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Selection of an Optimum Drilling Fluid Model to Enhance Mud Hydraulic System Using Neural Networks in Iraqi Oil Field
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In drilling processes, the rheological properties pointed to the nature of the run-off and the composition of the drilling mud. Drilling mud performance can be assessed for solving the problems of the hole cleaning, fluid management, and hydraulics controls. The rheology factors are typically termed through the following parameters: Yield Point (Yp) and Plastic Viscosity (μp). The relation of (YP/ μp) is used for measuring of levelling for flow. High YP/ μp percentages are responsible for well cuttings transportation through laminar flow. The adequate values of (YP/ μp) are between 0 to 1 for the rheological models which used in drilling. This is what appeared in most of the models that were used in this study. The pressure loss is a gathering of numerous issues for example rheology of mud), flow regime and the well geometry. An artificial neural network (ANN) that used in this effort is an accurate or computational model stimulated by using JMP software. The aim of this study is to find out the effect of rheological models on the hydraulic system and to use the artificial neural network to simulate the parameters that were used as emotional parameters and then find an equation containing the parameters μp, Yp and P Yp/ μp to calculate the pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Data for 7 intermediate casing wells with 12.25" hole size and 95/8" intermediate casing size are taken from the southern Iraq field used for the above purpose. Then compare the result with common equations used to calculate pressure losses in a hydraulic system. Also, we calculate the optimum flow by the maximum impact force method and then offset in Equation obtained by (Joint Marketing Program) JMP software. Finally, the equation that was found to calculate pressure losses instead of using common hydraulic equations with long calculations gave very close results with less calculation.                                                                                 

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 10 2017
Journal Name
International Journal Of Dynamics And Control
On local approximation-based adaptive control with applications to robotic manipulators and biped robots
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 01 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Proposed Entropy Loss function and application to find Bayesian estimator for Exponential distribution parameter
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The aim of this paper to find Bayes estimator under new loss function assemble between symmetric and asymmetric loss functions, namely, proposed entropy loss function, where this function that merge between entropy loss function and the squared Log error Loss function, which is quite asymmetric in nature. then comparison a the Bayes estimators of exponential distribution under the proposed function, whoever, loss functions ingredient for the proposed function the using a standard mean square error (MSE) and Bias quantity (Mbias), where the generation of the random data using the simulation for estimate exponential distribution parameters different sample sizes (n=10,50,100) and (N=1000), taking initial

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 30 2013
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Chemical And Petroleum Engineering
Zinc Element Traces to Inhibit Scale Formation on Cooling Tower and Air Cooler Systems
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Calcium carbonate is predominantly present in aqueous systems, which is
commonly used in industrial processes. It has inverse solubility characteristics
resulting in the deposition of scale on heat transfer surface. This paper focuses on
developing methods for inhibition of calcium carbonate scale formation in cooling
tower and air cooler system where scaling can cause serious problems, ZnCl 2 and ZnI
2 has been investigated as scale inhibitor on AISI 316 and 304. ZnCl 2 were more
effective than ZnI 2 in both systems, and AISI 316 show more receptivity to the
chlorides salt compared to AISI 304. The inhibitors were more effective in cooling
tower than air cooler system. AISI 316 show more constant inhibition effic

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Publication Date
Fri Mar 01 2024
Journal Name
Annales Pharmaceutiques Françaises
Adopting video assignments as a tool to improve first-year pharmacy students class engagement
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Publication Date
Sun Nov 28 2021
Journal Name
Route Educational & Social Science Journal
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The early childhood stage, which is usually described as establishing the development and growth of most of the child’s mental, psychological, moral, and physical abilities, so scientists and researchers have been interested in the growth and upbringing of the child, especially for the specified period between (6 until the age of 11) due to the importance of education in this stage. The age stage in terms of developing the child’s senses and experiences, because he is by nature inclined to play and draw in his instinctive activity, according to which his natural responses to stimuli and his contemplation of what surrounds him change. Since drawing plays an important role in raising a child from an emotional and intellectual point of vie

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Publication Date
Sat Aug 21 2021
Journal Name
Engineering, Technology & Applied Science Research
A Comparison between Static and Repeated Load Test to Predict Asphalt Concrete Rut Depth
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Rutting has a significant impact on the pavements' performance. Rutting depth is often used as a parameter to assess the quality of pavements. The Asphalt Institute (AI) design method prescribes a maximum allowable rutting depth of 13mm, whereas the AASHTO design method stipulates a critical serviceability index of 2.5 which is equivalent to an average rutting depth of 15mm. In this research, static and repeated compression tests were performed to evaluate the permanent strain based on (1) the relationship between mix properties (asphalt content and type), and (2) testing temperature. The results indicated that the accumulated plastic strain was higher during the repeated load test than that during the static load tests. Notably, temperatur

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Use Generalized Pareto Survival Models to Estimation Optimal Survival Time for Myocardial Infarction Patients
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The survival analysis is one of the modern methods of analysis that is based on the fact that the dependent variable represents time until the event concerned in the study. There are many survival models that deal with the impact of explanatory factors on the likelihood of survival, including the models proposed by the world, David Cox, one of the most important and common models of survival, where it consists of two functions, one of which is a parametric function that does not depend on the survival time and the other a nonparametric function that depends on times of survival, which the Cox model is defined as a semi parametric model, The set of parametric models that depend on the time-to-event distribution parameters such as

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Publication Date
Fri Jul 28 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Month – to – Month Until N Years Prediction for Planning a Productive Firm
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      This paper offers a monthly prediction method for planning production, inventory, workforce, sales and prices until N years. Each monthly decision will depend on last month, decisions and take in consideration the future forecasted demand. The manager can run the program in any month within a year. This method is executed by computer programming technique to maximize profits.

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Publication Date
Sun Jul 09 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Proposed Modification to Increase Main Swept Back Wing Efficiency for Aircraft Aermacchi Siai S211
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A winglet is devices attached at the wing tips, used to improve aircraft wing efficiency by reduction influence wing tips vortices and induct drag, increasing lift force at the wing tips and effective aspect ratio without adding greatly to the structural stress and weight in the wing structure. This paper is presented three-dimensional numerical analysis to proposed modification swept back wing by adding Raked winglets devices at the main wing tips belong the two seat trainer aircraft type Aermacchi Siai S211 by using Fluent ANSYS 13 software. CFD numerical analysis process was performed at the same flight boundary conditions indifferent wing angle of attacks with constant air flow velocity V∞ =50 (m/sec), ambient pressure Po=101325 (P

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Publication Date
Mon Apr 09 2018
Journal Name
Al-khwarizmi Engineering Journal
Experimental Evaluation and Finite Element Simulation to Produce Square Cup by Deep Drawing Process
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Deep drawing process to produce square cup is very complex process due to a lot of process parameters which control on this process, therefore associated with it many of defects such as earing, wrinkling and fracture. Study of the effect of some process parameters to determine the values of these parameters which give the best result, the distributions for the thickness and depths of the cup were used to estimate the effect of the parameters on the cup numerically, in addition to experimental verification just to the conditions which give the best numerical predictions in order to reduce the time, efforts and costs for producing square cup with less defects experimentally is the aim of this study. The numerical analysis is used to study

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