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ABSTRACTObjective: The objective of this study is to develop a controlled release matrix tablet of candesartan cilexetil to reduce the frequency of administration,enhance bioavailability and improve patient compliance; a once daily sustained release formulation of candesartan cilexetil is desirable.Methods: The prepared tablets from F1 to F24 were evaluated with different evaluation parameters like weight variation, drug content, friability,hardness, thickness and swelling ability. In vitro release for all formulas were studied depends on the type and amount of each polymer, i.e. (16 mg,32 mg and 48 mg) respectively beside to the combination effect of polymers on the release of the drug from the tablet.Results: In vitro release showed that formula 13 had the faster release (100% after 4 h) which contained acacia (1:1) and the lowest sustain releasewas showed for F7 (73% after 8 h) which contained HPMC K100M (1:1). Formula 1 was an 89 % release after 8 h which contain eudragit RS100; F4was a 100 % release after 5 h which contain Na CMC, F10 was a 100% after 8 h which contain xanthan gum and F16 was a 100 % release after 5 hwhich contain tragacanth polymer. Formula 9 had a lower release than F7 and F8 respectively. Formula 7 can be used for sustain oral drug delivery ofcandesartan cilexetil while Formula 13 can be used in contrary as fast release tablets for faster response.Conclusion: Controlled drug delivery system is promising for less dosing and higher patient compliance.Keywords: Angiotensin II receptor antagonist, Hypertension, Matrix system, Control release.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Effect of Oxygen on Coronene Electronic and Spectroscopic Properties via the Density Functional Theory (DFT)
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    The electronic properties (such as energy gap HOMO levels. LUMO levels, density of state and density of bonds in addition to spectroscopic properties like IR spectra, Raman spectra, force constant and reduced masses as a function of frequency) of coronene C24 and reduced graphene oxide C24OX , where x=1-5, were studied.. The  methodology employed was  Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Hybrid function B3LYP and 6-311G** basis sets. The energy gap was calculated for C24 to be 3.5 eV and for C24Ox was from 0.89 to 1.6862 eV  for x=1-5 ,respectively.   These energy gaps values are comparable to the measured gap of Graphene (1-2.2 eV). The spectroscopic propertie

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Mon Jan 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Study the Effect of Oxygen on Coronene Electronic and Spectroscopic Properties via the Density Functional Theory (DFT)
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    The electronic properties (such as energy gap HOMO levels. LUMO levels, density of state and density of bonds in addition to spectroscopic properties like IR spectra, Raman spectra, force constant and reduced masses as a function of frequency) of coronene C24 and reduced graphene oxide C24OX , where x=1-5, were studied.. The  methodology employed was  Density Functional Theory (DFT) with Hybrid function B3LYP and 6-311G** basis sets. The energy gap was calculated for C24 to be 3.5 eV and for C24Ox was from 0.89 to 1.6862 eV  for x=1-5 ,respectively.   These energy gaps values are comparable to the measured gap of Graphene (1-2.2 eV). The spectroscopic properties were  compared with experimental measurements, specificall

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2002
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of the electric field on drilling Brass by Laser
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The research include a pulsed Nd: YAG Laser with (300µs) pulse duration in the TEM00 mode at (1.06µm) wavelength for energies between (0.5-3) J was employed to drill Brass material which is use in industrial applications. The process of drill was assisted by an electric field. This resulted in an increase in the hole aspect ratio by the value (45%) and decrease in the hole taper by the value (25%) of its value under ordinary drilling conditions using the same input energy.

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Publication Date
Wed May 29 2019
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Physics
Effect of lasing energy on the structure and optical and gas sensing properties of chromium oxide thin films
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Annealing and Dopping Effect of Zn on Structural and Optical Properties for CdTe Thin Films
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In this research thin films of (CdTe) have been prepared as pure and doped by Zn
with different ratios (1,2,3,4,5)% at thickness (400+25)nm with deposition rate (2±0.1)nm,
deposited on glass substrate at R.T. by using thermal evaporation in vacuum . All samples
were annealed at temperature (523,573,623,673)K at 1h.
The structural prop erties of all prepared thin films, doped and undoped have been
studied by using XRD. The analysis reveals that the structures of the films were
polycrystalline and typed cubic with a preferred orientation along (111) plane for the
undoped films with (2,3)% of zinc , and shifting (2ÆŸ) for doped films . The annealing films
at temperature 573 K and Zn:3% show decreasing in

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Publication Date
Fri Oct 01 2010
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of Hg on superconducting and microstructure properties of l2-xHgxSr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ systems
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Bulk polycrystalline samples have been prepared by the two-step solid state reaction process. It has been observed that as grown Tl2-xHgxSr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ (with x = 0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.3, 0.4, 0.5, 0.6, 0.8, 1) corresponds to the 2223 phase. It has been found that Tc varies with Hg content .The optimum Tc is about 120K for the composition Tl1.6Hg0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ.The microstructure for Tl1.6Hg0.4Sr2Ca2Cu3O10+δ observed to be most dense and this phase exhibits the highest stability.

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Studing Effect of Temperature on Some Mechanical Properties of Single And Hybrid Composites
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 In this research,we are studied impact strength, bending and compression strength of composites including the epoxy resin as a  matrix , with gawaian red wood flour ,Russian white wood flour ,glass powder and rock wool fibers as reinforcement materials with volume fraction (20%) for all samples,and compared them in different conditions of  temperatures.         The results have shown that the impact strength increased with the reinforcement with (particles and fibers),and at high temperatures for all samples prepared,and also observed an increase in elasticity coefficient of  epoxy composites filled with (different particles) and decreased in elasticity coefficient of epoxy com

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Effect of CuI concentration on structural and optical properties of PVA: CuI nanocomposites
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The nanocomposite on the base of synthesis Copper iodide
nanoparticles and polyvinyl alcohol (PVA/CuI) with different
concentration of CuI were obtained using casting technique.
PVA/CuI polymer composite samples have been prepared and
subjected to characterizations using FTIR spectroscopy, The FTIR
spectral analysis shows remarkable variation of the absorption peak
positions with increasing CuI concentration. The obtained results by
X-ray diffraction indicated the formation of cubic CuI particles. The
effects of CuI concentrations on the optical properties of the PVA
films were studied in the region of wavelength, (190-1100) nm.
From the derivation of Tauc's relation it was found that the direct
allowed t

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Effect of high and low density polyethylene on some mechanical properties of concrete
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The increasing use of plastics in various aspects of modern life resulted in the availability of enormous amount of wastes, including a negative effect on the environment and humans. So it is necessary to find solutions to deal with these wastes and ensure to use them as solutions to use in concrete mix . In this research the production of concrete containing high and low density polyethylene has been used by (5, 10, 15)% as a replacement of part of the volume of sand, so as to obtain concrete good compressive strength as well as other benefits such as improved possibility of pumping concrete and reduce the loss of concrete for workability polymer is a material that is non-absorbable of water . It is also intended to dispose of these was

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 30 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Effect of Thickness and Thermal Annealing on Optical Properties of Sb Thin films
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Antimony (Sb) films are fabricated by depositing (Sb) on glass substrates at room
temperature by the method of vacuum evaporation with thickness (0.25 and 0.51m),
with rate of deposition equal to (2.77Å/sec), the two samples are annealed in a
vacuum for one hour at 473K. The optical constants which are represented by the
refractive index (n), extinction coefficient (k) were determined from transmittance
spectram in the near Infrared(2500-3500 )nm regions. The tests have been shown
that the optical energy gap increases with increasing of annealing temperature for
the two samples.

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