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الانفاق العام على التعليم ودوره في تحسين مؤشرات راس المال البشري التعليمية في العراق للمدة 2005-2020 " دراسة تحليلية "
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يتمتع العراق بموارد بشرية هائلة حيث يعد من البلدان الفتية، إلا أنه يعاني من أزمة رأس مال بشري تغذيها أزمة التعليم، ولكون التعليم أبرز مكونات رأس المال البشري فقد ذلك بشكل كبير على مؤشر رأس المال البشري في العراق، من هذا المنطلق وللدور الكبير الذي يلعبه الانفاق العام في أي مجال، جاءت هذه الدراسة للبحث في موضوع "الانفاق العام على التعليم ودوره في تحسين مؤشرات راس المال البشري التعليمية في العراق"، حيث هدف هذا البحث إلى تحليل طبيعة وخصائص الانفاق العام على التعليم، زيادة الى تحليل الواقع التعليمي ورأس المال البشري في العراق في ضوء بعض المؤشرات، وخلص البحث إلى أن هناك دور وأثر ايجابي للإنفاق العام على التعليم في تنمية المؤشرات التعليمية المكونة لرأس المال البشري والمتمثلة ب (معدل الالمام بالقراءة والكتابة، معدل التمدرس، الرقم القياسي للتعليم) في الأجل الطويل، إلا أن ذلك الأثر كان ضعيفاً وليس بالمستوى المطلوب، أما دوره في تنمية متوسط معدل التأطير فقد كان سلبي حيث ارتفع معدل التأطير مع ارتفاع حجم الانفاق.

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 01 2023
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Retrieving Encrypted Images Using Convolution Neural Network and Fully Homomorphic Encryption
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A content-based image retrieval (CBIR) is a technique used to retrieve images from an image database. However, the CBIR process suffers from less accuracy to retrieve images from an extensive image database and ensure the privacy of images. This paper aims to address the issues of accuracy utilizing deep learning techniques as the CNN method. Also, it provides the necessary privacy for images using fully homomorphic encryption methods by Cheon, Kim, Kim, and Song (CKKS). To achieve these aims, a system has been proposed, namely RCNN_CKKS, that includes two parts. The first part (offline processing) extracts automated high-level features based on a flatting layer in a convolutional neural network (CNN) and then stores these features in a

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Impact of Turkish water policy on developmentAgricultural sector in Iraq for the period (1990-2006)
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تسعى تركيا ضمن سياساتها المائية ومنذ زمن بعيد وبأصرار على تنفيذ المزيد من بناء السدود والمشاريع التخزينية المائية على حوضي دجلة والفرات، الامر الذي يؤدي بالضرورة الى تناقص معدل الواردات المائية لنهري دجلة والفرات الداخلة للاراضي العراقية .وبالتالي التأثير على مقومات التنمية الزراعية العربية بشكل عام والتنمية الزراعية بالعراق بشكل خاص ومن ثم تهديد الامن الغذائي الوطني.

لذا فأن البحث يهد

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 27 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi National Journal Of Nursing Specialties
Effectiveness of an Education Program on Nursing Staffs' Knowledge about Infection Control Measures at Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital
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Objectives: To determine the effectiveness of the educational program on nursing staff knowledge about infection control measures at the Intensive Care Unit in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital.

Methodology: A pre-experimental design (one group design: pre-test and post-test) was used. This study was conducted in Al-Diwaniya Teaching Hospital for the period from ( 20th February to 5th March, 2020) on a non-probability (purposive) sample consisting of (25 nurses) working in ICU. A questionnaire was built as a data collection tool and consisted of two parts:

First part: The demographic characteristics of the nursing staff (age, gender, level of education, years of experien

