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Serviceability of Post-fire RC Rafters with Openings of Different Sizes and Shapes
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This study deals with the serviceability of reinforced concrete solid and perforated rafters with openings of different shapes and sizes based on an experimental study that includes 12 post-fire non-prismatic reinforced concrete beams (solid and perforated). Three groups were formed based on heating temperature (room temperature, 400 °C, and 700 °C), each group consisting of four rafters (solid, rafters with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings, and rafter with eight circular openings) under static loading. A developed unified calculation technique for deflection and crack widths under static loading at the service stage has been provided, which comprises non-prismatic beams with or without opening exposed to flexure concentrated force. Two approaches were used to compute the deflection: The first attempt was conducted by using the moment of inertia for solid non-prismatic beam and reduced for those with openings by the ratio of residual rafter self-weight. The second was performed by using the moment of inertia of transformed cracked sections depending on the segmental rafter method. The crack width was determined using the ACI code's equation. The analytical and experimental results were evaluated and found to be in good agreement.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 06 2019
Journal Name
Mechanics Of Advanced Materials And Structures
Finite element modeling of RC gable roof beams with openings of different sizes and configurations
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 19 2021
Journal Name
Sn Applied Sciences
Post-fire serviceability and residual strength of composite post-tensioned concrete T-beams
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Abstract<p>In this study, the response of ten composite post-tensioned concrete beams topped by a reinforced concrete deck with adequate reinforcing shear connectors is investigated. Depending on the concrete compressive strength of the deck slab (20, 30, and 40 MPa), beams are grouped into three categories. Seven of these beams are exposed to a fire attack of 700 and 800 °C temperature simultaneously with or without the presence of a uniformly distributed sustained static loading. After cooling back to ambient temperature, these composite beams are loaded up to failure, using a force control module, by monotonic static loading in a four-point-bending setup with two symmetrical concentrated loads applied in </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 19 2021
Journal Name
Sn Applied Sciences
Post-fire serviceability and residual strength of composite post-tensioned concrete T-beams
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Abstract<p>In this study, the response of ten composite post-tensioned concrete beams topped by a reinforced concrete deck with adequate reinforcing shear connectors is investigated. Depending on the concrete compressive strength of the deck slab (20, 30, and 40 MPa), beams are grouped into three categories. Seven of these beams are exposed to a fire attack of 700 and 800 °C temperature simultaneously with or without the presence of a uniformly distributed sustained static loading. After cooling back to ambient temperature, these composite beams are loaded up to failure, using a force control module, by monotonic static loading in a four-point-bending setup with two symmetrical concentrated loads applied in </p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Crossref (10)
Publication Date
Sat Dec 11 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Post-Fire Behavior of Non-Prismatic Beams with Multiple Rectangular Openings Monotonically Loaded
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The main objective of this paper is to study the behavior of Non-Prismatic Reinforced Concrete (NPRC) beams with and without rectangular openings either when exposed to fire or not. The experimental program involves casting and testing 9 NPRC beams divided into 3 main groups. These groups were categorized according to heating temperature (ambient temperature, 400°C, and 700°C), with each group containing 3 NPRC beams (solid beams and beams with 6 and 8 trapezoidal openings). For beams with similar geometry, increasing the burning temperature results in their deterioration as reflected in their increasing mid-span deflection throughout the fire exposure period and their residual deflection after cooling. Meanwhile, the existing ope

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Publication Date
Tue Aug 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
3D- ABAQUS Modelling of Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with Multi-Openings of Different Shapes
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A long-span Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beam with Multi-Opening has been developed as an alternative to steel structural elements. The commercial finite element package ABAQUS/CAE version 2019 has been utilized. This article has presented the results of three-dimensional numerical simulations investigating the flexural behaviour of existing experimental work of supported Prestressed Concrete Hunched Beams with multiple openings of varying shapes under static monotonic loads. Insertion openings in such a beam lead to concentrate stresses at the corners of these openings; as a result, extensive cracking would appear. Correlation between numerical models and empirical work has also been discussed regarding load displacemen

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Publication Date
Sun Nov 26 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
The Dynamic Behavior of Water Flowing Through Packed Bed of Different Particle Shapes and Sizes
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An experimental study was conducted on pressure drop of water flow through vertical cylindrical packed beds in turbulent region and the influence of the operating parameters on its behavior. The bed packing was made of spherical and non-spherical particles (spheres, Rasching rings and intalox saddle) with aspect ratio range 3.46  D/dp  8.486 obtaining bed porosities 0.396 0.84 and Reynolds number 1217  21758. The system is consisted of 5 cm inside diameter Perspex column, 50 cm long; distilled water was pumped through the bed with flow rate 875, 1000, 1125, 1250,1375 and 1500 l/h and inlet water temperature 20, 30, 40 and 50 ˚C. The packed bed system was monitored by using LabVIEW program, were the result

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Publication Date
Wed Oct 09 2019
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology &amp; Applied Science Research
Serviceability of Reinforced Concrete Gable Roof Beams with Openings under Static Loads
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This paper presents an analytical study on the serviceability of reinforced concrete gable roof beams with openings of different sizes, based on an experimental study which includes 13 concrete gable roof beams with openings under static loading. For deflection and crack widths under static loading at service stage, a developed unified calculation procedure has been submitted, which includes prismatic beams with one opening subjected to flexure concentrated force. The deflection has been calculated with two methods: the first method calculated deflections via relevant equations and the second was Direct Stiffness Method in which the beam is treated as a structural member with several segments constituting the portions with solid sec

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Publication Date
Sat Jan 01 2022
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Rehabilitation of Hybrid RC-I Beams with Openings Using CFRP Sheets
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This research presents an experimental investigation of the rehabilitation efficiency of the damaged hybrid reinforced concrete beams with openings in the shear region. The study investigates the difference in retrofitting ability of hybrid beams compared to traditional beams and the effect of two openings compared with one opening equalized to two holes in the area. Five RC beams classified into two groups, A and B, were primarily tested to full-failure under two-point loads. The first group (A) contained beams with normal weight concrete. The second group (hybrid) included beams with lightweight concrete for web and bottom flange, whereas the top flange was made from normal concrete. Two types of openings were considered in this s

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 01 2014
Journal Name
Advances In Structural Engineering
CFRP Strengthening of RC Beams with Multiple Openings Subjected to Static and Impact Loads
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The provision of openings in serviceable reinforced concrete beams may result in a substantial decline in the beam's capacity and integrity, indicating the necessity of opening strengthening. The present study investigates the experimental response of reinforced concrete T-beams with multiple web-strengthened openings disposed in shear span to static and impact loads. Fourteen RC T-beams were tested in two groups, each of seven beams. The first group was tested under static loading up to failure, while the second group was tested under repeated impact loading until the width of shear cracks reached 0.3 mm. The residual static strengths of the beams subjected to impact loading were then determined. The test variables considered were

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