r

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 06 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stimulation of Hatching Efficiency in Capsulated Cysts of Artemia fransiscana Using 890 nm Diode Laser
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Artemia fransiscana is one of the most important live food for commercial larval aquaculture. The aim of this study is to investigate the effects of 890 nm diode laser irradiation on Artemia capsulated cysts using (1-10) minutes exposure time, and 2.26x10-3 J/cm2 Fluence. The Artemia samples were obtained from two locations: Dyalaa and Basraa. After irradiation, hatching percentage (H %) and hatching efficiency(HE) of Artemia were measured after 24 and 48 hours of incubation. The results of the effect of laser light on the capsulated cysts from Dyalaa showed that the optimum dose for enhancing (H %) after 24 hours of incubation is using 10 minutes exposure time, while after 48 hours of incubation the (H %) enhancement can be achieved

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