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The Effect of Cloud Computing in Facing the Challenges of Applying IFRSs in Iraqi Private Banks
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The research aims to explain the role of cloud computing technology in facilitating the application of international financial reporting standards in Iraqi banks, by preparing a checklist that included a set of paragraphs to measure the level of application of IFRSs. In those banks and then the need to use cloud computing technology, and the researchers reached a set of conclusions, including, that cloud computing technology has a role in facilitating the application of international financial reporting standards in the banks, the research sample, because of the ease it provides in preparing and saving accounting information and the possibility of accessing it in any time and from any place where the Internet service is available. The research also found that there is a shortage in the field of local knowledge and professional expertise. In addition to the difficulty of benefiting from international experiences that have succeeded in applying international financial reporting standards due to the difficulty of viewing and analyzing data prepared manually or traditionally, due to the dependence of most of the research sample banks on traditional means in managing their financial activities, which makes it difficult to upload them to the cloud and present them to experts to benefit from Their expertise that facilitates the application of international financial reporting standards. The research recommended the need to take advantage of the capabilities and capabilities provided by cloud computing technology in facilitating the application of international financial reporting standards (IFRS) in the research sample banks and reaping the benefits accrued, as well as benefiting from the experiences of international banks that have succeeded in the field of applying international financial reporting standards, especially in Arab countries. This is due to its proximity to the local environment by developing human resource skills and moving away from traditional means in preparing, preserving and communicating accounting information.

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Publication Date
Fri Dec 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
((The impact of strategic Orientation in the performance of banks private sector Iraqi / compared to the entrance.))
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             bjective researcher through this research to Put a theoretical framework to strategic orientation the center on the market in the business and the diagnosis and interpretation of the nature of the link between relationships and influencing strategic orientation dimensions Almtmthelh organizations (Entrepreneurial Orientation, market Orientation, Interaction Orientation) and  the performance of the Iraqi Private Banks The research community and the  level of dimensional and through the use of scale (Balanced Scorecard) Bmnzawradtha the four, the test of this research in the Iraqi banking sector (Gulf Commercial Bank

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effects of human error in the banking risks - Empirical study in a number of Iraqi private banks
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This research aims to study human error effects in the banking risks in the private banks  through the measurement and testing of human error effect in every kind of banking risks types and stand on the most closely associated with the risks in order to focus on them and make appropriate processors have with respect to and increase the availability of skills and expertise required to carry out banking operations of error-free manner.

Find dealt with human error in terms of meaning and understandable, classifications and types, causes and consequences and its approaches and theories. Also addressed placed banking risks in terms of meaning and concept, species and entr

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Publication Date
Tue Nov 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of efficiency in the banking performance: An applied research in a sample of Iraqi private banks
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The research stems from the problem that focuses on a number of questions. They are as follows:   What is the extent of interest in the topic of efficiency by the banks and their role in raising the efficiency of the banking business and its development?  Is the banking efficiency used in Iraqi banks clear and specific for the Iraqi banking sector? How the banking sector efficiency is measured and what are the approaches adopted in determining the banking inputs and outputs? What is the level of efficiency in the research sample of the banks and what are the causes of its decline or rise in private banks individually and in the Iraqi banking sector in general?

 The re

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Publication Date
Wed Jul 06 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Asian Multicultural Research For Social Sciences Study
Remote Data Auditing in a Cloud Computing Environment
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In the current paradigms of information technology, cloud computing is the most essential kind of computer service. It satisfies the need for high-volume customers, flexible computing capabilities for a range of applications like as database archiving and business analytics, and the requirement for extra computer resources to provide a financial value for cloud providers. The purpose of this investigation is to assess the viability of doing data audits remotely inside a cloud computing setting. There includes discussion of the theory behind cloud computing and distributed storage systems, as well as the method of remote data auditing. In this research, it is mentioned to safeguard the data that is outsourced and stored in cloud serv

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The effect of technical indicators on the movement of bank stock prices : Applied research in a sample of Iraqi private commercial banks
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This study aimed at indicators of technical analysis and their impact on a group of trading stock indices related to it, by standing on the methods used in technical analysis and its various models, diagnosing the obstacles and difficulties that the participants face in predicting stock prices, and proposing solutions and recommendations to overcome and overcome them. From a scientific and practical perspective.

Where the research community consisted of (25) Iraqi private commercial banks, while the research sample consisted of (3) banks with a percentage of (12%) of the research community. The study used the analytical approach to the financial statements during the period between (1/2/ 2022-30/4/2022),

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving strategic excellence Field research in some Iraqi private banks
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The purpose of the research is to study the impact of knowledge management (personalization and coding strategy) in achieving strategic excellence in the environment of Iraqi private banks, and the descriptive and analytical research approach has been adopted, so the researcher adopted positive philosophy according to the deductive approach for the purpose of deriving the first research hypothesis from the theoretical side and the research reached a group of The most important results are that the personalization strategy has made great progress in its ability to influence strategic superiority as a responsive variable, as the civil bank departments were successful in employing the changes that occurred in the personalization str

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Publication Date
Sat Mar 29 2025
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management in achieving strategic excellence Field research in some Iraqi private banks
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الغرض من البحث دراسة تأثير ادارة المعرفة (استراتيجية الشخصنة والترميز) في تحقيق التفوق الاستراتيجي في بيئة المصارف الاهلية العراقية ، وتم اعتماد منهج البحث الوصفي والتحليلي ، لذا اعتمد الباحث الفلسفة الوضعية وفق المنهج الاستنباطي لغرض اشتقاق فرضية البحث الاولى من الجانب النظري وتوصل البحث الى مجموعة من النتائج اهمها ان استراتيجية الشخصنة حققت تقدماً كبيراً في قدرتها على التأثير في التفوق الاستراتيجي بوصف

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Publication Date
Thu Nov 01 2018
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computing And Digital Systems
The Perception of Information Security Threats Surrounding the Cloud Computing Environment
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Scopus (1)
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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Tue Aug 03 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Standards of creditworthiness of customers and their impact on the liquidity of Iraqi private: Applied research in a sample of Iraqi private commercial banks
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Customers' creditworthiness standards are the key means employed by private commercial banks in assigning a suitable credit assessment for each customer. Accordingly, it had an instrumental role in indicating the degree of solvency of the potential customer before granting the required credit. The research problem reveals the nature of the relationship between the criteria of customer’s creditworthiness and banking liquidity. The most critical objectives of the study shed light on the role of using creditworthiness criteria as a tool for credit analysis of customers by banks that help reducing credit risks and thus increase banking liquidity. The questionnaire that was distributed to bank employees, the research sample, which w

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq from 2012-2014
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The purpose of the research is to identify the role of Islamic banks in facing the financial crisis in Iraq for the period 2012-2014, and highlight the various factors that contributed to the emergence of the financial crisis, as well as to identify the problems and challenges facing the Islamic banking business in Iraq and identify the reasons and find appropriate solutions, And the development of treatments to avoid the occurrence of such problems and overcome them. The main findings of the research are as follows,Islamic banks (the sample of the study) were affected by the global financial crisis indirectly, as the financial crisis turned into an economic crisis affecting the real economy, because the activity of Islamic banks is more

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