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Improvement of the Accuracy of the Perturbed Orbital Elements for LEO Satellite by Improving 4th Order Runge–Kutta’s Method
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Background/objectives: To study the motion equation under all perturbations effect for Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite. Predicting a satellite’s orbit is an important part of mission exploration. Methodology: Using 4th order Runge–Kutta’s method this equation was integrated numerically. In this study, the accurate perturbed value of orbital elements was calculated by using sub-steps number m during one revolution, also different step numbers nnn during 400 revolutions. The predication algorithm was applied and orbital elements changing were analyzed. The satellite in LEO influences by drag more than other perturbations regardless nnn through semi-major axis and eccentricity reducing. Findings and novelty/improvement: The results demonstrated that when m for Runge–Kutta’s method is large; the perturbed value for orbital element considers more acceptable. Furthermore, as nnn increases the step will reduce.

Publication Date
Sun Mar 07 2010
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Hypercyclictty and Countable Hypercyclicity for Adjoint of Operators
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Let be an infinite dimensional separable complex Hilbert space and let , where is the Banach algebra of all bounded linear operators on . In this paper we prove the following results. If is a operator, then 1. is a hypercyclic operator if and only if D and for every hyperinvariant subspace of . 2. If is a pure, then is a countably hypercyclic operator if and only if and for every hyperinvariant subspace of . 3. has a bounded set with dense orbit if and only if for every hyperinvariant subspace of , .

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 01 2021
Journal Name
International Journal Of Electrical And Computer Engineering (ijece)
Features of genetic algorithm for plain text encryption
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The data communication has been growing in present day. Therefore, the data encryption became very essential in secured data transmission and storage and protecting data contents from intruder and unauthorized persons. In this paper, a fast technique for text encryption depending on genetic algorithm is presented. The encryption approach is achieved by the genetic operators Crossover and mutation. The encryption proposal technique based on dividing the plain text characters into pairs, and applying the crossover operation between them, followed by the mutation operation to get the encrypted text. The experimental results show that the proposal provides an important improvement in encryption rate with comparatively high-speed Process

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 01 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Investigation of Numerical Simulation for Adaptive Optics System
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In this study, the performance of the adaptive optics (AO) system was analyzed through a numerical computer simulation implemented in MATLAB. Making a phase screen involved turning computer-generated random numbers into two-dimensional arrays of phase values on a sample point grid with matching statistics. Von Karman turbulence was created depending on the power spectral density. Several simulated point spread functions (PSFs) and modulation transfer functions (MTFs) for different values of the Fried coherent diameter (ro) were used to show how rough the atmosphere was. To evaluate the effectiveness of the optical system (telescope), the Strehl ratio (S) was computed. The compensation procedure for an AO syst

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 01 2013
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Theoretical Study of Thermal Cracking For Acenaphthylene Molecule
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Density Functional Theory (DFT) calculations were carried out to study the thermal cracking for acenaphthylene molecule to estimate the bond energies for breaking C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C4 , and C5-H5 bonds as well as the activation energies. It was found that for C8b-C5a , C5-C4 , and C5-H5 reactions it is often possible to identify one pathway for bond breakage through the singlet or triplet states. The atomic charges , dipole moment and nuclear – nuclear repulsion energy supported the breakage bond .Also, it was found that the activation energy value for C5-H5 bond breakage is lower than that required for C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C4 bonds which refer to C5-H5 bond in acenaphthylene molecule are weaker than C8b-C5a , C5a-C5 , C5-C

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 07 2009
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Effective Rules for Building and Securing of Blogs
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Blogging is about more than just putting thoughts on a web; it's about connecting with and hearing from anyone who read the work. Many web sites now days help to get a free account to quick post thoughts and photos interact with people, and more. The fastest way to understand blogging is to try it out, but in that case securing the blog is important, by including authentication schemes. In this paper we suggest implications of our research for improving the design and usefulness of blogging systems, and also we divided the blogs depending on the subject and need, which are either to be used in public or only used by small group, so we can suggest different steps for securing the blogs.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 20 2020
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Design of Single Mode Fiber for Optical Communications
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In this work, a step-index fiber with core index  and cladding index  has been designed. Single-mode operation can be obtained by using a fiber with core diameters 4–13 µm operating at a wavelength of 1.31 µm and by 4–15 µm at 1.55 µm. The fundamental fiber mode properties such as phase constant, effective refractive index, mode radius, effective mode area and the power in the core were calculated. Distributions of the intensity and the amplitude were shown.

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Crossref (7)
Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2007
Journal Name
Journal Of Al-nahrain University
Applications Of Strong-Lensing For Some Gravitational Lenses
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In our work present, the application of strong-Lensing observations for some gravitational lenses have been adopted to study the geometry of the universe and to explain the physics and the size of the quasars. The first procedure was to study the geometrical of the Lensing system to determine the relation between the redshift of the gravitational observations with its distances. The second procedure was to compare between the angular diameter distances "DA" calculated from the Euclidean case with that from the Freedman models, then evaluating the diameter of the system lens. The results concluded that the phenomena are restricted to the ratio of distance between lens and source with the diameter of the lens noticing.

Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Applied Physics
Fabrication of PAN:Cellulose Membrane for Oil/Water Separation
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In this study, we fabricated nanofiltration membranes using the electrospinning technique, employing pure PAN and a mixed matrix of PAN/HPMC. The PAN nanofibrous membranes with a concentration of 13wt% were prepared and blended with different concentrations of HPMC in the solvent N, N-Dimethylformamide (DMF). We conducted a comprehensive analysis of these membranes' surface morphology, chemical composition, wettability, and porosity and compared the results. The findings indicated that the inclusion of HPMC in the PAN membranes led to a reduction in surface porosity and fiber size. The contact angle decreased, indicating increased surface hydrophilicity, which can enhance flux and reduce fouling tendencies. Subsequently, we evaluated the e

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Environmental Taxes Effectiveness on controlling The Pollution reduction levels due To the Activity Contracted Foreign Oil Companies in Iraq: An applied research in the general commission of taxes
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     Environmental Tax is deemed as one of the most important tools that can be used to eliminate the problem of oil –based  environment pollution resulted out of oil products processes and this has been significantly approved by the experience in those leading countries in the field of protecting the environment against pollution whereas oil-producing countries which are rather awkward in maintaining the environment such as Iraq , suffer from notorious environmental effects pertaining to oil product processes.

     The problem of the research is represented the increased and constant rise in the volume of the environmental pollutants resulted from the processes managed by the intern

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Forecasting the financial failure of Islamic banks using the Altman model, ---- springate model and ---- Sherrod model / an analytical study in Islamic banks listed on the Iraq Stock Exchange
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Profit is a goal sought by all banks because it brings them income and guarantees them survival and continuity, and on the other hand, facing commitments without financial crisis. Hence the idea of research in his quest to build scientific tools and means that can help bank management in particular, investors, lenders and others to predict financial failure and to detect early financial failures. The research has produced a number of conclusions, the most important of which is that all Islamic banks sample a safe case of financial failure under the Altman model, while according to the Springate model all Islamic banks sample a search for a financial failure except the Islamic Bank of Noor Iraq for Investment and Finance )BINI(. A

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