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On The Convergence Speediness of K * and D-Iterations
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Abstract<p>In this article, we introduced a new concept of mappings called δZA - Quasi contractive mapping and we study the K*- iteration process for approximation of fixed points, and we proved that this iteration process is faster than the existing leading iteration processes like Noor iteration process, CR -iteration process, SP and Karahan Two- step iteration process for 𝛿𝒵𝒜 − quasi contraction mappings. We supported our analytic proof by a numerical example.</p>
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Publication Date
Wed May 10 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Study of Annealing and Dopping Effect of Zn on Structural and Optical Properties for CdTe Thin Films
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In this research thin films of (CdTe) have been prepared as pure and doped by Zn
with different ratios (1,2,3,4,5)% at thickness (400+25)nm with deposition rate (2±0.1)nm,
deposited on glass substrate at R.T. by using thermal evaporation in vacuum . All samples
were annealed at temperature (523,573,623,673)K at 1h.
The structural prop erties of all prepared thin films, doped and undoped have been
studied by using XRD. The analysis reveals that the structures of the films were
polycrystalline and typed cubic with a preferred orientation along (111) plane for the
undoped films with (2,3)% of zinc , and shifting (2ÆŸ) for doped films . The annealing films
at temperature 573 K and Zn:3% show decreasing in

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Publication Date
Mon Aug 01 2016
Journal Name
Indian Journal Of Natural Sciences
Effect of Gamma Radiation on the A.C Electrical and Dielectric Properties of Prepared Pure and Doped Polyaniline Salt
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Purepolyaniline and doped with hydrochloric acid was prepared in different molarities at room temperature. The a.c electrical properties were stadied.AC conductivityσac (ω), is found to vary as ωS in the frequency range (100Hz-10MH), S< 1and decreases indicating a dominate hopping process. Thedielectric constant ε1and dielectric loss ε2 have been determined for bulk polyaniline. ε1 decrease with the increase frequency. Electrical conductivity measurements increase with the increases both of the amount of HCl and the dose of radiation. The dielectric investigations show decrease with dose radiation.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 13 2011
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The effect of methanol and water plant extracts of Cordia myxa on Some pathogenitic bacteria and Candida albicans
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this study aimed to study the effect of Cordia myxa extract on the growth and activities of the following types of bacteria : Escherichia coli , Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Proteus Spp., Klebsiella pneumoniae , Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pyogenes , Bacillus subtilus, and the yeast Candida albicans .the results showed an inhibitory effect of the methanol extract on both the growth and activity of the tested microbes .this was reflected by the minimum inhibitory concentration ( MIC ) of different type of bacteria and the yeast.

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Study of Traffic on The Roads The Governorate Of Karbala
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The study of traffic on the roads the governorate of Karbala, Where is the study of traffic on the roads measure is necessary to determine the extent of the road and highlighting the importance of its role in the transfer of individuals from original to destination as well as the importance of the region that attracted its movement. This research aims to analyze the traffic in the governorate of Karbala through the study and analysis of surveys of traffic that were made in the governorate. Based on this analysis, it has been reached to identify volumes of the traffic and its density and how the roads are efficient and accommodating these volumes, the results of the traffic survey of the studied roads in the area of the study have shown t

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The effect of strategic alignment on the reputation of the organization
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The current study aims to determine the extent of SOMO's interest in strategic alignment operations and whether this interest is sufficient to be reflected in enhancing its organizational reputation. The field of research was in the oil marketing company SOMO. The managers in the top management within this company were targeted and the questionnaire was used as a data collection tool. The study population (109), (105) questionnaires were distributed, (94) questionnaires and (11) questionnaires were not retrieved, and the valid questionnaires had reached (91) and the analytical and descriptive approach was used for the study, the current research found to find A direct relationship and a positive effect of strategic

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2015
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Studying and Modeling the Effect of Graphite Powder Mixing Electrical Discharge Machining on the Main Process Characteristics
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This paper concerned with study the effect of a graphite micro powder mixed in the kerosene dielectric fluid during powder mixing electric discharge machining (PMEDM) of high carbon high chromium AISI D2 steel. The type of electrode (copper and graphite), the pulse current and the pulse-on time and mixing powder in kerosene dielectric fluid are taken as the process main input parameters. The material removal rate MRR, the tool wear ratio TWR and the work piece surface roughness (SR) are taken as output parameters to measure the process performance. The experiments are planned using response surface methodology (RSM) design procedure. Empirical models are developed for MRR, TWR and SR, using the analysis

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 30 2022
Journal Name
Pakistan Journal Of Medical And Health Sciences
The Effect of Hand Blood Flow on the Peripheral Fingertip Plethysmographic Waveforms Morphology and Pulse Wave Velocity
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Photoplethysmography (PPG) is a non-invasive optical technique that employs variations in light absorption produced by alteration in the blood volume in capillaries at the skin during the cardiac cycle. This study aims to understand factors related to PPG morphology; a hand-elevation, the study has modified blood flow to and from the finger was conducted in the laboratory. It is widely established that the position of the limb relative to the heart has an effect on blood flow in arteries and venous. Peripheral digital pulse wave (DPW) signals were obtained from 15 healthy volunteer participants during hand-elevation, and hand-lowering techniques wherein the right hand was lifted and lowered relative to heart level, while the left h

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 14 2023
Journal Name
Social Graphic Design and its Reflections on The Practices of The Saudi Designer in Designing Awareness Posters
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The concept of social graphic design is one of the most critical areas that highlight the designer's knowledge of social responsibility by employing design skills in community awareness. This study focused on defining social graphic design, the meaning, practices, and strategies for designing awareness posters. This study reviewed two examples of awareness posters that reflect the Saudi designer's practices. The results summarized that social graphic design is a concept not taught directly but gained from permanent practice in designing awareness posters that interact with community issues. The designer's understanding of his social events and their sensing in the visual form of a poster reflects the designer's social awareness. Social g

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Publication Date
Wed Aug 17 2022
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
The effect of using Gaussian, Kurtosis and LogCosh as kernels in ICA on the satellite classification accuracy
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This study focusses on the effect of using ICA transform on the classification accuracy of satellite images using the maximum likelihood classifier. The study area represents an agricultural area north of the capital Baghdad - Iraq, as it was captured by the Landsat 8 satellite on 12 January 2021, where the bands of the OLI sensor were used. A field visit was made to a variety of classes that represent the landcover of the study area and the geographical location of these classes was recorded. Gaussian, Kurtosis, and LogCosh kernels were used to perform the ICA transform of the OLI Landsat 8 image. Different training sets were made for each of the ICA and Landsat 8 images separately that used in the classification phase, and used to calcula

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Thu Jul 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Simulation and Analysis the Attenuation Effect of Atmospheric Layers on a Laser Beam Within the Visible Range
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Abstract: The power and the size of the final spot of the laser beam reaching the target are very important requirements in most of the laser applications and fields such as medical, military, and scientific, so studying laser propagation in the atmosphere is a very important topic. The propagation of the laser beam through the atmosphere is subject to several attenuation processes that deplete the power and expand the beam. Through the simulation results of the free electron laser within the visible region of the electromagnetic spectrum (400-700nm), it was found that the attenuation increases with decreasing wavelength. Laser propagation in the presence of rain and snow leads to a very large l

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