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CFRP Strengthening of RC Beams with Multiple Openings Subjected to Static and Impact Loads
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The provision of openings in serviceable reinforced concrete beams may result in a substantial decline in the beam's capacity and integrity, indicating the necessity of opening strengthening. The present study investigates the experimental response of reinforced concrete T-beams with multiple web-strengthened openings disposed in shear span to static and impact loads. Fourteen RC T-beams were tested in two groups, each of seven beams. The first group was tested under static loading up to failure, while the second group was tested under repeated impact loading until the width of shear cracks reached 0.3 mm. The residual static strengths of the beams subjected to impact loading were then determined. The test variables considered were: number of web openings, the method used to strengthen the member at openings and the height of drop during impact tests. All beams were simply supported with load applied at mid – span. Static results indicated that T-beams with four and six un-strengthened web circular openings whose diameter is 48% of the web depth have strength capacities less than those without openings by 30% and 41%, respectively. However, strengthening of webs results in an increase in the strength capacities ranging between 27% and 92%, depending on the type of strengthening. Impact results indicated that the beam with four openings did not show a remarkable increase in the maximum mid-span deflection compared with the solid beam, while that with six openings showed an increase in the maximum mid-span deflections by about 75% greater than the maximum mid-span deflection of the solid beam. Strengthening of specimens could overcome the increase in deflections.

Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 07 2022
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research Etasr
The Combined Strengthening Effect of CFRP Wrapping and NSM CFRP Laminates on the Flexural Behavior of Post-Tensioning Concrete Girders Subjected to Partially Strand Damage
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The studies on unbonded post-tensioned concrete members strengthened with Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymers (CFRPs) are limited and the effect of strengthening on the strain of unbonded pre-stressed steel is not well characterized. Estimating the flexural capacity of unbound post-tensioned members using the design methodology specified in the design guidelines for FRP strengthening techniques of bonded post-tensioned members does not provide a reliable evaluation. This study investigates the behavior of unbonded post-tensioned concrete members with partial strand damage (14.3% and 28.6% damage) and strengthened with CFRP laminates using a near-surface mounted technique with and without U-wrap anchorages. The experimental results show

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Efficiency of CFRP torsional strengthening technique for L-shaped spandrel reinforced concrete beams
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Abstract<p>The present study aims to get experimentally a deeper understanding of the efficiency of carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets applied to improve the torsional behavior of L-shaped reinforced concrete spandrel beams in which their ledges were loaded in two stages under monotonic loading. An experimental program was conducted on spandrel beams considering different key parameters including the cross-sectional aspect ratio (<italic>i.e.</italic>, web height/web thickness), and the availability of the CFRP strengthening system. The ledge of the spandrel beams was exposed during testing to a very high eccentric load, which was transferred to the web of the spandrel beam </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The Mechanical Behavior Of Materials
Performance of reinforced concrete non-prismatic beams having multiple openings configurations
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Abstract<p>This experimental study demonstrates the gable-reinforced concrete beams’ behavior with several number of openings (six and eight) and posts’ inclination, aimed to find the strength reduction in this type of beam. The major results found are: for the openings extending over similar beam length it is better to increase the number of posts (openings), <italic>i.e.</italic>, increasing opening number led to decrease in opening area, which allows us to transmit stresses and act as lever arms between the upper and the lower chords. Also, findings revealed that the inclined posts have larger loading at the mid-point relative to vertical ones. For gables with vertical posts hav</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Strengthening of GFRP Reinforced Concrete Slabs with Openings
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Using fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) could effectively improve the strength and endurance of reinforced concrete (RC) constructions. This study evaluated the flexural behavior of one-way concrete slabs with openings reinforced with glass fiber-reinforced polymers (GFRP) bars. It strengthened using carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets around the openings. The experimental program of this study is adopted by casting and testing four one-way concrete slabs with dimensions of (150*750*2650) mm. These slabs are divided into two groups based on whether they were strengthened or un-strengthened. For each group, two different openings (either one rectangular or two square) measured 250*500 mm and 250*250 mm, respective

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 11 2024
Journal Name
International Journal Of Civil Engineering
Strength Evaluation of CFRP-Strengthened RC Slab-Beams System by Load Test to Satisfy the Safety Requirements: A Case Study
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The primary goal of in-situ load testing is to evaluate the safety and performance of a structural system under particular loading conditions. Advancements in building techniques, analytical tools, and monitoring instruments are prompting the evaluation of the appropriate loading value, loading process, and examination criteria. The procedure for testing reinforced concrete (RC) structures on-site, as outlined in the ACI Building Code, involves conducting a 24-h load test and applying specific evaluation criteria. This article detailed a retrofitting project for an RC slab-beams system by utilizing carbon fiber-reinforced polymer (CFRP) sheets to strengthen the structure following a fire incident. The RC structure showed indicators of deter

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 05 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Behavior of Strengthened RC Columns with CFRP under Biaxial Bending
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In this work, the behavior of reinforced concrete columns under biaxial bending is studied. This work aims at studying the strengthening of columns by using carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP). The experimental work includes investigation of eight reinforced concrete columns (150*150*500mm) tested under several load conditions. Variables considered in the test program include; effect of eccentricity and effect of longitudinal reinforcement (Ø12mm or Ø6mm). Test results are discussed based on load – lateral deflection behavior, load –longitudinal deflection behavior, ultimate load and failure modes. The CFRP reinforcement permits
a complete change in the failure mode of the columns .The effect of longitudinal reinforcement in

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Impact of Anchored CFRP Composites on the Strengthening of Partially Damaged PC Girders
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This manuscript investigated the effect of anchorage CFRP wrapping sheets, bolts, and laminate interlock on increasing the efficiency of flexural strengthening for the post-tension girder using CFRP composites techniques longitudinal laminates at the soffit for partially damaged loss of about 14.3% from its area of prestressed concrete beams, and the impact on restoring the original flexural capacity of PC girder. Mitigating delamination of the soffit of horizontal laminates (CFRP). The texture of the laminate and anchorages influenced the stress of the laminate carbon fiber, the mode of crack propagation and failure, and consequently, the beam's attitude has been investigated in this manuscript. The experimental findi

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 01 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Optimum Design of Stiffened Plate-Structure Subjected to Static Loading
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The field of structural optimization (optimal design) has grown rapidly over the past decades with many different optimization methods that could be used to produce a structure of minimum weight. This research deals with two aspects, in the first, a general numerical technique based on the finite element analysis and it suggests to investigate the preliminary behavior of metal stiffened plate under action of static load environment. The technique was included a finite element model of the structures using high- order isoparimetric plate elements to be used to create a certain models to obtain their optimum design. The models are characterized such that, each model is builded using different types of stiffener configuration. The second as

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