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Contrast in Matthew Arnold’s The Scholar Gipsy and Kahlil Gibran’s Al-Mawakib: A Contrastive Stylistic Analysis
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Poetry is regarded an interesting area of inquiry in linguistic studies due to its eccentric and aesthetic use of language. A lot of studies have been carried out so far for the analysis of poetry, yet few have dealt with pastoral poetry. The present research attempts to investigate the language of pastoral poetry in two different languages i.e. English and Arabic with the aim of finding similarities and differences. The data of the study consists of one English and one Arabic pastoral poems. Leech and Short's (2007) checklist is used as a model for analysis. The findings of the study reveal that there are more similarities than differences between English and Arabic pastoral poems as the poems rely on contrast in the use of the lexical categories with differences in the distribution of these categories only.

Publication Date
Mon Mar 08 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The structural and mechanical properties of ion beam
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the structrual and mechanical properties of thin Ni films of different thicknesses deposited on coring glass substrate using lonbeam sputtering(IBS) technique under vacuum torr have been studied the TEM and electron

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 11 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
The Linear and Nonlinear Electro-Mechanical Fin Actuator
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Electromechanical actuators are used in a wide variety of aerospace applications such as missiles, aircrafts and spy-fly etc. In this work a linear and nonlinear fin actuator mathematical model has been developed and its response is investigated by developing an algorithm for the system using MATLAB. The algorithm used to the linear model is the state space algorithm while the algorithm used to the nonlinear model is the discrete algorithm. The huge moment constant is varied from (-3000 to 3000) and the damping ratio is varied from (0.4 to 0.8).        

 The comparison between linear and nonlinear fin actuator response results shows that for linear model, the maximum overshoot is about 10%,

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 18 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Performance Measurement and Evaluated on The Lean Accounting
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At the last two decades , The environment has witnessed tremendous changes in many fields with the huge competition , various technological development and customer satisfaction , that are reflected in economic units a doption for lean production system.   

   Lean accounting that has appeared as a response for change occurred of economic units adoption for changes occurred of economic units adoption for lean production instead of wide production system , has devised new performance measures suitable for economic units adoption for lean ideas: and helping in providing suitable information about evaluating economic unit performance , these measures are divided into three levels , cell level,value flow level , a

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
The Correlation between SMBH and SFR for Quasars
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     A Spectroscopic study has been focused in this article to study one of the main types of active galaxies which are quasars, and to be more precise this research focuses on studying the correlation between the main engine of Quasi-Stellar Objects (QSO), the central black hole mass (SMBH) and other physical properties (e.g. the star formation rate (SFR)). Twelve objects have been randomly selected for “The Half Million Quasars (HMQ) Catalogue” published in 2015 and the data collected from Salon Digital Sky survey (SDSS) Dr. 16. The redshift range of these galaxies were between (0.05 – 0.17). The results show a clear linear proportionality between the SMBH and the SFR, as well as direct proportional between the luminosit

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Fri Jan 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
On the Stability and Acceleration of Projection Algorithms
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The focus of this paper is the presentation of a new type of mapping called projection Jungck zn- Suzuki generalized and also defining new algorithms of various types (one-step and two-step algorithms) (projection Jungck-normal N algorithm, projection Jungck-Picard algorithm, projection Jungck-Krasnoselskii algorithm, and projection Jungck-Thianwan algorithm). The convergence of these algorithms has been studied, and it was discovered that they all converge to a fixed point. Furthermore, using the previous three conditions for the lemma, we demonstrated that the difference between any two sequences is zero. These algorithms' stability was demonstrated using projection Jungck Suzuki generalized mapping. In contrast, the rate of convergenc

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 15 2021
Journal Name
Al-qadisiyah Journal Of Pure Science Vol.(26) Issue (special Issue Num.4) (2021) Pp. 30–33
Accounts for the groups (2, ), = 41 and 43
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Publication Date
Sun Dec 02 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Ecologia and Abbasid's Community/ Historical-Ecological Study
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The study includes the relationship between the ecologia and Abbaside's community in the middle ages, and the role of Baghdad capital city to increasing the sensibility of the people to the outwardly peripheral.

The study explains the efforts between the people and Abbaside's government to cure the knowledge of ecologia, to prevent the separation of diseases and  pollutions of the community. 

 Keywords: Ecologia, Abbasid's, diseases, pollutions.

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Islamic Clothing and the Modern Woman (Intellectual Study)
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In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful.
Praise be to Allah, Lord of the Worlds and peace and blessings on the honest and trustworthy (Muhammad) and his family and his divine good companions.
The Islamic clothing is one of the requirements of the common and original innateness to humans; the innateness that is created by God to all people, Allah says, (So set thou thy face steadily and truly to the Faith: [establish] Allah's handiwork according to the pattern on which He has made mankind: no change [let there be] in the work [wrought] by Allah: that is the standard Religion: but most among mankind understand not) (1). Islam as a natural religion has ordered the Muslims to wear decently, Allah says, ( O Children of Adam!

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Publication Date
Wed Sep 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Retreat and the science of speech Contemporary reading
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However, the effects of these ideas are still evident
Think of those who follow the footsteps of Muslim scholars and thinkers.
Intellectual source of Gnostic Gnar
And in dealing with issues of Islamic thought
Annalisa intersecting trends of thought, Minya who melts in Masarya and supported him and believes in Bo and extremist Vue,
 Lea, trying to throw it with a few times, looks at Elya look
There are those who stand in the opposite position
There are those who stand in a selective compromise, but this school of thought remains
 G - the features of Islamic thought that believes in the mind and Imoto in the defense of
An intellectual station and generalized bar
Creed. In his study, the researcher wi

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 01 2021
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The evolution of modern warfare and postmodern warfare
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War was and remains one of the main instruments for the practice of international relations, and has always been a major focus of the study of international relations. War, such as diplomacy, propaganda, etc., is an instrument of national politics. States have used wars to achieve their goals and aspirations and achieve their national interests. War and peace issues are essential to understanding international relations. They are questions that involve the problem of survival.

Today the term "war" is used in many different ways. We talk about Cold War, Hot War, Limited War, Total War, Conventional War, Unconventional War, Civil War, Gang War, Preventive War etc. However, the war continued to exist, and took various forms.

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