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Phylogenic study of Genotypeing Giardia duodenalis from Cattle in Wasit province

The present study aimed to investigated Giardia duodenalis in cattle in some different areas of Wasit province by using molecular study and verification of the genotype of Giardia duodenalis. Collected one hundred fecal samples from cattle, the result showed that the rate of infection was 83% (100) . DNA was extracted from the 100 positive samples from the cattle then amplified using the special tris-phosphatesomerase gene for genotyping A and B. The result of type A infection was (69%) and (45%) of the genotype B. The purpose of this study was to investigate the genotypes of cattle in Wasit province and compare them with previous sources at the NCBI data bank.

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 03 2017
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Study of epidermis characters and venation of certain species of Medicago L. in Leguminosae (Fabaceae) family in Iraq

The anatomical study of the epidermis leaflet for seven species and variety wild belonging to the genus Medicago L. species are: M. constricta Dur., M. coronata L., M. intertexta L., M. intertexta.var. ciliaris L., M. laciniata L., M. lupulina L., M. minima L. and M. sativa L. were studied, The search included epidermis characters and stomatal complexes addition to venation system in leaflets. It is revealed through the study, epidermis leaflet type Amphistomatic (the stomata spread on the upper and lower surface) as well as the presence of three types of stomatal complexes namely: Anisocytic (the guard cells surrounded by three unequal cell size), Anomocytic (not differential from subsidiary cells in epidermis) and Anomotetracytic (four ce

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Publication Date
Fri Jun 29 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women

           kindergarten teacher is one of the fundamental pillars upon which the kindergarten environment so that exposure to a number of problems that could affect its functioning in addition to any deficiencies in this environment leads to deprive a child of some activities and acquisition of concepts so the researcher studying the problems of working in kindergartens from the perspective of the parameters, so the researcher based measuring instrument for labour problems of (30) search sample was paragraph (50) parameter that was chosen at random and have been extracted Sincerity and strength tool researcher used statistical methods and discriminatory (Pearson correlation coefficient, t

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 28 2020
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The role of accounting system in the recovery from the impact of financial crisis

          This study aims to identify the concepts of financial crisis and its reasons of creation , also explain the effects of the accounting disclosure and the International Accounting Standards in current financial crisis, In addition to,  indicate the role of accounting in the reform of the financial system from the impact of financial crisis.      

       The  methodology of this study orientied to two main aspects, the first is an identifying approach through exploring the opinion of financial experts, the second aspect is based on an analytical approach to satisfy the requirements  of experts to get there opi

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Publication Date
Fri Sep 30 2022
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Infrastructure components Reading in selected texts from the letters of the Brothers of Purity


The letters of the Al-Safa Brothers contain many tales, in which each story is a literary text that is independent from the other texts, but it constitutes a unified entity in its entirety, because these stories contain recurring structural elements that go into building each one of them. The stories - the subject of the analysis - were not keen on something that was keen on adhering to the Sufi vision and its apparent effect on the tales of the messages, starting with the announcement of the narration to the narrator and his attempt to persuade the recipient of the truth of what is being told and its realism, and made him believe it. The stories correspond to the formal construction of the ideal style defined by th

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Publication Date
Thu May 04 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
The Reduction of Resolution of Weyl Module from Characteristic-Free Resolution in Case (4,4,3)

In this paper we study the relation between the resolution of Weyl Module F K ) 3 , 4 , 4 (
characteristic-free mode and in the Lascoux mode (characteristic zero), more precisely we
obtain the Lascoux resolution of F K ) 3 , 4 , 4 (
in characteristic zero as an application of the
resolution of F K ) 3 , 4 , 4 (
in characteristic-free.
Key word : Resolution, Weyl module, Lascoux mode, divided power, characteristic-free.

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Publication Date
Mon Sep 18 2017
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
Effect of Temperature On The Dissociation Of Cysteine In Aqueous Solutions From Conductivity Measurements

The  conductance  of  solu ti ons  of  cysteine  in  water  at  different concentrations and temperatures has been measured. These solutions obey Onsagcr  equation  and  give  linear  relations  especially  at  low concentrations. In more concentrated solutions a deviation from the equation is observed.

The molar conductivity of these solutions decreases with t he increase  in concen trations at constant temperature.

The  values of  the ionization constants and the conductivity at  infin ite

dilution for each temperature have been calcu lated.


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Publication Date
Sun May 01 2022
Journal Name
Songklanakarin J. Sci. Technol.
Molecular identification of three novel species of Ganoderma from different habitats in Mosul, Iraq

Reishi Mushroom, Ganoderma, is considered one of important wood-decaying medicinal mushrooms. This study aimed to identify three samples of this genus in Mosul city in February and April 2019. Three species of Ganoderma were collected from three various trees including Eucalyptus, Morus, and Olea (olive) in Mosul City, Northern Iraq. Their identifications and their DNA sequences were genetically identified by using PCR techniques according to detect nuclear ribosomal internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions. Results exhibited the finding of Ganoderma resinaceum, Ganoderma applanatum, and Ganoderma sp. This study is first attempt to identify Reishi Mushroom by molecular methods in Iraq. Thus, the current study is considered new good d

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
5'-nucleoridase activity in sera from iraq children with leukemia

Enzyme activity were studied in the sera of children with leukemia than healthy children, where 31 cases were studied, including 21 cases of patients with acute lymphatic leukemia

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2022
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami

At the time when many important political events and evolutions took place, the cinema has been pretty active, and witnessed the historical events before and after the two world wars and the cold war. During the first half of the 20th century, the cinema had great interest from the major countries and their politicians, as well as the commercial turnout of large companies to invest in that field for the profits.  In the beginning of the 20th century, the major powers like the Soviet Union, the United States, Germany, Italy, England, and France started to compete in the development of their film industry and the investment of the new medium and the transformation of some famous works of fiction into films that perpetuate their cultur

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Publication Date
Sat Dec 31 2022
Journal Name
Al-kindy College Medical Journal
Pulmonary CT findings in Patients Recovered from COVID-19 Pneumonia

Background: The COVID-19 infection is a more recent pandemic disease all over the world and studying the pulmonary findings on survivors of this disease has lately commenced.

Objective: We aimed to estimate the cumulative percentage of whole radiological resolution after 3 months from recovery and to define the residual chest CT findings and exploring the relevant affecting factors.

Subjects and Methods: Patients who had been previously diagnosed with COVID-19 pneumonia confirmed by RT-PCR test and had radiological evidence of pulmonary involvement by Chest CT during the acute illness were included in the present study. The radiol

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