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 25 2024
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Containerized Event-Driven Microservice Architecture
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Microservice architecture offers many advantages, especially for business applications, due to its flexibility, expandability, and loosely coupled structure for ease of maintenance. However, there are several disadvantages that stem from the features of microservices, such as the fact that microservices are independent in nature can hinder meaningful communication and make data synchronization more challenging. This paper addresses the issues by proposing a containerized microservices in an asynchronous event-driven architecture. This architecture encloses microservices in containers and implements an event manager to keep track of all the events in an event log to reduce errors in the application. Experiment results show a decline in re

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Human Face Recognition Based on Local Ternary Pattern and Singular Value Decomposition
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There is various human biometrics used nowadays, one of the most important of these biometrics is the face. Many techniques have been suggested for face recognition, but they still face a variety of challenges for recognizing faces in images captured in the uncontrolled environment, and for real-life applications. Some of these challenges are pose variation, occlusion, facial expression, illumination, bad lighting, and image quality. New techniques are updating continuously. In this paper, the singular value decomposition is used to extract the features matrix for face recognition and classification. The input color image is converted into a grayscale image and then transformed into a local ternary pattern before splitting the image into

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The impact of corporate governance on narrowing the expectations gap in the audit work environment (field study)
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The different crises and financial collapses place in many companies, particularly in developed countries as a result of administrative and financial corruption return aspects of the task to the role of the company and the external auditor, both in their emphasis on honesty and fairness of financial statements and the Provisions of accounting information and on the contrary to the truth, you may have to the loss of the rights of stakeholders, particularly existing investors, and the loss of confidence of prospective investors in the accounting information contained in the financial statements of these companies, which led to a crisis of confidence and credibility in the profession of accounting and auditing where the wonder of ma

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Publication Date
Thu Sep 30 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The Importance of Liquidity and Profitability in Enhancing the Banking Value in Private Banks for the Period 2016 - 2019
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The article aims to study the liquidity that is required to be provided optimally and the profitability that is required to be achieved by the bank, and the impact of both of them on the value of the bank, and their effect of both liquidity and profitability on the value of the bank. Hence, the research problem emerged, which indicates the extent of the effect of liquidity and profitability on the value of the bank. The importance of the research stems from the main role that commercial banks play in the economy of a country. This requires the need to identify liquidity in a broad way and its most important components, and how to

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Publication Date
Thu Aug 03 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Defence by Deprivation in the Personal Sponsorship Contract : A Comparative Study
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The payment of stripping is more prominent than the defenses that the personal guarantor can hold against the creditor; In order for him to maintain the financial guarantee, and the guarantor derives this payment from the personal guarantee, i.e. not a connection with the guarantee. Your educational tutorial, environmental protection plans, environmental protection plans, environmental protection plans, environmental protection plans, Guaranteeing him to pay the guarantor towards the creditor by stripping the money burdened with in-kind insurance as security for the debt he is guaranteed; If this insurance was prior or contemporary to the personal guarantee, and what distinguishes this special form of payment by abstraction from the gene

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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2013
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Dynamic Equilibrium of Marketing and Its Role in Achieving Excellence Performance Experimental research on a number of Iraqi private banks
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          Purpose  :This study seeks to provide the point of view stands on the marketing performance of the banks in the context of Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing. It aims to develop a prototype of measuring marketing performance under the umbrella of marketing dynamic prototype, embodied of the strategic alliance and competition, and the  laws and legislation, and to explore any of the dimensions more effective in achieving performance.  This study aims to discusses the importance of the Dynamic Equilibrium  of marketing and it role in achieving the marketing performance <

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Publication Date
Tue Sep 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Conservation Nursing Strategies (*)An exploratory study of a sample of managers in Baghdad health departments
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The deficiency in the nurse staff  in the health organizations consider an important problem that must be studied and solved basically , not only because it affect on the health organization and it's strategic goals , but also it affect the human being and it's health which can't be substituted with anything or delayed in it's treatment ,This research aims to  necessary for health organizations to strategically help in maintaining the nurse staff and to keep that in it's strategic orientation and it's mission , moreover , the health organizations must study the reality of the nurse in the health organizations and know the causes beyond leaving the  nurse staff  the nurse job , and then remove

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