This study investigated the ability of using crushed glass solid wastes in water filtration by using a pilot plant, constructed in Al-Wathba water treatment plant in Baghdad. Different depths and different grain sizes of crushed glass were used as mono and dual media with sand and porcelaniate in the filtration process. The mathematical model by Tufenkji and Elimelech was used to evaluate the initial collection efficiency η of these filters. The results indicated that the collection efficiency varied inversely with the filtration rate. For the mono media filters the theoretical ηth values were more than the practical values ηprac calculated from the experimental work. In the glass filter ηprac was obtained by multiplying ηth by a factor 0.945 where this factor was 0.714 for the sand filter. All the dual filters showed that ηth was less than ηprac. Whereas the dual filter 35cm porcelanite and 35cm glass showed the highest collection efficiency. To obtain ηprac in the dual filter glass and sand, ηth is multiplied by 1.374, as for the dual filters porcelanite and glass the factor was 1.168 and 1.204. … Read more Table 3 Results of Set No. 1, Filter No. 3 Table 4 Results of Set No. 2, Filter No. 1
It is estimated that over the next few decades, EOR will be used for the more than 50% of oil production in the US and worldwide. From these, in reservoir with viscositites ranging between 10 – 150 mPa.s, polymer flooding is suggsted as the EOR method. Therefore, there is an upper limit to the recommended range of reservoir oil viscosities for polymer flooding. To address the issue of this limitation of polymer injectivity and pumping efficiency, we propose a novel method. The method involves the use of Supramolecular Systems, which are composed of long-chain aminoacids and maleic acids post complexation. Their unique feature of resersible viscosities allows the operator to overcome
A dust storm in Iraq is a climatic phenomenon common in arid and semi-arid regions . The frequency of the occurrence has increased drastically in the last decade and it is increasing continuously .Baghdad city like the rest of Iraq is suffering from the significant increase in dust storms . In this research , the study of the phenomenon of dust storms for all types (Suspended dust , rising dust , dust storm) , and its relationship with some climate variables (Temperature , rainfall ,wind speed) .The statement of the impact of climate change on this phenomenon to Baghdad station for the period (1981 – 2012) . Time series has been addressing the phenomenon of storms and cli
... Show MoreThe present article is devoted to the analysis of Arabic phraseological units with a component hand, selected by continuous sampling from the “Training Russian-Arabic phraseological dictionary: about 900 phraseological units” by G. L. Permyakov. Arabic phraseological units with a component hand are modeled as invariant situations (by logical-semiotic models) and figurative statements are expressed by phraseological variants (according to the figurative characteristic of the hand component). The artical focuses on the fact that somatism in Arabic phraseology has a symbolic and symbolic nature, marking various situations of Arabs' behavior, their actions, deeds, rituals, emotional and psychological states, etiquette, in
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The article critically analyzes traditional translation models. The most influential models of translation in the second half of the 20th century have been mentioned, among which the theory of formal and dynamic equivalence, the theory of regular correspondences, informative, situational-denotative, functional-pragmatic theory of communication levels have been considered. The selected models have been analyzed from the point of view of the universality of their use for different types and types of translation, as well as the ability to comprehend the deep links established between the original and the translation.