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أفعال الكلام في شعر شعراء الفتوح الاسلامية دراسة تداولية
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لم تعد اللغة مجرد أداة للتعبير عما يفكر به المتكلمون، إذ تعدت ذلك إلى أن تكون سبيلاً في صناعة العالم على وفق مقاربة تداولية، وقف عليها علماء البحث اللساني من أمثال أوستن و هرسل، للكشف عما وراء اللغة، وما يقصده المتكلمون، والبحث عن أفعال الكلام التي يسعى المتحدثون الى استعمالها، ولذلك اتجهت هذه الدراسة للوقوف على شعر عصر صدر الإسلام، واجراء دراسة تداولية لاستكشاف الأفعال التي كثيرا ما استعملها شعراء الإسلام في حروب الفتوح الإسلامية، وتوصل البحث الى أن بعض الشعراء استعمل افعالاً دالة للتعبير عن بعض الحالات النفسية، سواء أكان ذلك حزنا أو ألما لفقدان من أحبوا، كما استعملوا أفعالا أدت فعلاً توجيهياً، وتحمل صيغ طلبية وهو كما يتضح في قابل البحث. ولأن الدراسة تطبيقية على النصوص الشعرية، فأن ذلك قد تطلب أن يبدأ البحث بمهاد نظري يقف على البدايات الأولى للمنهج التداولي، تبعه الدراسة التطبيقية والتي انقسمت على مبحثين: كان المبحث الأول بعنوان (أفعال التعبيرات)، بينما كان المبحث الثاني بعنوان (أفعال التوجيهات)، ولقد استطاع هذا البحث أن يرصد العديد من الأفعال التي كرر استعمالها الشعراء لغرض تأكيد مقاصدهم، وما يريدون التعبير عنه، وهو ما سنقف عليه في هذا البحث.

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 20 2002
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Domestic Animals in English and Iraqi Rural Proverbs: A Pragmastylistic Study
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Proverbs gain their importance not only from the fact that they represent a cultural record of the people of every nation, but they reveal the way they use language and how they exploit their environments as a good source of inspiration to enrich that language.  Domestic animals, as part of every environment, play a major role in composing proverbs in every nation.

       This study is an attempt to pragmastylistically analyse some selected English and Iraqi rural proverbs using domestic animals in their texts. It limits itself to investigate certain stylistic and pragmatic devices such as: the type of sentences, their lengths, their content and grammatical words, the part of speech used, metaph

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2008
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Wisdom In AL –Farazdak s Poetry
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Wisdom in the era before Islam is soo famous and so mature And Wisdom in the age of Islam {the holy quran and AI Hadeeth AI shareef }is dealt with by different meanings that agree with the contexts in which it occurs its contacs One of meanings is wisesaying that occuars in the Halal and Haram .As to the wisdom of the Amawy age ,it was some times absent since it was not dealt with by the great Poets of that age .In the Poetry of AL-FARAZDAK , Wisdom was little and it expressed religious and phsycological meanings because wisdom is amessage that has along –rang .

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2005
Journal Name
Alustath Journal For Human And Social Sciences
An evaluation study of Islamic websites on the Internet
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The study aims to introduce the Islamic sites available on the Internet and determine the criteria that contribute to evaluating these sites to indicate their value, topics, and services, while evaluating a simple random sample of the general Islamic sites, which number (35) sites. The results were presented in (8) tables. The study concluded To a set of conclusions, including: (465) “Islamic” websites were seized during the research period, and they are constantly increasing. They were classified according to the name of the website (domain name) com, org, net, edu, and also according to topics such as general Islamic websites and websites of holy places. Mosques, sites of sheikhs, etc. Among the best general Islamic websites are: Isla

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Repetition in Bushra Al Bustany Poetry: A Stylistic Study
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يعد التكرار من الظواهر الاسلوبية التي اتخذت دورها في بناء النص الشعري الحديث ويقوم على جملة من الاختيارات الاسلوبية لمادة دون أخرى ولصياغة لغوية دون سواها ، مما  يكشف في النهاية عن سرّ ميل هذا النص الشعري أو ذاك لهذا النمط الاسلوبي دون غيره ، وعلى الرغم من ان التكرار يعد مسألة عامة وشائعة في العمل الأدبي ، فأن الاهتمام بهذا الجانب من المنهج الاسلوبي يأتي من جهة كونه مهيمناً له ايحاءاته ودلال

