The present study aims to describe the histological structure of kidney of, (Herpestes javanicus ) that inhabits Iraqi lands. Transverse sections of kidney stained with hematoxylin and eosin showed two distinct regions, the outer thin darkly stained cortex and inner thick lightly stained medulla, which further subdivided into external and internal medullary zones linked with one conical renal papilla. The lateral margin of the outer medullary tissue forms a secondary renal pyramid with a specialized fornix. All the nephrons in the kidney start with the renal corpuscle [Malpighian], which is formed from two distinct parts, these are a centrally located glomerulus, which represented by a tuft of blood capillaries and an outer Bowman’s capsule which is distinguished by its cup structure that lined by a double thin epithelial layers of flattened squamous cells with urinary space separated between them. The epithelial cells of the Proximal and distal convoluted tubules have cuboidal shape but in the first tubules these cells are characterized by the presence of moderate to tall microvilli formed the brush border covering the luminal surface. Thin segment lined with flattened cells and found in large number in the medulla interna which indicate the presence of many nephrons with long loops of Henle. Well-developed vascular network was observed in the kidney tissue and a small to medium vascular bundles of vasa recta distributed in alternative fashion with uriniferous tubule bundles in the medulla externa. The terminal portion of papilla is lined externally by transitional epithelium which progressively towards the upper portion was changed first to simple cuboidal and then to flattened type.
The aim of the current study is to identify the morphological description of the tongue in mongoose (Herpestes javanicus) and its relation to the feeding pattern. For this purpose the (5) samples of tongues were dissected from the head of mongoosecaught from different areas of Al-Najaf province, cleaned in normal saline and examined under the dissecting microscope. The results showed the absence of the middle groove in the lingual apex area. As well as the absence of lingual prominence in the body area. The dorsal surface is characterized by the presence of four types from lingual papillae (filiform, cylindrical, fungiform, circumvallate), while the ventral surface is free of lingual papillae. The filiform papillae spread throughout the dor
... Show MoreThe purpose of this study was to examine the histological structure of the kidney in snake Eryx gaculus gaculus. In present study, the snakes were collected from the city of Baghdad and transferred to the laboratory where their kidneys were dissected out. The samples were then processed to be prepared for histological examination microscopial observations showed that there is no border between the cortex and medulla regions of kidney. The kidney consists of nephrons which are composed of glomerulus surrounded by Bowman’s capsule; the other segments are proximal tubule, distal tubule and connecting tubule. The epithelial tissue lining of these segments simple cuboidal tissue.
The morphological description and histological structure of Kidney in barn owl Tyto alba have been invesigated. The results of present study revealed that barn owl has pair of elongated solid kidney situated symmetrically on both sides of vertebral column. Each kidney consists of three lobes represented by carnial, middle and caudal lobes and all of then covered by a capsule of connective tissue. Microscopical examination showed that the basic unit of kidney in barn owl represented by lobules which have conical shaped and each of them consists of cortex and medulla, and the cortex occupies more area than that of medulla. The results of the present study revealed that the glomerulus in barn owl represented b
... Show MoreThis study was designed to know the effect of Diclofenac sodium (voltaren) drug on the histological composition of kidney in domestic rabbits . Twelve adult males with (1.4) kg weight . The first group of animals administrated orally by 1 ml of Voltaren with 6 mg/kg , while the second group with (1) ml of distal water (as control group ) . the administrated continue for (60) days sequentially. The treatment with voltaren showed pathological cases in tissues and cells of kidney including necrosis, infilteration ,congestion in blood vessels edema.Also epithelial separation in kidney tubules in comparison with control group Conclusion from the above results, revealed that voltaren had negative effects on the kidn
... Show MoreThe current study was designed to investigate the histological structure of the cerebellum in the Iraqi frog
The histological structure of integument in Mastacembelus mastacembelus have been investigated from skin fragments cut from nine regions at body surface. The results revealed that the integument of the fish investigated comprises three principal layers- the epidermis, the dermis (corium) and the subcutis-All the three principal layers may further be divided into secondary layers according to the function performed by their cells. The epidermis may further divided into three layers- the outermost epithelial coverage, the middle layer and the basal layer (stratum germinatiuum)-The dermis consists of a relatively thin upper layer of loose vascular connective tissue called the stratum laxum and a thick lower compact layer- the stratum compactu
... Show MoreThe percent work was designed to determine the effect of ginger plant aqueous extract on function and histological structure of kidney in mice treated with carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). Ginger plant caused a protective effect against CCl4 induced kidney damage and improved the kidney weight and biochemical parameters including urea, uric acid and creatinine. The ginger plant has a protective effect against injury in the kidney of mice treated with CCL4, because the ginger plant protects the tissues of kidney from toxic effect of CCL4. The kidney of CCL4 treated mice showed many histological alterations in the kidney included: atrophy, vascular degeneration and hemorrhage, death cell, degeneration of epithelial cells, destruction of basement
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