The tests that measure special strength defined by speed contributes a great deal in evaluating the players' weaknesses and strengths so as to aid coaches judge their players according to scientific and objective measurements. The problem of the study lies in answering the following question : is there a test that measures legs' vertical strength defined by speed especially for youth basketball players? The aim of the research was to construct and standardize a test for measuring legs' vertical strength defined by speed in youth basketball. The subjects of the study were 74 youth basketball players from Baghdad. The researchers concluded that the test measures leg's vertical strength defined by speed for youth basketball players as well as it sets the criteria for these tests. Finally the researchers recommended using this test for measuring leg's vertical strength defined by speed in the evaluation process in addition to the criteria of this research as a reference for selecting youth basketball players. Finally the researchers recommended making similar researches using other physical variables not studied in this research.
The calibration of a low-speed wind tunnel (LSWT) test section had been made in the present work. The tunnel was designed and constructed at the Aerodynamics Lab. in the Mechanical Engineering Department/University of Baghdad. The test section design speed is 70 m/s. Frictional loses and uniformity of the flow inside the test section had been tested and calibrated based on the British standards for flow inside ducts and conduits. Pitot-static tube, boundary layer Pitot tube were the main instruments which were used in the present work to measure the flow characteristics with emphasize on the velocity uniformity and boundary layer growth along the walls of the test section. It is found that the maximum calibrated velocity for empty test s
... Show MoreSummary of the researchThe style of playing in basketball, represented by the performance of complex movements as a result of the rapid movement and changing positions is one of the advantages of this game, which adds beauty and excitement to this game, so it was necessary for players to use forms of mobility and complex skills mixed with precision and speed, In the attack to overcome the difficult positions defenders are trying to impose on the attacking team.Complex offensive skills in basketball are difficult skills that a player can not easily perform so they need to be specially trained to handle those situations so that the player can use them in difficult situations.The research community represented a sample of Baghdad players for t
... Show MoreThe current world seeks to supply the most of the fruits of human knowledge and tries hard to search for the most important scientific facts, programs, means and advanced devices in various fields, including the sports field, and among these means is the use of various and advanced training devices and programs for the purpose of achieving the desired goal, which is to reach the desired level, the basketball game is one of the sports that need high technology in training according to scientifically studied principles because it is one of the games that relate to the abundance of its variables, composition and speed of change, all of which require a technical and high training depth and the players ’possession of different physical charact
... Show MoreCuring of concrete is the maintenance of a satisfactory moisture content and temperature for a
period of time immediately following placing so the desired properties are developed. Accelerated
curing is advantages where early strength gain in concrete is important. The expose of concrete
specimens to the accelerated curing conditions which permit the specimens to develop a significant
portion of their ultimate strength within a period of time (1-2 days), depends on the method of the
curing cycle.Three accelerated curing test methods are adopted in this study. These are warm water,
autogenous and proposed test methods. The results of this study has shown good correlation
between the accelerated strength especially for
إن المقصود باختبارات حسن المطابقة هو التحقق من فرضية العدم القائمة على تطابق مشاهدات أية عينة تحت الدراسة لتوزيع احتمالي معين وترد مثل هكذا حالات في التطبيق العملي بكثرة وفي كافة المجالات وعلى الأخص بحوث علم الوراثة والبحوث الطبية والبحوث الحياتية ,عندما اقترح كلا من Shapiro والعالم Wilk عام 1965 اختبار حسن المطابقة الحدسي مع معالم القياس
يحتل موضوع الاستهلاك اهمية كبيرة في الدراسات الاقتصادية في حالتي السلم والحرب وذلك لارتباط هذا الموضوع بالانسان والمجتمع ولكونه احد مؤشرات مستوى الرفاهية الاقتصادية والاجتماعية وتزداد اهمية ضبط حركة هذا المتغير السلوكي والكمي في زمن الحرب اكثر مما هو عليه في حالة السلم، في هذا البحث تم استخدام بيانات احصائية عن الانفاق الاستهلاكي الخاص ونصيب الفرد من الدخل القومي اضافة الى الرقم القياسي لاسعار المس
... Show MoreIn this work, the performance of the receiver in a quantum cryptography system based on BB84 protocol is scaled by calculating the Quantum Bit Error Rate (QBER) of the receiver. To apply this performance test, an optical setup was arranged and a circuit was designed and implemented to calculate the QBER. This electronic circuit is used to calculate the number of counts per second generated by the avalanche photodiodes set in the receiver. The calculated counts per second are used to calculate the QBER for the receiver that gives an indication for the performance of the receiver. Minimum QBER, 6%, was obtained with avalanche photodiode excess voltage equals to 2V and laser diode power of 3.16 nW at avalanche photodiode temperature of -10
... Show MoreAutorías: Muwafaq Obayes Khudhair, Sanaa Rabeea Abed, Hayder Talib Jasim. Localización: Revista iberoamericana de psicología del ejercicio y el deporte. Nº. 1, 2023. Artículo de Revista en Dialnet.
The present study aims to test a range of hypotheses about the effectiveness of each of the theory of transactional leadership, and the theory of transformational leadership in the Egyptian environment, and to identify any of them are better able to predict the effectiveness of leadership. And after the effect will be to identify the quality of the relationship between the leader and the subordinate in leadership , and what is the role of transformational leadership dimensions influencing the effectiveness of leadership. The field study was conducted on a sample of companies' public and private sector and the government in Egypt. The results of the study resulted in experimental that transacti
... Show Moreملخص البحث: يعد اسلوب تدريب المقاومات المرنة واحد من اساليب تدريب القوة العضلية فهو النظام الذي يتم من خلاله استخدام تمرينات يتم ادائها ضد مقاومات متغيرة مثل الحبال المطاطية او اشرطة الساندو، ويمتاز هذا الاسلوب بتغير الشدة خلال اداء التمرين الواحد اي ان كلما تم مط الحبل المطاطي ازدادت مقاومته وبالتالي فان اللاعب يستخرج قوته اكثر كلما اقترب الى مركزية الحركة في التمرين وهذا هو جوهر الاختلاف بينه وبين استخد
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