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Publication Date
Thu May 18 2023
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Consider speech science in light of its purposes
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Considering the science of speech in the light of its purposes is an accurate scientific study that looks at it from its reality in which it originated, and its topic that it dealt with and its goals that it sought, and it follows its main course in the directions of approving the belief and inferring it, and repelling the objections to it, and this study comes to show the realism of the science of speech in its emergence Its subject and method, since its launch was from the reality of the Islamic nation and based on its intellectual needs, so its presence was necessary in the life of the Islamic nation because of its role in facing the challenges faced by the Islamic faith, and the dangers it was exposed to as a result of the intellectu

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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Measure the quality of Islamic banking customer perspective, Empirical Study on some Islamic banks Arabia
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This study aims to identify the level of quality of  Islamic banking services in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. It also investigates the importance of  the various dimensions of the quality of banking services. The sample of the study included 69 clients of Al Rajhi Bank and  Al-Bilad Bank. The study concluded that the overall level quality of services that Islamic banking offer is high. However, their relative importance varies from one dimension to another. The security, confidence and physical aspects are very high which this is a good point. On the other hand, the application aspects do not get the same importance. These aspects include the customer's wishes, helping them to improve the services offered to them,

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
"Words of threat in Hebrew language- Pragmatic study": ביטויי האיום בלשון העברית (עיון פרגמטי)
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The present study approaches an analytical and deliberative analysis of the words of threat in number of Hebrew language examples through exploring all the reasons and conditions of threat act. Moreover, and because of the difficulty to make a distinction between the two verbs, the study discusses the use of the verbs “to warn and to threat” as one of the most common types verbs used in Hebrew language that implies internal threat. Threat is one of most prominent speech acts that language users resort to as a means to achieve intended threat goals. In Hebrew, it is expressed in different ways and depends on different aspects, including (internal and external context, circumstances in which the threat is made, the
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
ההשפעה והשענוע בנאום הפוליטי של שמעון פרס עיון פרגמטי בדוגמאות נבחרות מנאומיו Effect and Persuasion in the Political Discourse of Shimon Peres A Pragmatic Study in Selected form of His Addresses
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במחקר הזה ניתחנו מספר נאומים של שמעון פרס, אנחנו התמקדנו בהשפעה והשכנוע אצל שמעון פרס ואיך הוא יכול להעביר את המסרים של נאומיו בסגנון פרגמטי כדי להגיע ללבו של הציבור.

 גם כן, התמקדנו בסגנון הפוליטי שהוא חושב כי התחום הזה צריך להיות ברור מול הציבור וגם כן מול דעת הקהל הבינלאומי מתוך השימוש במונחים בעלי השפעה ושכנוע להגיע למטרות המבוקשות.

 במלים אחרות, שמעון פרס, לעתים, מתמקד בשפה מליצית ויעמוד הרב

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Exkursion in die arabische Exilliteratur mit bestimmten Dichtern von Al-Rabiṭa Al-Qalamiya
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Unter Exilliteratur versteht man „die literarische Produktion von Autoren, die wegen politischer, religiöser oder rassistischer Verfolgung gezwungen sind, sich an einem anderen als dem von ihnen gewünschten Lebens- und Arbeitsort aufzuhalten.“[1] Deswegen unterscheidet sich „Migration“ von „Exil“ dadurch, dass sie freiwillige Auswanderung ist. Bereits in der Antike und auch im Mittelalter gab es Schriftsteller, die vor Zensur oder politischer Verfolgung ins Exil geflohen sind, wie zum Beispiel der griechische Satiriker des 

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Publication Date
Mon Dec 31 2012
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Speech Compression Using Multecirculerletet Transform
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Compressing the speech reduces the data storage requirements, leading to reducing the time of transmitting the digitized speech over long-haul links like internet. To obtain best performance in speech compression, wavelet transforms require filters that combine a number of desirable properties, such as orthogonality and symmetry.The MCT bases functions are derived from GHM bases function using 2D linear convolution .The fast computation algorithm methods introduced here added desirable features to the current transform. We further assess the performance of the MCT in speech compression application. This paper discusses the effect of using DWT and MCT (one and two dimension) on speech compression. DWT and MCT performances in terms of comp

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