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Functional and numerical response of Hippodamia variegata (Goeze) (Coleoptera: Coccinellidae) on Macrosiphum rosae (L.) (Hemiptera: Aphididae)
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In this study, functional and numerical response tests, which are important components in the selection of biological control agent, were carried out. In functional response trials, the amount of food consumed, attack rate (a) and handling time (Th) were calculated for each developmental period, depending on the number of preys given after 24 hours. The obtained results were evaluated with the Holling. In numerical response experiments, the development of the predator insect was examined depending on the number of preys given in certain numbers (5, 10, 20, 40 and 80) and the data were recorded. This phase of the trials continued until the individuals died. At this stage of the trials, the reproductive response of the predator on the aphid and the prey use efficiency were calculated. All of the productions and trials were carried out in climate rooms with a temperature of 27±1 °C, 65±5% RH. Experiments were carried out with 50 replications for each growth period and prey densities. According to the results obtained in the functional response trials, it was determined that the development periods with the highest productivity were the fourth larval and adult stages. When the results obtained from the numerical response experiments were evaluated, it was observed that the reproductive response increased with the increase of the prey given to H. variegata. Considering all the data obtained as a result of the study, it was concluded that H. variegata is effective on M. rosae and can be used in the control of this pest.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
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Journal Of Law And Political Sciences
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Publication Date
Thu May 26 2011
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Bulletin Of Environmental Contamination And Toxicology
Chlorophenols in Tigris River and Drinking Water of Baghdad, Iraq
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study was conducted on a stretch of Tigris river crossing Baghdad city to determine the concentration of some chlorophenols pollutants. Aqueous samples were preliminary enriched about 500 times and the chlorophenols have determined using high performance liquid chromatography HPLC. Limits of detection LOD were (0.007–0.012 mg L-1), relative standard deviations RSD% were 2.4%–5.59% and relative recoveries were 51.06%– 104.07%. The existence of chlorophenols in Tigris river was in the range 0.023–4.596 mg L-1. The developed method suggested in this study can be applied for routine analysis and monitoring of chlorinated phenols in environmental aqueous samples.

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Stopping power and range calculations of protons in human tissues
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In this research, the stopping power and range of protons in biological human soft and hard tissues (blood, brain, skeleton-cortical bone, and skin) of both child and adult are calculated at the energies ranging from 1MeV to 350 MeV. The data is collected from ICRU Report 46 and calculated the stopping power employing the Bethe formula. Moreover, the simple integration (continuous slowing down approximation) method is employed for calculating protons range at the target. Then, the stopping power and range of protons value in human tissues have been compared with the program called SRIM. Moreover, the results of the stopping power vs energy and the range vs energy have been presented graphically. Proper agreement is found between the gain

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Publication Date
Sat Sep 01 2018
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2018 11th International Conference On Developments In Esystems Engineering (dese)
Sustainability Analysis and Shear Capacity of BubbleDeck Slabs with Openings
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Publication Date
Wed Apr 01 2020
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Plant Archives
Sequential extraction of zinc and nickel elements in contaminated soils
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Publication Date
Thu Jun 25 2020
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Preparation and Characterization of Topical Letrozole Nanoemulsion for Breast Cancer
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Letrozole (LZL) is a non-steroidal competitive aromatase enzyme system inhibitor. The aim of this study is to improve the permeation of LZL through the skin by preparing as nanoemulsion using various numbers of oils, surfactants and co-surfactant with deionized water. Based on solubility studies, mixtures of oleic acid oil and tween 80/ transcutol p as surfactant/co-surfactant (Smix) in different percentages were used to prepare nanoemulsions (NS). Therefore, 9 formulae of (o/w) LZL NS were formulated, then pseudo-ternary phase diagram was used as a useful tool to evaluate the NS domain at Smix ratios: 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1.

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 01 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Photocatalytic Activity and Wettability Properties of ZnO/Sawdust/Epoxy Composites
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In this work, zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnONPs) and sawdust/epoxy composite (20:80) were mixed using a simple molding method with different ZnONPs concentrations of (0.1, 0.3, 0.5, 0.7, and 1.0 %). The samples of the nanocomposites were characterized by the Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) technique to demonstrate the homogeneity of the prepared ZnONPs/nanocomposites. The photocatalytic activity of the samples was examined using the methylene blue (MB) dye as a pollutant solution, through evaluation of the efficiency of the prepared compound in the treatment of organic pollutants under illumination by sunlight. The photocatalytic results showed that after 240 minutes of exposure to sunlight, the sample prepared using (0.5 vol.% of ZnON

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Scenography and the effectiveness of meaning in the theatrical space
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The elements of theater formation that fall within the spatial experience of the scenography of the show, which the directors work in in the imaginary theater, are important and have an aesthetic, intellectual and cognitive dimension, working to highlight reality in an aesthetic image surrounding space and space. And its relationship to the distinct, multiple and variable spaces above the stage, to produce theatrical signals and endless meanings through the possibility of infinite reconfiguration of the theater's space and its public and private space through the distribution of a group of blocks within the scenic image.
I dealt with in the first chapter (the methodological framework), which includes the research problem identified

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Simulation and Analysis of the OFDM Transceiver Based Commutation System
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As a result of the increase in wireless applications, this led to a spectrum problem, which was often a significant restriction. However, a wide bandwidth (more than two-thirds of the available) remains wasted due to inappropriate usage. As a consequence, the quality of the service of the system was impacted. This problem was resolved by using cognitive radio that provides opportunistic sharing or utilization of the spectrum. This paper analyzes the performance of the cognitive radio spectrum sensing algorithm for the energy detector, which implemented by using a MATLAB Mfile version (2018b). The signal to noise ratio SNR vs. Pd probability of detection for OFDM and SNR vs. BER with CP cyclic prefix with energy dete

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 15 2023
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Visual Appeal and Reflection in the Design of the Advertising
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Advertising is an important and influential tool in various commercial operations, as it represents a means of communication that depends on influencing individuals or society as a whole, working on a link between the producer and the consumer, so the importance of advertising appears in two dimensions, the first is economic represented in its role in achieving economic growth for the facility, while the social dimension lies in its role By influencing the behaviors and ideas of individuals, and from here it appears to us the importance of formulating, organizing and designing the advertising message that advertising agencies resort to in their advertising campaigns. Orientation, definition, and raising the level of the advertising messa

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