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The Impact of Geomagnetic Storms on the Ionospheric Critical Frequency in the Northern and Southern Mid-Latitude Hemisphere Regions
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In this work, the impact of different geomagnetic storm events on the plasma-sphere layer (ionosphere layer) over the northern and southern hemisphere regions was investigated during solar cycle 23. To grasp the influence of geomagnetic storms on the behavior and variation of the critical frequency parameter of the F2 ionospheric layer (foF2), five geomagnetic storms (classified as great, severe, and strong), with Disturbance storm time (Dst) values <-100 nT were chosen. Four stations located in different mid-latitude regions in northern and southern hemispheres were designated, the northern stations are: Millstone Hill (42.6° N, 288.50° W) and Rome (41.90° N, 12.50° E) and the southern stations are: Port Stanley (-51.60° S, 302.10° W) and Grahamstown (-33.30° S, 26.50° E). The findings of this study showed that during events of 16 July 2000 and 24 August 2005, the negative storms cause a noticeable reduction in the values of the foF2 parameter at the northern hemisphere stations compared to those at the southern hemisphere. These outcomes are consistent with the results of the examining the variation of D(foF2) and the electron density depletion during the tested event times at all stations except in Rome, where minor enhancements in foF2 value were observed during the August 24 2005 storm. During equinox storm events occurring on March 31 and November 6 2001, a noticeable negative impact of storms was observed across all stations. However, at Millstone Hill and Port Stanley stations, the results showed a slight positive storm impact during the October 21, 2001event.

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 07 2022
Journal Name
Environmental Monitoring And Assessment
Comparison of Climate Change Impact upon Water Productivity of Winter Wheat in Northern and Southern Regions of Iraq 
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Abstract<p>Maximizing the water productivity for any agricultural system is considered an adaptation to the potential climate change crisis. It is required, especially in arid and semi-arid environments in Iraq. Therefore, this study assessed the potential impact of climate change on the different environments in the Qadissiya and Nineveh provinces. The ensemble of six GCM models employed for the regional climate model of the HCLIM-ALADIN in high-resolution 10*10 km<sup>2</sup> and Aqua-Crop was used to examine the response of water productivity and yield of winter wheat. With and without CO<sub>2 </sub>concentration changing under different water regimes in the near term (2020-2040</p> ... Show More
Publication Date
Fri Nov 29 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Behavior of Earth Magnetosphere Radius during Strong Geomagnetic Storms
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Magnetosphere is a region of space surrounding Earth magnetic field, the formation of magnetosphere depends on many parameters such as; surface magnetic field of the planet, an ionized plasma stream (solar wind) and the ionization of the planetary upper atmosphere (ionosphere). The main objective of this research is to find the behavior of Earth's magnetosphere radius (Rmp) with respect to the effect of solar wind kinetic energy density (Usw), Earth surface magnetic field (Bo), and the electron density (Ne) of Earth's ionosphere for three years 2016, 2017 and 2018. Also the study provides the effect of solar activity for the same period during strong geomagnetic storms on the behavior of Rmp. F

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 15 2024
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
A Comparative Investigation of Different Ionospheric Models to Predict the MUF Parameter During Severe Geomagnetic Storm on 17th March 2015.
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The present work aimed to make a comparative investigation between three different ionospheric models: IRI-2020, ASAPS and VOACAP. The purpose of the comparative study is to investigate the compatibility of predicting the Maximum Usable Frequency parameter (MUF) over mid-latitude region during the severe geomagnetic storm on 17 March 2015. Three stations distributed in the mid-latitudes were selected for study; these are (Athens (23.50o E, 38.00o N), Jeju (124.53o E, 33.6o N) and Pt. Arguello (239.50o W, 34.80o N). The daily MUF outcomes were calculated using the tested models for the three adopted sites, for a span of five-day (the day of the event and two days preceding and following the event day). The calculated datasets were co

