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Genetic Algorithms in Construction Project Management: A Review
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Genetic algorithms (GA) are a helpful instrument for planning and controlling the activities of a project. It is based on the technique of survival of the fittest and natural selection. GA has been used in different sectors of construction and building however that is rarely documented. This research aimed to examine the utilisation of genetic algorithms in construction project management. For this purpose, the research focused on the benefits and challenges of genetic algorithms, and the extent to which genetic algorithms is utilised in construction project management. Results showed that GA provides an ability of generating near optimal solutions which can be adopted to reduce complexity in project management and resolve difficult problems associated with multi-modal, noisy, high dimensional and discrete functions. However, with a range of benefits, there are multiple challenges as well such as GA can be time consuming to restore the images and may provide partial solution to the problem.

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Publication Date
Sun Aug 07 2022
Journal Name
Hiv Nursing
Assessment of ApoE Gene Variants and Apob-100 R3500q Mutation as Genetic Risks for Dyslipidemia: A Case-Control Study
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Background: Dyslipidemia is defined as an abnormally high level of various lipids in the blood. It is considered a major risk for atherosclerosis and coronary artery disease. Genetic susceptibility can have a significant influence on the development and progression of dyslipidemia. ApoB-100 R3500Q mutation and ApoE variants are among those genetic risks for dyslipidemia. This study aims to assess the possible contribution of ApoB and ApoE variants on lipid profile among a group of early-onset ischemic heart disease (IHD) patients in comparison to a group of controls. Methods: Forty patients with dyslipidemia and early-onset IHD without chronic conditions likely to cause derangement of lipid levels were recruited to this case-control study

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 20 2022
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Red Monkey Optimization and Genetic Algorithm to Solving Berth Allocation Problems
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In the past two decades, maritime transport traffic has increased, especially in the case of container flow. The BAP (Berth Allocation Problem) (BAP) is a main problem to optimize the port terminals. The current manuscript explains the DBAP problems in a typical arrangement that varies from the conventional separate design station, where each berth can simultaneously accommodate several ships when their entire length is less or equal to length. Be a pier, serve. This problem was then solved by crossing the Red Colobuses Monkey Optimization (RCM) with the Genetic Algorithm (GA). In conclusion, the comparison and the computational experiments are approached to demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method contrasted with other

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Publication Date
Tue May 16 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Online And Biomedical Engineering (ijoe)
Comparative Study of Anemia Classification Algorithms for International and Newly CBC Datasets
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Data generated from modern applications and the internet in healthcare is extensive and rapidly expanding. Therefore, one of the significant success factors for any application is understanding and extracting meaningful information using digital analytics tools. These tools will positively impact the application's performance and handle the challenges that can be faced to create highly consistent, logical, and information-rich summaries. This paper contains three main objectives: First, it provides several analytics methodologies that help to analyze datasets and extract useful information from them as preprocessing steps in any classification model to determine the dataset characteristics. Also, this paper provides a comparative st

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 21 2022
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal For Computer Science And Mathematics
Fuzzy C means Based Evaluation Algorithms For Cancer Gene Expression Data Clustering
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The influx of data in bioinformatics is primarily in the form of DNA, RNA, and protein sequences. This condition places a significant burden on scientists and computers. Some genomics studies depend on clustering techniques to group similarly expressed genes into one cluster. Clustering is a type of unsupervised learning that can be used to divide unknown cluster data into clusters. The k-means and fuzzy c-means (FCM) algorithms are examples of algorithms that can be used for clustering. Consequently, clustering is a common approach that divides an input space into several homogeneous zones; it can be achieved using a variety of algorithms. This study used three models to cluster a brain tumor dataset. The first model uses FCM, whic

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Publication Date
Wed May 17 2023
Journal Name
International Journal Of Computational Intelligence Systems
Prediction of ROP Zones Using Deep Learning Algorithms and Voting Classifier Technique
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Abstract<p>Retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) can cause blindness in premature neonates. It is diagnosed when new blood vessels form abnormally in the retina. However, people at high risk of ROP might benefit significantly from early detection and treatment. Therefore, early diagnosis of ROP is vital in averting visual impairment. However, due to a lack of medical experience in detecting this condition, many people refuse treatment; this is especially troublesome given the rising cases of ROP. To deal with this problem, we trained three transfer learning models (VGG-19, ResNet-50, and EfficientNetB5) and a convolutional neural network (CNN) to identify the zones of ROP in preterm newborns. The dataset to train th</p> ... Show More
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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
Journal Name
Aip Conference Proceedings
Mining categorical Covid-19 data using chi-square and logistic regression algorithms
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Publication Date
Mon Jun 19 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Engineering
Medical waste management in Al-Kut City
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This research investigates solid waste management in Al-Kut City. It included the collection of medical and general solid waste generated in five hospitals different in their specialization and capacity through one week, starting from 03/02/2012. Samples were  collected and analyzed periodically to find their generation rate, composition, and physical properties. Analysis results indicated that generation rate ranged between (1102 – 212) kg / bed / day, moisture content and density were (19.0 % - 197 kg/ m3) respectively for medical waste and (41%-255 kg/ m3) respectively for general waste. Theoretically, medical solid waste generated in Al-Kut City (like any other city), affected by capacity, number of patients in a day, and hosp

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Publication Date
Sun Jan 01 2023
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4th International Conference On Distributed Sensing And Intelligent Systems (icdsis 2023)
EcoSavvy: revolutionizing waste management in smart cities
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Publication Date
Fri Nov 11 2022
Journal Name
Surgical Neurology International
Brown-Sequard syndrome associated with a spinal cord injury caused by a retained screwdriver: A case report and literature review
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Nonmissile penetrating spine injury (NMPSI) represents a small percent of spinal cord injuries (SCIs), estimated at 0.8% in Western countries. Regarding the causes, an NMPSI injury caused by a screwdriver is rare. This study reports a case of a retained double-headed screwdriver in a 37-year-old man who sustained a stab injury to the back of the neck, leaving the patient with a C4 Brown-Sequard syndrome (BSS). We discuss the intricacies of the surgical management of such cases with a literature review.


PubMed database was searched by the following combined formula of medical subjects headings,

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Publication Date
Thu Apr 20 2023
Journal Name
Ibn Al-haitham Journal For Pure And Applied Sciences
A Brief Review: Some Interesting Methods of Synthesis Chromene Derivatives as Bioactive Molecules
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Chromene is considered a fused pyran ring with a benzene ring, which is found in many plants and is part of many important compounds such as anthocyanidins, anthocyanins, catechins, and flavanones. These compounds are included under the headings "flavonoids" and "isoflavonoids." These compounds are well known as bioactive molecules with wide medicinal uses. According to these pharmacokinetic characteristics, many researchers are giving more attention to this type of compound and its derivatives. Many chromene derivatives have been synthesized to study their biological effects for the treatment of many diseases. Furthermore, the researcher displayed wide interest in finding new methods for synthesizing chromene derivatives. These met

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