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Christianity rejected abortion, since its inception, it took a luck against abortion, although there is no mention of it in the Bible, as there is no explicit text for abortion in the Old or New Testament and that the early Christians considered abortion a sin in all stages, and beliefs included abortion as an act of murder. What is forbidden in the Ten Commandments is “Thou shalt not kill”, and it is understood that killing here is either plundering one’s personal life (suicide) or stealing another person’s life (killing), or stealing the life of a person who has not yet been born (aborting fetuses). Based on the above, it was necessary for individuals to search for (Abortion in the Christian Religion / Descriptive Study) The research was divided into an introduction and two topics, the introduction describes the meaning of abortion in language and convention, while the first topic was devoted to studying abortion from the perspective of the Christian religion and the position of the church fathers, and the second study was devoted to studying the legitimacy of the rule of abortion in our besieged world And the opinion of its supporters and the response to them, preceded by an introduction and followed by a conclusion, and a list of sources and references.

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Publication Date
Wed Jun 01 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of knowledge management strategies in building core competenciesAn exploratory study of the views of a sample of managersOffice of Financial Supervision in Iraq
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The strategies of knowledge management have became the basis in the promotion of core competencies. Therefore gained an increasing prominence. This led the administrations of organizations to work to effectiveness of there strategies, which results to build there core competences through teamwork, empowerment and personal effectiveness of employees. From this arises research problem about the  organizations leaders recognize extent of knowledge management strategies which that lead to core competence. In addition the research tray definition the relation and nature of affect between its variables. The research was carried on sample (72) managers from board of supreme audit in Iraq and used statistical tools and methods.

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of Flavonoid "Casticin" Present in the Fruits of Vitex agnus-castus L. Cultivated in Iraq
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This study detects the presence of an important flavonoid "Casticin" in the fruits of Vitex agnus-castus L. grown in Iraq. The pharmaceutical importance of Casticin arise from its consideration as anti-tumor substance and have cytotoxic effects, and the absence of any study concerning Casticin content of this medicinal plant in Iraq, gave this study its importance. This study concerned with the extraction, identification, isolation and purification  of Casticin from the fruits of Vitex agnus-castus L. The extraction of this compound was carried out using  two methods. Identification of this compound was done by Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC) in which three different solvent system has been tried. This identif

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Publication Date
Tue Mar 28 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of Steroidal Sapogenin “Tigogenin” Present in the Leaves of Yucca aloifolia Cultivated in Iraq
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This study detects the presence of the most important steroidal sapogenin “Tigogenin” in the leaves of Yucca aloifolia widely cultivated in Iraq. The absence of any study concerning the Tigogenin content of this medicinal plant in Iraq, and the industrial importance of Tigogenin depending on its role as a precursor in the synthesis of some steroidal drugs, acquired this study its value. This study concerned with extraction, identification, isolation, and purification of Tigogenin from the leaves of Yucca aloifolia. Extraction of this compound was carried out using two methods. Identification of this compound was done using thin layer chromatography (TLC) where different solvent systems had been tried. Liberm

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Publication Date
Fri Nov 01 2019
Journal Name
Science International (lahore)
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The current research includes a look at the participation of Iraqi women in the combat roles, which starts from the assumption of the democratic transition that must be led - in one of its aspect - until the army or the military foundation to become a "citizen army," the matter which is represented a demand increasingly needed in the experiences of Democratic transformation that facing serious security challenges such as in Iraq, this means that the army or security foundation - which is involved in counterterrorism - should not reflect a specific group in society , and hence embody the most important democratic principles, which are equality and equal opportunities, especially gender equality. On the other hand, the influence of armed conf