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Publication Date
Fri Jan 01 2021
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Investigating the correlation of AE-index with different solar wind parameters during strong and severe geomagnetic storms
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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2017
Journal Name
Geological Society, London, Special Publications
Role of facies diversity and cyclicity on the reservoir quality of the mid-Cretaceous Mishrif Formation in the southern Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq
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Publication Date
Tue Jan 01 2013
Journal Name
Sedimentological characterization of the mid-Cretaceous Mishrif reservoir in southern Mesopotamian Basin, Iraq
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ABSTRACT<p>The CenomanianÐEarly Turonian reservoirs of the Mishrif Formation of the Mesopotamian Basin hold more than one-third of the proven Iraqi oil reserves. Difficulty in predicting the presence of these mostly rudistic reservoir units is mainly due to the complex paleogeography of the Mishrif depositional basin, which has not been helped by numerous previous studies using differing facies schemes over local areas. Here we present a regional microfacies-based study that incorporates earlier data into a comprehensive facies model. This shows that extensive accumulation of rudist banks usually occurred along an exterior shelf margin of the basin along an axis that runs from Hamrin to Badra a</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Tue Oct 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of Physics: Conference Series
A comparative Analytical Investigation of Different Geomagnetic Storms During Solar Cycles 23 and 24
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Abstract<p>In this work, the geomagnetic storms that occurred during solar cycles 23 and 24 were classified based on the value of the Disturbance Storm Time index (Dst), which was considered an indicator of the strength of geomagnetic conditions. The special criterion of Dst >-50 nT was adopted in the classification process of the geomagnetic storms based on the minimum daily value of the Dst-index. The number of geomagnetic storms that occurred during the study period was counted according to the adopted criteria, including moderate storms with (Dst >-50 nT), strong storms with (Dst >-100 nT), severe storms with (Dst >-200 nT), and great storms with (Dst >-350 nT). The statistica</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Wed Jun 25 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Petroleum Geology
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The middle Cenomanian – early Turonian Mishrif Formation, a major carbonate reservoir unit in southern Iraq, was studied using cuttings and core samples and wireline logs (gamma‐ray, density and sonic) from 66 wells at 15 oilfields. Depositional facies ranging from deep marine to tidal flat were recorded. Microfacies interpretations together with wireline log interpretations show that the formation is composed of transgressive and regressive hemicycles. The regressive hemicycles are interpreted to indicate the progradation of rudist lithosomes (highstand systems tract deposits) towards distal basinal locations such as the Kumait, Luhais and Abu Amood oilfield areas. Transgressive hemicycles (transgressive systems tract deposits)

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Publication Date
Wed Feb 22 2023
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Science
Day to Day variation of Ionosphere Electron and Ion Temperature during Great and Severe Geomagnetic Storms
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The ionospheric characteristics exhibit significant variations with the solar cycle, geomagnetic conditions, seasons, latitudes and even local time. Representation of this research focused on global distribution of electron (Te) and ion temperatures (Ti) during great and severe geomagnetic storms (GMS), their daily and seasonally variation for years (2001-2013), variations of electron and ion temperature during GMS with plasma velocity and geographic latitudes. Finally comparison between observed and predicted Te and Ti get from IRI model during the two kinds of storm selected. Data from satellite Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) 850 km altitude are taken for Te, Ti and plasma velocity for different latitudes during great

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Political Sciences Journal
The impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on the Syrian Turkish relations during (2011-2019)
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This study aimed to provide a theoretical framework for the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria and the extent of its impact on the relations between the two countries.

It also sought to answer the study's main question: What is the impact of the Turkish intervention in northern Syria on Turkish-Syrian relations during the period 2011-2019 ?.   

In this study, the historical method, the descriptive method, and the systems analysis method were used, with the aim of arriving at an accurate and realistic understanding of the Turkish-Syrian relations.

The study reached a set of results, the most important of which was that the Syrian-Turkish relations are based on interests, and that all alliances and

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