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دلالة حروف الجر في الحكم القصار للإمام علي (عليه السلام)

حروف الجر هي حروف إضافة وروابط تدخل على الأسماء فقط ،فهي من علاماته فتعطيه حكم الجر؛ وبدخولها على الأسماء تجمع معانٍ للكلمات المتفرقة والمتناثرة في جمل متناسقة مفهومة في ذهن القارئ والمتلقي وتوصل معاني الافعال إلى الأسماء التي لا تستطيع الوصول إلى مفاعيلها، وهذا يدل على أن حروف الجر حروف عاملة وإن كان بعضها يأتي زائداً ،ولكل حرف من هذه الحروف معانٍ ودلالات قد تنفرد بها أو تشترك مع الحروف الأُخر فتضفي هذا المعنى على الأسماء الداخلة عليها مما جعل هذهِ الحروف أهمية بالغة في القرآن الكريم وكلام أهل البيت (عليهم السلام) ؛لانها كونت مع الافعال والأسماء التي تخللتها جملاً ذات معانٍ مفيدة مختلفة فتيسرت الكثير من المعاني التي تصعب على القارئ وقد أعطت هذه الحروف أهمية بالغة لمستعمليها من جهة حاجة هذه الحروف إلى مابعدها ؛تقسم إلى عدة أقسام حرف جر أصلي وهو ما لا يمكن حذفه من الجملة؛ أو استبداله بآخر، أو لأن المعنى لايتم بدونه وحرف جر زائد وهو ما لا يظهر على معنى الجملة لذلك بالإمكان حذفه والاستغناء عنه، وحرف جر شبيه بالزائد لا يمكن حذفه ؛لان المعنى لا يكتمل دونه، ونجد أن حروف الجر تدخل على الأسماء والضمائر وتشترك في معانيها فمثلا عندما نتحدث عن القسم نجد أن له عدة حروف يؤدين هذا المعنى ؛كالواو والتاء واللام والباء وفضلاً عن الاستعلاء فله العديد من هذه الحروف التي تؤدي معناه مثل (من، على، في، الكاف، الباء).

Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The political image of Kurds and ideological representation in the Arab novel in Iraq

The novels that we have addressed in the research, Including those with the ideological and political ideology, It's carry a negative image for the Kurds without any attempt to understand, empathy and the separation between politics and the people, The novels were deformation of the image, Like tongue of the former authority which speaks their ideas, Such as (Freedom heads bagged, Happy sorrows Tuesdays for Jassim Alrassif, and Under the dogs skies for Salah Salah). The rest of novels (Life is a moment for Salam Ibrahim, The country night for Jassim Halawi, The rib for Hameed Aleqabi). These are novels contained a scene carries a negative image among many other social images, some positive, and can be described as neutral novels. We can

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Publication Date
Sun Apr 01 2018
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
Successful international experiences in childcare

The first few years of life is the basis for proper human personality and this Made by scientific studies and research need to make all efforts to achieve the early development of children and demonstrated by the efficiency and effectiveness of great success in the educational and developmental programs that have been applied to accelerate the children's growth rate in the various their sides, the current research aims to: identify the most successful international experience in the care and upbringing of children in early childhood has been determined by current research and previous studies manners within the cognitive perspective and dealing with the subject of this research and with respect to the theoretical framework Presented rese

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Publication Date
Mon Jun 01 2020
Journal Name
المؤتمر الدولًي التخصصًي فًي المعلومات والمكتبات (التنظٌم المعرفًي والبيئة الرقمٌية)
الفهارس الالكترونية الموحدة وتطبيقاتها في المكتبات المركزية في الجامعات العراقية

تهدف الدراسة الى معرفة مدى اشتراك المكتبات المركزية للجامعات العراقية في الفهارس الالكترونية الموحدة فضلا عن التعريف بالفهرس العراقي الموحد والصعوبات التي تواجه المكتبات المركزية في الانضمام اليه والعمل على ايجاد الحلول المناسبة لكي يكون هذا العمل خطوة جادة وفعالة نحو الاشتراك في الفهرس العربي الموحد ، والتعريف بالفهرس العربي الموحد وبيان محاولات المكتبات العراقية المشاركة به قديما وحديثاً ، واعتمدت

