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The effectiveness of a rehabilitation program with aqueous media on the egree of pain and balance for those suffering from sacroiliitis in football players
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Abstract in English  The aim of this study is to identify the effectiveness of rehabilitation exercises in conjunction with aquatic therapy for those suffering from sacroiliitis in football players. The researcher used the experimental approach, using the experimental design (pre-measurement, post-measurement). Similar to the objectives and procedures of the research, the researcher assumed the following: the existence of significant differences. Statistics between pre- and post-measurements in variables in favor of post-measurement for the following variables (degree of pain and level of balance). The experimental approach was used with a pre- and post-measurement design on one group of football players with sacroiliitis, numbering (8) players whose ages ranged from (20 - 25 years). The program was applied for (8) weeks with (5) sessions in The week, the program included rehabilitation exercises inside and outside the aquatic environment, and the results of the research were. - The rehabilitation program prepared with hydrotherapy helped improve the general condition of the body and gradually disappear the feeling of pain in the joint clearly. The use of hydrotherapy led to the disappearance of the feeling of pain and thus had a positive effect on performance Prepared rehabilitation exercises and making the injured feel comfortable and improving the psychological state of the injured. - The prepared rehabilitation program has a clear effect in improving the balance of the muscles working in the pelvic joint. The exercises carried out clearly helped in the injured person's return to playing football normally. - Using rehabilitative exercises accompanying hydrotherapy has good results, better than applying only rehabilitative exercises. Recommendations: - Paying attention to following the rehabilitation program with hydrotherapy when football players suffer from sacroiliitis in order to avoid deterioration of the patient’s condition. The researcher also recommended using rehabilitative exercises with hydrotherapy and employing it consistently within rehabilitation programs for all pelvic joint injuries. - The researcher recommended the importance of functional tests as a criterion for the player’s return to playing football. - She pointed to the diversification and expansion of special research into the prevention of pelvic joint injuries using modern means and devices.   Keywords: sacroiliitis, hydrotherapy, degree of pain, and instability.

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Design of an adaptive state feedback controller for a magnetic levitation system
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This paper presents designing an adaptive state feedback controller (ASFC) for a magnetic levitation system (MLS), which is an unstable system and has high nonlinearity and represents a challenging control problem. First, a nonadaptive state feedback controller (SFC) is designed by linearization about a selected equilibrium point and designing a SFC by pole-placement method to achieve maximum overshoot of 1.5% and settling time of 1s (5% criterion). When the operating point changes, the designed controller can no longer achieve the design specifications, since it is designed based on a linearization about a different operating point. This gives rise to utilizing the adaptive control scheme to parameterize the state feedback controll

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 31 2020
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
Islamic feminism is a discussion of paths for establishing an Islamic epistemology
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If feminist philosophy in the context of feminist research focuses on how to produce an alternative knowledge and culture for women and forming anew awareness of their roles in the face of prevailing misconceptions then the topic of Islamic feminism is presented as a philosophical topic in the field of human knowledge to discuss how to produce an alternative knowledge of traditional knowledge prevailing in patriarchal societies to restore the balance of power and authority in the relationship between the sexes to create an effective feminist role in advocating for and defending womenś issues to achieve this Islamic feminism sought to establish an Islamic epistemology .

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Mechanical Engineering Research And Developments
Slot Design Procedure for a NACA 4412 at High Angle of Attack
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The main objective of the present work is to find a method increases the efficiency of the airfoil that is used for blade in wind turbine, wing in aircraft, propeller and helicopter (like NACA 4412). By overcoming the separation of flow at high angle of attacks, a slotted airfoil had been used and solved numerically through connecting the pressure side in the bottom surface with the suction side in the top surface of the airfoil to energize the separated flow. Slot exit, width and slope were considered as a parameters of slot configuration to determine the effective design of consideration. Reynolds number was taken as [1.6 x106 ] and the angle of attacks were ranged from (0o - 20o ). The numerical solution with Ansys Fluent commercial prog

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 12 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Study of Some Cellulose Derivatives As Hydrogel For Control Drug Release
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Neutral and semi-synthetic hydrophilic polymers are widely used

in pharmaceutical technology to fomlUlate as controlled release drugs

delivery systems ,cellulose derivatives is biocompatibilily, biodegradability , non-toxicity, its is a good candidate as drug carrier. In this study, polymers were used as cellulose derivatives like Methylcellulose (MC) & Soditun Carboxymetl1ylcellulose (NaCMC) as hydrogels for controlled delivery for two kinds of drugs, Cefotaxine

