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A New Approach in Determining the Criteria of Equations for Morphometric Characteristics of River Basins - Applied Morphometric Study of The Mamaran Basin
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This study aimed at some of the criteria used to determine the form of the river basins, and exposed the need to modify some of its limitations. In which, the generalization of the elongation and roundness ratio coefficient criterion was modified, which was set in a range between (0-1). This range goes beyond determining the form of the basin, which gives it an elongated or rounded feature, and the ratio has been modified by making it more detailed and accurate in giving the basin a specific form, not only a general characteristic. So, we reached a standard for each of the basins' forms regarding the results of the elongation and circularity ratios. Thus, circular is (1-0.8), and square is (between 0.8-0.6), the blade or oval form is (0.6-0.4), Triangle is (between 0.4-0.2), Rectangle (0.2-0). The calibration was applied to the basins of area being studied, and proved a great match between the results and reality of these basins. The criterion of the form modulus and the buckling modulus of the basins were also modified according to the results of the study regarding the Mamaran basin and its auxiliary basins.

Publication Date
Mon May 22 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Effects of the Opticals Properties on the (PMMA) Puerty
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 In this research, we studied the effect of (β-rays) on the optical properties of pure  (PMMA) films prepared by using casting technique, and the optical properties for these  films was studied before and after irradiation  by recording the Absorption and Transmission spectra  for a range of wavelength range (190-1100) nm. and then the absorption and Transmission and the reflectivity, extinction coefficient, refractive index, and real and imaginary parts of dielectric constant was studied

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 28 2016
Journal Name
Separation Science And Technology
Using sewage sludge as a permeable reactive barrier for remediation of groundwater contaminated with lead and phenol
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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Ieee Access
A Direct Solution Scheme for Wide-Angle Electromagnetic Scattering Problems Using Compressive Sensing-Based Method of Moments
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Publication Date
Mon Mar 18 2019
Journal Name
Civil Engineering Journal
Circularization Technique for Strengthening of Plain Concrete Short Square Columns Subjected to a Uniaxial Compression Compressive Pressure
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This paper presents an experimental study for strengthening existing columns against axial compressive loads. The objective of this work is to study the behavior of concrete square columns strengthening with circulation technique. In Iraq, there are significantly more reinforced rectangular and square columns than reinforced circular columns in reinforced concrete buildings. Moreover, early research studies indicated that strengthening of rectangular or square columns using wraps of CFRP (Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer) provided rather little enhancement to their load-carrying capacity. In this paper, shape modification technique was performed to modify the shape (cross section) of the columns from square columns into circular colu

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 02 2016
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Jour. For Pure & Appl. Sci.
Synthesis, Spectroscopic and Adsorption Studies of Cobalt (II) Complex for a ligand β-enaminone Derived from Sulfamethoxazole
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This paper concerns is the preparation and characterization of a bidentate ligand [4-(5,5- dimethyl-3-oxocyclohex-1-enylamino)-N-(5-methylisoxazol-3-yl) benzene sulfonamide]. The ligand was prepared from fusing of sulfamethoxazole and dimedone at (140) ºC for half hour. The complex was prepared by refluxing the ligand with a bivalent cobalt ion using ethanol as a solvent. The prepared ligand and complex were identified using Spectroscopic methods. The proposed tetrahedral geometry around the metal ions studied were concluded from these measurements. Both molar ratio and continuous variation method were studied to determine metal to ligand ratio (M:L). The M to L ratio was found to be (1:1). The adsorption of cobalt complex was carried out

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Publication Date
Sat Feb 27 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Design and Simulation of a controller for Double Fed Induction Generator turbine Utilized Solar Up Draft Tower
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This paper introduces a complete design and simulation of a controller for the double fed induction generator (DFIG) turbine. The work also included the solar updraft tower (SUT) design to supply Al-Mahmoudia hospital in Baghdad/Iraq. The design includes the daily average load estimation, annual solar irradiance and, temperature monitoring, and logging.

According to the data obtained from the Ministry of Science and Technology, Baghdad has low wind speed. Therefore, the (SUT) has been designed to generate electrical power depending on the difference between the external and internal air temperature. The temperature difference will generate a suitable airspeed to drive the wind turbine, connected to the proposed (DFIG) generators

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Nanotechnology, Monitoring & Management
Synthesis of nano-magnetite and magnetite/synthetic geopolymer nano-porous composite for application as a novel adsorbent
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In this work magnetite/geopolymer composite (MGP) were synthesized using a chemical co-precipitation technique. The synthesized materials were characterized using several techniques such as: “X-ray diffraction (XRD), Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), vibrating sample-magnetometer (VSM), field-emission scanning electron microscopy (FE-SEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS), Brunauer–Emmett–Teller (BET) and Barrentt-Joyner-Halenda (BJH)” to determine the structure and morphology of the obtained material. The analysis indicated that metal oxide predominantly appeared at the shape of the spinel structure of magnetite, and that the presence of nano-magnetite had a substantial impact on the surface area and pore st

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 01 2025
Journal Name
International Journal Of Hydrogen Energy
A comprehensive review of battery thermal management systems for electric vehicles: Enhancing performance, sustainability, and future trends
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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2008
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The judiciary in Jerusalem in the Islamic era
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God created man with a social nature, that is, man cannot live alone, but there must be a society associated with him. And when God addressed Adam, the first of His creation, he addressed him with the speech of the Muthanna to him and his wife. “This tree, then you will be among the wrongdoers” (Al-Baqara: 35), and thus was the divine discourse for the first human experience on earth. It accommodates a social relationship, which is (the family), husband and wife. And since a person needs to meet, as Ibn Khaldun said: (The human meeting is necessary, and the wise men express this by saying (the human being is of course civil)) (). And as it is known that with the meeting, relations arise from love and hate, cooperation and struggle, a

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 01 2015
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Young People between Traditional Media and New Media
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This Research based on an empirical study and tested the hypothesis of transition effects on a sample of young people in Sharjah University and trying to identify a new form of Media which is based on the production of new types of habits and patterns and their cultural impact. Recently, New Media appeared to refer to new types of Communication using the Internet. It’s enormous in the exchange of Information. The new Media contains multiple forms, including the form in which users produce by them to refer the entry of a new area of Media in which exchange of roles between the Sender and the recipient.

This study is trying to identify a new form of Media Web used (Press online or only Press online, Digi

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