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Correlations for Optimum Separation Pressures for Sequential Field Separation System
ABSRACT<p>A study has been done to find the optimum separators pressures of separation stations. Stage separation of oil and gas is accomplished with a series of separators operating at sequentially reduced pressures. Liquid discharged from a higher pressure separator into the lower pressure separator. The set of working separators pressures which yield maximum recovery of liquid hydrocarbon from the well fluid is the optimum set of pressures which is the target of this work.</p><p>Computer model is used to find the optimum separators pressures. The model employs the Peng-Robinson equation of state for volatile oil. Application of this model shows good improvement of all objective functions for many oils(1).</p><p>Mathematical correlations for estimating optimum set of pressures have been deduced from the model to provide simple and quick tool to find the optimum stages pressures. Many tests have been achieved with many volatile samples at different conditions to prove the validity of these correlations.</p>
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Potential of Using Limestone Rocks Accumulated in Al-Samawa Stone Quarry, South Iraq, for The Stationary Phase in A Column Chromatography Separation

     This investigation aims to determine whether it is feasible to use the limestone rocks found in the Al-Samawa stone quarry in southern Iraq as the stationary phase in column chromatography separation. Together with the chromatographic application, the physical and chemical characteristics of the rocks are examined. SiO2, SO4, PO4, NO3, and Cl are the negative ions, while Ca, Mg, Na, K, and Li are the positive ions. The limestone samples are characterized via chromatographic analysis. The results suggest that limestone samples could be used as an adsorbent material for chromatographic separation techniques. Additionally, samples from the Nasiriyah refinery's crude oil can be used to sep

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2016
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Radiological Assessment and Mechanical Separation of NORM Contaminated Soil from Iraqi Oil Fields

Naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) contaminated sites at Al-Rumaila Iraqi oil fields have been characterized as a part of soil remediation project. Activity of radium isotopes in contaminated soil have been determined using gamma spectrometer High Purity Germanium detector (HPGe) and found to be very high for Al-Markezia, Al-Qurainat degassing stations and storage area at Khadhir Almay region. The activity concentration of samples ranges from 6474.11±563.8 Bq/kg to 1232.5±60.9 Bq/kg with mean value of 3853.3 Bq/kg for 226Ra, 843.59±8.39 Bq/kg to 302.2±9.2 Bq/kg  with mean value of 572.9 Bq/kg for 232Th and 294.31±18.56 Bq/kg to 156.64±18.1 Bq/kg with mean value of 225.5 for 40K. S

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University

Reverse Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) was coupled with ultraviolet absorption sepectoscopy (UV) for separation and identification of Naphthalene, Acenaphthylene, Pyrene, Benz{a} anthracene and 1,3,2,4-Dibenzanthracene. RP-HPLC was performed on an ODS-C18 column (150×4.6 mm I.D) using acetonitrile–buffer phosphate as mobile phase. UV absorption spectra of the elutes was detected in 254 nm, and studying the chromatographic variables include organic modifier ratio, PH, column temperature and concentration of buffer to maximize resolution and minimize separation time. the results showed that using mobile phase( 80:20) v/v acetonitrile:0.01M phosphate buffer solution at PH 6 with flow rate 1ml/min and column te

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 13 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Separation of cobalt from spent catalyst CoMo by precipitation and Ion exchange techniques

Two methods were established to separate cobalt from the spent catalyst CoMo which also contain Co, Al and Fe. The first method was the precipitation technique by controlling the pH. At pH 5, 76% of the cobalt which was collected with 1.4% Al and 0.5% Fe as contaminants. The second method was the anion exchange by using Amberlite 400 resin, 100% of the cobalt and was collected with 99.46% purity.The only contaminant was Fe with 0.54% with no Al.  For a large scale production of cobalt from this spent catalyst, a batch process was designed with a production of 80 grams per batch by using the anion exchange technique. Kilograms quantities of Co were collected.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 29 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Separation and Identification of Phenolic Acid from Borago officinalis (F:Boraginaceae) Cultivated in Iraq

    The plant Borago officinalis, which belongs to the Boraginaceae family and Celebrated as borage, is one of the useful medicinal plants cultivated in Iraq. It was used in olde medicine in Iraq, Irane, Syria and Europe for management of various diseases. It is commonly used as an atonic, tranquilliser, management of cough, sore throat, pneumonia, swelling, inflammatory diseases, antioxidant, and anticancer. This project provides the first comprehensive research done in Iraq to study the phytochemicals and the methods of extraction and isolation of active constituents from Borago officinalis cultivated in Iraq. The plant was harvested in spring from AL-Rifai, Nassiriyah city, IRAQ in February 2019.were w

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Digital Signal Processing
Reverberant signal separation using optimized complex sparse nonnegative tensor deconvolution on spectral covariance matrix

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Int. J. Nonlinear Anal. Appl.
Rough continuity and rough separation axioms in G<inf>m</inf>-closure approximation spaces

The theory of general topology view for continuous mappings is general version and is applied for topological graph theory. Separation axioms can be regard as tools for distinguishing objects in information systems. Rough theory is one of map the topology to uncertainty. The aim of this work is to presented graph, continuity, separation properties and rough set to put a new approaches for uncertainty. For the introduce of various levels of approximations, we introduce several levels of continuity and separation axioms on graphs in Gm-closure approximation spaces.

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Publication Date
Sun Oct 30 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Pairwise Regularity and Normality Separation Axioms in C ̌ech Fuzzy Soft Bi-Closure Spaces

    In this paper, some new types of regularity axioms, namely pairwise quasi-regular, pairwise semi-regular, pairwise pseudo regular and pairwise regular are defined and studied in both ech fuzzy soft bi-closure spaces (  bicsp’s) and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces. We also study the relationships between them. We show that in all these types of axioms, the hereditary property is satisfied under closed fs bi-csubsp of . Furthermore, we define some normality axioms, namely pairwise semi-normal, pairwise pseudo normal, pairwise normal and pairwise completely normal in both  bicsp’s and their induced fuzzy soft bitopological spaces, as well as their basic properties and the relationships between them are studied.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Second Engineering Scientific Conference

This paper describes the transport of Alkaloids through Rotating Discs Contactor (RDC) using n-decane as a liquid membrane. The transport of Pelletierine Alkaloid from a source phase through bulk liquid membrane to the receiving phase has been investigated. The general behaviour of Pertraction process indicates that% Extraction of pelletierine Alkaloid increased with increase in the number of stages and the agitation speed but high agitation speed was not favoured due to the increased risk of droplet formation during the operation. The pH of source and receiving phases were also investigated. The effect of organic solvent membrane on the extraction of Pelletierine was evaluated using ndecane, n-hexane and methyl cyclohexane. The results sho

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 20 2022
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Novel Method of Oil/Water Separation Using Composite of Polymethylacrylamide Hydrogel-Coated Metal Mesh

Different compositions of hydrogels composed of mathacrylamide homopolymer (60 and 90% of PMAM) were prepared using the free radical polymerization technique, with and without methylene bisacrylamide as crosslinker (0 and 3%). Several parameters and properties were studied to evaluate their performance as oil/water separators. Many parameters are used, such as residual oil in water, water recovery, separation time, hydrogels coated percentages, swelling parameters, mechanical properties, microscopic and photographic images, and scanning electron microscopy. The results showed that water recovery (87-97), Separation efficiency (96.2-99.6 %), separation time (6-9.5 min.), hydrogels coated percentages (18-23 %), water content (70-97 %), and

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