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جرثومة الزائفة الزنجارية كاشف فعال للتحري عن المستخلصات النباتية المثبطة لاستشعار النصاب
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استشعار النصاب (Quorum sensing, QS) هو آلية معروفة تستخدمها جراثيم عديدة للسيطرة على عوامل الضراوة الهامة من خلال الإنتاج والاستجابة اللاحقة ل .)N-acylhomoserine (AHLs جرى تسجيل تثبيط استشعار النصاب (QSI) ، الذي يستهدف الإشارات المعتمدة على AHL، كاستراتيجية للسيطرة على الأمراضية الجرثومية. وبالتالي، تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى البحث عن قدرة جرثومة الزائفة الزنجارية كمؤشر للفحص السريع عن QSI المحتمل المتسبب عن المستخلصات النباتية على أساس تثبيط الصبغة. استخدمت أربع مستخلصات نباتية كحولية بضمنها: براعم زهور القرنفل المجففة ( Syzygium aromaticum L)، لحاء القرفة (Cinnamomum cassia L)، أوراق المورينجا (Moringa oleifera Lam)، والقطب (Tribulus terrestris L) وجرى مقارنة قابيلتها على التثبيط QSI)) مع الفيورانون. استخدمت طريقة الانتشار في حفر الهلام، إذ جري تلقيح عزلة الزائفة الزنجارية على وسط الهلام الخاص بـها الذي احتوى على حفر بحجم 8 ملم لتحميل تراكيز مختلفة من المستخلصات النباتية فضلا عن الفيورانون أو محلول الفوسفات الداريء (سيطرة سالبة). أظهرت النتائج نجاح الفيورانون في تثبيط صبغة البايوسيانين للزوائف الزنجارية دون التداخل مع النمو الجرثومي، وهذا يؤكد قدرة هذه العزلة الجرثومية كمؤشر فعال يستدل من خلاله على وجود QS. الأهم من ذلك، سبب مستخلص القرنفل بتراكيز مختلفة في تثبيط تام لصبغة البايوسيانين مع تأثير ضئيل على النمو الجرثومي. عند استخدام القرفة، أظهرت التراكيز العالية فقط تثبي ًطا واض ًحا لصبغة العزلة المستخدمة. تسببت المورينغا أي ًضا في درجة معينة من تثبيط الصبغة ولكن بتراكيز عالية فقط. وعلى العكس من ذلك، لم يؤثر القطب على إنتاج البيوسيانين ولا على الحيوية الجرثومية. يستنتج من هذه الدراسة نجاح عزلة الزائفة الزنجارية المنتجة للبايوسيانين في فحص مثبطات QS. توصي هذه الدراسة البسيطة باستخدام مثل هذه العزلة ككاشف عن QSI دون الاعتماد على استيراد سلالات معينة من جراثيم Chromobacterium violaceum أو Pseudomonas aureofaciens أو Agrobacterium tumefaciens.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 02 2017
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Toward a theoretical model of the terrorist personality and differentiation from psychopathic personality
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The current theoretical research targeted to construct a model of terrorist personality and its differentiation from psychopathic personality . Several assumptions or theories of perspectives of psychopathic personality have been compared with the terrorist personality studies that concerned . The suggested theoretical  model is interrupting the terrorist personality . The conclusions , discussions are mentioned. Finally, recommendation is suggested .

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Publication Date
Tue Dec 21 2021
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
International protection for human rights activists
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Despite the primary role of governments in assuming the primary responsibility in protecting human rights in accordance with international human rights standards and instruments, they are not the only party responsible for ensuring the implementation of those rights. Individuals themselves have a duty towards their society to observe, respect and promote those rights and freedoms and work to protect them by means. All, and this is confirmed by Paragraph (1) of Article (29) of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights of 1948, which states: “Every individual has duties towards the society in which it is only possible for his personality to grow freely and fully.            &nbs

