يكشف هذا المقال عن مشكلة الصفات ذات المكون الكمي والتي تعتبر واحدة من اقوى الموارد المكونة للكلمات التعبيرية والتقويمية و يتم تحليل التركيبات الدلالية ذات الاوجه المتعددة التي تنشا من عملية توظيف الصفات المشتقة بمساعدة اللواحق والتي تدل على الاتجاه العام للغات السلافية وذلك لتطوير الدلالات العاطفية والتقييمية في الكلمات ذات معنى الميزة او الخاصية يتم تقديم تعريف انماط تكوين المعاني الضمنية في دلالات الصفات المشتقة مما يتضمن تحليلا شاملا لعلاقاتها الاشتقاقية. أ) الاعتماد الداخلي لهيكل بناء الكلمات الدلالية المشتقة للكلمة من المعنى المعجمي والفئوي للكلمات المركبة. ب) المقارنة الخارجية للكلمة المشتقة مع اشياء محدودة من الواقع. ج) الدلالات اللغوية للكلمة المشتقة والاضافات الدلالية المختلفة لأسباب معينه على وجه الخصوص الروابط المجازية للمشتق والكلمة المستحدثة.
The article states that the Russian verbs of destruction belong to the lexical-semantic group of physical impact. They include verbs with the meaning of “damage” and “destroy”. It is emphasized that each of these groups is relatively independent; the cut line between them is fuzzy and arbitrary. It is postulated that when the object is completely destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “destruction”, and when the object is partially destroyed, then the verb has the meaning of “damage”. It is this feature that individualizes the meaning of verbs. The study distinguishes between the groups and the nature of the object as- animate / inanimate. The object of the action of the “destruction” can only be inan
... Show MoreThe article is devoted to the issue of word-formation motivation, which does not lose its relevance and plays a role not only in disclosing formal-semantic relations between words of one language and has not only theoretical, but also applied significance. The authors consider word-formation motivation consistently in its varieties in a comparative way on the materials of so different languages as Russian and Arabic and approach the mechanism of achieving semantic equivalence of translation. To the greatest extent, word-formation activity today, due to objective reasons, affects some special branch (technical, medical, etc.) vocabulary, which is increasing from year to year in national dictionaries. This extensive material, selected
... Show MoreThe current research aims to determine the necessary linguistic competencies for Arabic language teachers of the preparatory stage (fourth grade preparatory), which were five main competencies: Arabic grammar competencies, literary competencies, cultural competencies, rhetorical competencies, and expression competencies. To achieve the objective of the research, the researcher developed a questionnaire as the main tool for collecting data based on literature, it consists of (28) items including the five main competencies. The questionnaire was administered to (60) male and female teachers at Al-Karkh's first Education Directorate in the city of Baghdad. The findings of the research indicated that Arabic language proficiency got the highe
... Show MoreThis article discusses the peculiarities of the Arabic root, its phonemic structure, and morphological categorization. The pure appearance of the Arabic root in language categorization allows you to separate the onomatopoeic feature of inflectional structure and phonetic rules of the Arabic language by which the root is categorized. This phenomenon of meaningful consonant phonemes in the Arabic roots makes the theory of onomatopoeia practicable not just only in Arabic but also in other Semitic languages. Moreover, the first consonant of an Arabic root usually contains the word's primary, essential meaning, and the second and third lookup. Also, in this work, it is noted that the grammar of the Arabic language has many features aimed
... Show MoreThis article discusses a discussion of trends and patterns of understanding and application of the concept of metaphor to various subjects that may interfere with the perspective of metaphors in translation theory, an attempt was made to use the principles and characteristics of metaphors and their fundamental tradition in translation theory, and to uncover the perspective of considering metaphor as a conceptual process. presenting its merits, since it is still considered an eccentric expression of linguistics.
English teachers in Iraq and other countries around the world up to this time use traditional methods to help students memorize new vocabularies. The sense of words or structure is not to be given in either the native tongue or the target language by definition, but is induced by the way the form is used in the situation. Situational Language Teaching (SLT) has recently become the needed method for improving speaking skills. It indicates the application of learning the language in actual and social exchange expressions so as to let learners do as required in classroom and non-classroom circumstances. This pilot study seeks to answer the following questions: Can SLT improve English speaking skills of target learners? How SLT contribute to th
... Show MoreArabic language the timeless language of the Qur'an ((I made it read Arabic you may understand)) (Al-Zukhruf No 3). It is a way to express his thoughts and feelings and capable of giving constant absorbed the needs of the times and meet the General requirements and interactive needs of life to achieve social and intellectual aspects.
The aim of current research to identify what teaching the contemporary trends in teaching, what the nature of knowledge and teaching methods, how do you rate the modern Arabic language teaching methods, the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of teaching where the researcher has reached some recommendations: 1. establish the basics of environmental ed
... Show MoreThe aim of the study is to diagnose the real level of technology usage in teaching and learning EFL at university from teachers and students’ viewpoints, and see if it is possible to achieve something of the researchers’ dream - accessing top universities. Two questionnaires have been used to measure the range of technology usage in Colleges of Education for Women, Baghdad and Iraqi Universities, and College of Basic Education. The results have shown that the reality of using technology is still away from the dream. The results have been ascribed to two reasons: The first is the little knowledge of using technology in teaching, and the second is that technology is not included in the curriculum.