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 26 2017
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Pharmaceutical Sciences ( P-issn 1683 - 3597 E-issn 2521 - 3512)
Phytochemical Study of Steroidal Sapogenin “Tigogenin” Present in the Leaves of Agave americana Cultivated in Iraq
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The presence of the most important steroidal sapogenin “Tigogenin” in the leaves of Agave americana  cultivated in Iraq was detected. The absence of any study concerning the Tigogenin content of this medicinal plant in Iraq, and the industrial importance of Tigogenin depending on its role as a precursor in the synthesis of some steroidal drugs, acquired this study its value. This search include extraction,  isolation,  purification and dentification of Tigogenin from the leaves of Agave americana. Extraction of this compound was carried out using two methods. Identification of this compound is carried out by using thin layer chromatography (TLC) where three different mobile phase have been use

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 01 2020
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Conductivity Study of DTAB in Water and Ethanol-Water Mixture in the Presence and Absence of ZnSO4
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The physicochemical behaviour of dodecyltrimethylammonium bromide (DTAB) in water and ethanol-water mixture in the presence and absence of ZnSO4 were studied by measuring the conductivity at 298.15 K. The pre-micellar (S1) and post-micellar slopes (S2) were obtained and calculated the degree of dissociation (α) and the critical micelle concentration (cmc). With an increase in ethanol content, the cmc and α of DTAB increased whereas, in the presence of ZnSO4, the cmc and α decreased. By using cmc and α, thermodynamic properties as the standard free energy of micellization ( ) were evaluated. With an increase in ethanol content, the negative values of  are decreased indicating less spont

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 28 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The use of IT infrastructure and its impact on the performance of human resources in public universities: A field study at the University of Diyala
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This study aims to identify the impact of using the infrastructure of the Information Technology (IT) on the performance of human resources in the public universities. This process is done by doing research in the size, quality, and efficiency of the performance, also speed of achievement and simplification of procedures. Diyala University was chosen for the diagnosis through the opinions and attitudes of its employees.  Consequently, suggestions that contribute to improve the performance of the employees and thus its overall performance are obtained. Another objective of this study is identifying the human resources which are currently used in academic institutions and educational services systems because the significant role of th

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Publication Date
Mon Oct 22 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of organizational learning ability to improve the performance of hospital organizations under the accumulation of intellectual capital Study hospital enterprise sector in Algeria
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        This study aims to identify the amount of the effect of the ability to learn the individuals within the organization on the accumulation of intellectual capital and the role it plays in improving the performance of the organization, and to achieve that, the researcher designed a questionnaire to collect data and information from the surveyed respondents and analyzed using SPSS software, the study concluded after testing hypotheses to have a direct impact between the capacity for organizational learning and the accumulation of intellectual capital, which in turn affects the accumulation of intellectual capital as a positive and direct impact on the performance of the organization, al

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Publication Date
Tue Jun 30 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Social responsibility and its role in enhancing the quality of services: an analytical study of the views of a sample of employees in the Directorate of Electricity Distribution Nineveh / Center
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The current research aims to diagnose the role of social responsibility as a contributing factor in enhancing the quality of services provided by the public sector in Iraq, where the research sought to demonstrate the relationship and impact of social responsibility dimensions (economic, legal, moral, and human) on the sector Services related to the electric field in Nineveh governorate because of its importance and its direct relationship with the citizen especially after the end of military operations in the destruction of the electricity sector by a large percentage in the city of Mosul. Nineveh Electricity Distribution Directorate / Center was chosen as a research community including (administrators and staff) of the research

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Tribal separation and its relation to the organization of the community from the point of view of tribal sheikhs Field study in the City of Baghdad Sadr City model))
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One of topics that occupied alarge area  in Iraqi  society  at the moment is the  issue( of tribal  separation and its  relation  to the organization of  the community ) so we see in the civilizations and heritage  of each community aset  of provisions and laws that take the form of status   customary or religious it is indicative of the great interest in Iraqi society in cotrolling the behavior of individuals to comply with values and social laws and become their behavior is consistent with the behavior of the total and adhere to the social values and be productive individuals within  the subject and this can only be  achieved  from the social co

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