& Amoxycill ine trihydrate i n different media (Distilled water, Normal Saline & Buffer solution  PH=2). It has been shown that for sodium Carboxymethylcellulnse the drug release rate is more than the Mcthylcellulose and that the release

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Publication Date
Mon Mar 17 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
Effect of different staining materials on color stability of sapphire brackets bonded with different types of light cure orthodontic adhesives (An in vitro study)
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Background: The demand for better esthetic during orthodontic treatment has increased nowadays, so orthodontists starting using esthetic arch wires, brackets and ligatures.Tooth colored brackets were introduced in different types of materials. Sapphire ceramic brackets are one type of esthetic brackets and their color stability remains the main concern for the clinicians and patients at the same time. The present study design to evaluate the effect of three different staining materials (pepsi, black tea and cigarette smoke) on the stainability of sapphire ceramic brackets bonded with three types of light cure orthodontic adhesives which include: Resilience, Enlight and Transbond. Materials and Methods: The sample consisted of three hundre

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing A field study ona sample of banks operating in the state of Gezira 2022 AD: (دراسة ميدانية على عينة من المصارف العاملة في ولاية الجزيرة 2022م)
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                 The aim of the research is to identify the adequacy of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing in explaining the role of accounting disclosure in granting bank financing by linking the concepts of full, comprehensive and adequate disclosure to bank financing. The impact of full accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, the existence of an impact of comprehensive accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, the existence of an impact of adequate accounting disclosure on granting bank financing, and the research relied on the descriptive approach, the deductive and inductive approach, the inferential analytical approach, a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Using of Rustumiya sewage water for irrigation:1- its effect on some soil properties and corn growth
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This study is conducted to investigate the validity of using different levels of Rustumiya sewage water for irrigation and their effects on corn growth and some of the chemical properties of the soil such as electrical conductivity and soil pH in extract soil paste , the micro nutrient content in soil and plant which are ( Fe , Mn , Zn , Cu , Cd , Pb ). Three levels of sewage water ( 0 , 50 , 100 )% in two stages were used ,the three levels of wastewater ( without soil fertilization ) were used in the first stage , Where 80 Kg N /D+50Kg P2O5 /D was added to the soil as fertilizer in the control (0%) treatment and 40 Kg N/D+25Kg P2O5/D were added to 50 and 100% levels in the second stage .Corn seeds were planted in 12kg plastic pots in Com

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Reliability Analysis of Multibit Error Correcting Coding and Comparison to Hamming Product Code for On-Chip Interconnect
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Error control schemes became a necessity in network-on-chip (NoC) to improve reliability as the on-chip interconnect errors increase with the continuous shrinking of geometry. Accordingly, many researchers are trying to present multi-bit error correction coding schemes that perform a high error correction capability with the simplest design possible to minimize area and power consumption. A recent work, Multi-bit Error Correcting Coding with Reduced Link Bandwidth (MECCRLB), showed a huge reduction in area and power consumption compared to a well-known scheme, namely, Hamming product code (HPC) with Type-II HARQ. Moreover, the authors showed that the proposed scheme can correct 11 random errors which is considered a high

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Publication Date
Thu Oct 01 2020
Journal Name
Palarch's Journal Of Archaeology Of Egypt / Egyptology
"Guarantees of Disciplinary Punishment on University Service Employee and Mechanisms for their Cancellation" Comparative study
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The university Service employee is considered one of the categories of public employees, However, The academic and administrative tasks duties that undertakes have made him a special importance and a distinguished legal status, Therefore, we find That the Iraqi legislatures assigned this category a special Law, it is the university Service law No (23) of 2008 as amended who dealt with some aspects related to serving this category, such as duties, right, condition for appointment and award of academic titles, and financial allocation, such as university service allocation, academic title allocations, and some other Provisions leaving other matters to the general service laws and employee discipline, among the matters that the legislator negl

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Implementation of Active Noise Cancellation for Car Cabin on Sulaimania Roads Using Arduino Embedded System
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Car drivers hear many kinds of noise inside their vehicles' cabins, and the most annoying ones are the noise generated by tires, engines, and outside winds. Noise affects the comfort of the passengers inside the cabin, and it’s sad to say that modern cars are noisier in many kinds of noise signals due to using a lot of plastic materials in new budget cars. For expensive and luxury cars, the problem is solved by using better sound insulation materials, but for the budget ones, the approach used here is effective. It is called Active Noise Cancellation and can be done using analog or digital electronics. An operational amplifier and filters are used for the analog one, and in the digital one, signal processor chips are used. In engineeri

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