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Publication Date
Fri Apr 12 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Accounting Mining Data Using Neural Networks (Case study)
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Business organizations have faced many challenges in recent times, most important of which is information technology, because it is widely spread and easy to use. Its use has led to an increase in the amount of data that business organizations deal with an unprecedented manner. The amount of data available through the internet is a problem that many parties seek to find solutions for. Why is it available there in this huge amount randomly? Many expectations have revealed that in 2017, there will be devices connected to the internet estimated at three times the population of the Earth, and in 2015 more than one and a half billion gigabytes of data was transferred every minute globally. Thus, the so-called data mining emerged as a

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Crossref (1)
Publication Date
Sun Apr 03 2011
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
أسباب عزوف الطلبة عن دخول أقسام الرياضيات في الجامعات
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The current study aimed to know the reasons for the reluctance of
students to apply mathematics department in the Iraqi
universities. In order to achieve the objective of the study the
researchers a tool numbers of 4 - axes included 40 - paragraph,
distributed as follows:
- Set the first axis causes that relate to the student, the 14
- The second axis includes clauses concerning teacher and the
number of paragraphs of Article 9, paragraph.
- Axis III contains clauses concerning the nature of mathematics
and a number of paragraphs 11 paragraphs.
- The fourth, which included reasons related to classmates and
close and the number of paragraphs 6, paragraph.
The resolution offered on a group

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 02 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Legal Sciences
Conflicts of interest arising from commercial activity activities to financial investment activities
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      ان تعارض المصالح مفهوم يصدق على مضامين كثيرة , فقد يشير هذا المصطلح الى التعارض الداخلي الذي يحدث داخل المصرف بين المساهمين انفسهم من جهة وبينهم وبين الجهات القائمة على إدارة الشركة من جهة أخرى , وقد أشار المشرع العراقي والمصري الى ذلك الامر والى الأسلوب القانوني الذي يتم فيه حماية المصالح المتعارضة  , الا ان ذلك التعارض يخرج عن نطاق بحثنا. لان التعارض الذي نقصده هو التعارض الناشئ عن ممارسة

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
الألفاظ المَعبِّرة عن المطر في القرآن الكریم دراسة دلالیة
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The Holy Koran is the highest text in the eloquence, It is one of the
important sources of the linguistic syntactic and eloquent study; it impacts
upon these sciences Avery intense impact through advancing its verses as an
argument in the confirmation of the significance of the term
The holy Koran was and still the fountain of the linguistic studies, as
they tend towards it since the second century of the hegira. So this research is
a study of the expressive terms concerning the rain in the holly Koran, a
linguistic study; it aims to study the term concerning its linguistic and
conjugate significance and its expression concerning the rain through reality
and metaphor.

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
Throughput Accounting and its role in supporting and achieve competitive advantage
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Dealing economic units at the present time with an industrial environment characterized by competitiveness and the pace of change and its strength as a result of this changing environment shall be on those who made it to adopt strategies that allow them to confront these variables and work in order to meet the market requirements of quality and price appropriate products to suit and the demand for those products and conditions to maintain

its competitive position and its development.

As a result, it became the subject of competitiveness in recent years and enjoys widespread attention at the global level. And in order to keep up

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Publication Date
Mon Nov 26 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
دراسة دراسة عن جغرافية وسكان منطقة البطيحة جنوب العراق
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Before displaying that study we must clarify the nature of this area, wonderful, strange and great world of AL-Bateeha. Its life was simple, easy and comfortable –Human beings in this world were self-sufficient with regards to food, drinks and all other life requirements because and that of presence so many creatures there, for example, birds, fish and lots of plants that humans used as food for them and their animals. Therefore that area formed an isolated environment and far from incursion and uneasy to control

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 27 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
نبذة عن معاني الحروف في العربية دراسة توثيقية نحوية
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اهتمام العلماء العرب بالحروف مبينين معانيه موضحين مقاصده 

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 01 2009
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
External audit data on liabilitySocial organizations for profit
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Givers of foreign Audit about Social Responsibility of Profit Organization. The recent time is charcterstically with big economic Organization activities, because there are many transactions between these Organizations and different financial markets development techniques.

This  encourgage business men to increase their efforts for investment in these markets. Because the Accounting is in general terms it represents a language of these Unions Activities and translate them in to fact numbers, for that there is need for Accounting recording for certain of these Organizations behavior and their harmonization with their Objectives.

In this respect the Audit function comes to che

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