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This study was aimed to produce AuNPs biologically using Klebsiella pneumoniae and study their synergistic effect with some antibiotics.Technologies of nanoparticles are quick and are employed in many applications in biomedicine. The potential of metallic nanoparticle as an anti-microbial agent is greatly investigated which considered as an alternative method to reduce the challenges of multi-drug resistance microbes. The present study discusses the novel approach to synthesize nanoparticles involving eco-friendly synthesis of gold nanoparticles using Klebsiella pneumoniae and study their effect as antimicrobial spectrum .Also study synergism effect of gold nanoparticles with antibiotic against Acinetobacter baumannii. These approaches are used to enhance antimicrobial efficacy of nanoparticles by modification of surfaces and to investigate activity of antibiotic delivery.

Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2015
Journal Name
Chemical Engineering Science
Airlift bioreactor for biological applications with microbubble mediated transport processes
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Publication Date
Sun Mar 04 2018
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Microalgae Chlorella Vulgaris Harvesting Via Co-Pelletization with Filamentous Fungus
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The objective of this study was to progress another method for coagulation/flocculation of the microalga Chlorella vulgaris via pellet-forming of the fungal species Aspergillus niger which was isolated from municipal wastewater mud and the facultative heterotrophic microalga "C.vulgaris was used. The main factors studies were spore inoculums, organic carbon concentration in medium as well as pH variation which had considerably positive effects on microalgae/fungi co-pelletization formation. The process parameters are an inoculum1×104 spores/ML, 15 g/l sucrose as carbon source and pH ranged from 5 - 7.0 were found optimal for efficient microalgae/fungi co-pelletization formation. For autotrophic growth, when pH of culture broth was adjusted

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Scale-Invariant Feature Transform Algorithm with Fast Approximate Nearest Neighbor
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There is a great deal of systems dealing with image processing that are being used and developed on a daily basis. Those systems need the deployment of some basic operations such as detecting the Regions of Interest and matching those regions, in addition to the description of their properties. Those operations play a significant role in decision making which is necessary for the next operations depending on the assigned task. In order to accomplish those tasks, various algorithms have been introduced throughout years. One of the most popular algorithms is the Scale Invariant Feature Transform (SIFT). The efficiency of this algorithm is its performance in the process of detection and property description, and that is due to the fact that

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 31 2000
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Heat Transfer in Bubble Column Contactors with immersed Coiled Heater
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Is serum amylase normal in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome?
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Background : Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) is the most common cause of infertility in reproductive-age women , it is an important harbinger of metabolic disorders. It has been reported that hyperamylasemia can be used as marker of ovarian cancer patients . The current study was conducted to evaluate amylase activity and to estimate the correlation of this enzyme with insulin and insulin resistance in PCOS patients. Methods: This study was conducted on forty five patients with PCOS in comparison to twenty five women as control. Fasting blood sample was taken from each subject and analyzed for amylase activity , FSH,LH, Insulin , proteins, and blood sugar , meanwhile insulin resistance was determined by HOMA-IR index. Results: The result

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
User (K-Means) for clustering in Data Mining with application
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  The great scientific progress has led to widespread Information as information accumulates in large databases is important in trying to revise and compile this vast amount of data and, where its purpose to extract hidden information or classified data under their relations with each other in order to take advantage of them for technical purposes.

      And work with data mining (DM) is appropriate in this area because of the importance of research in the (K-Means) algorithm for clustering data in fact applied with effect can be observed in variables by changing the sample size (n) and the number of clusters (K)

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 30 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Fixed Point Theorems in General Metric Space with an Application
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   This paper aims to prove an existence theorem for Voltera-type equation in a generalized G- metric space, called the -metric space, where the fixed-point theorem in - metric space is discussed and its application.  First, a new contraction of Hardy-Rogess type is presented and also then fixed point theorem is established for these contractions in the setup of -metric spaces. As application, an existence result for Voltera integral equation is obtained.  

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Nonlinear Functional Analysis And Applications
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In this paper, a new seven-parameter Mittag-Leffler function of a single com-plex variable is proposed as a generalization of the standard Mittag-Leffler function, certain generalizations of Mittag-Leffler function, hypergeometric function and confluent hypergeometric function. Certain essential analytic properties are mainly discussed, such as radius of convergence, order, type, differentiation, Mellin-Barnes integral representation and Euler transform in the complex plane. Its relation to Fox-Wright function and H-function is also developed.

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2015
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
independence of the central banks with a focus on measuring the independence of the central bank of Jordan
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The main topic of this study is central around the independence of Jordanian central bank and the extent of the effectiveness at the bank in leading the monetary policy without interferences or pressures from side of the government.  the degree of independence of Jordanian central bank was  based on the following based hypothesis following ,there is relationship between the independence of the central bank and the legislative and economical indices. the most important recommendations are degree of independence of the Jordan central bank 43.5% is a good one, but it possible to reach a higher degree than this one by to making some modification on the Jordanian central bank law and by the central bank should be more rigid

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 07 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The relationship of the guilty conscience with the psychological health among the students of the University of Baghdad
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On of the psychological disorders that the human encounters is guilty conscience, this feeling is negative and affects on the individual and on those around him and harms the psychological health of the individual.

      since the university students slice is one of the important slices in the community which the country dependes on their abilities , their energies and their faculties in the construction and development, the university professors and specialists in the field of education and psychology who are around them should help them in achieving psychological balance and adjustment with themselves and with others, the following research objectives have been set : 

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