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Publication Date
Fri Feb 01 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Economics And Administrative Sciences
The role of monetary policy tools in stimulating local investments in Algeria


The various countries seek to encourage their local investments through the various policies they follow. The most important of these is the monetary policy, which is a means and procedures taken by the monetary authority to control the supply of money and maintain its stability of its financial impact on economic activity.
       The effect of monetary policy is to stimulate domestic investment through money supply that is inversely related to the interest rate and a direct relationship with domestic investment. When money supply increases, interest rates fall and local investment growth rates rise, but when the rise in money supply is high, Inflationary measure

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 11 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Terrorism and Internal Displacement in Iraq: A Field Study in Baghdad

    Terrorism is a serious problem for many societies today. This research aims to identify the impact of terrorism and displacement crisis on human security, which was a shock to the Iraqi society in terms of its impact on the psychological, social and economic conditions of the individual, family, and society. The variety of methods of carrying out the terrorist operations that resulted from the phenomenon of human displacement witnessed by Iraq since the middle of 2014. This phenomenon has its demographic, political and social dimensions.

    In order to achieve the goal of this study and the importance of the subject, the social survey method was used by selecting a sample of 200 IDPs in a compou

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Publication Date
Wed Nov 14 2018
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
الوعظ الوعظ في العصر الاموي وأثره في الجوانب الإدارية والسياسية

This research is an attempt 0f discovering an advice and mention kinds of politics  with administration sides through the Umayyad  era in the way of showing it which had directed to successors and princes in the state , whereas this subject did not take the chance , as historian research which dealt with this advice through the continuous period after the early Islam and Umayyad era

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Efforts in cataloging manuscripts some Arab and international libraries

The Arab Islamic Manuscripts in the science libraries humanly global heritage in different types of knowledge and science, as they were not confined to a particular flag but extended to include all kinds of science, and to facilitate the knowledge of these types of manuscripts has been necessary to operate them indexed in most libraries , because it is important in determining the size of those manuscripts and set them up and facilitate the work of the investigators, as well as the significance of indexing to know printed manuscripts in order to avoid repetition of the publication of the manuscript more than once, especially if the deployment is to be characterized by accurate scientific integrity and following the origins of the scienti

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Publication Date
Sat Jul 01 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Role of Participatory Budgeting in Improving Performance in light of Covid 19

The current research aims to analyze the role of participatory budgeting in improving performance, especially during crises such as the Covid-19 crisis. The research used the descriptive analytical method to reach the results by distributing 100 questionnaires to a number of employees in Iraqi joint stock companies and at multiple administrative levels. The research came to several important conclusions, the most important of which is that the bottom-up approach to budgeting produces more achievable budgets than the top-down approach, which is imposed on the company by senior management with much less employee participation. Additionally, there is a better information flow from the lower levels of the organization to the upper management

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 12 2021
Journal Name
Arab Science Heritage Journal
أثر التصوير العربي والصيني في فن التصوير الإيلخاني في إيران

     The manuscript depictions of the Ilkhanate era in Iran reflect the cultural and artistic dialogue approach that prevailed in that period ,when a movement of openness to literature from different sources occurred, which led to the emergence of new features

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Publication Date
Sun Feb 03 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe: The history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe

This research shows the history of political conflicts in Zimbabwe, the
merits of the political struggle for power in this country since the British
colonial period, especially after the British administration announced that
Zimbabwe is a local colony of the British Crown in 1923, as the settlement
process against the wide white deprive local people to own and lease land
and low income, as well as the 1961 Constitution, which granted access to
the white powers in accordance with the authority of the top menu for the
existing lower allocated to blacks.
These events and factors led to a national rejection in Zimbabwe,
which crystallized in the form of parties and political organizations through the

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