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 Assignment method in the Holy Quran and some of its applications in Surat Al-Anaam
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Research objective: This research aims to unveil how to use the method of referral in understanding the Holy Quran.
        The reason for choosing the research: The one that invited me to write on this topic is the importance of the referral method, so I liked the research in it, and unveiled this wonderful Qur’anic method, so that it helps to understand the intention of God Almighty in his dear book.
       The research plan: The research was divided into three topics and a conclusion.
   As for the first topic, it is divided into two requirements. The first requirement deals with the definition of referral language.
In the second requirement, the referral defined convention.
   As for the second topic, it deals with the types of referral, and it is divided into two requirements. The first requirement is external referral (maqam). The second requirement is internal (textual) referral.
   As for the third topic, it deals with examples of referral from the Holy Qur’an, Surat Al-Anam as a model, and it is divided into two requirements, the first requirement is the definition of Surat Al-Anam. And the second requirement, in which some applications of the referral method are mentioned in Surat Al-Anam.

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Publication Date
Wed Jan 30 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Linguistic Analysis of Deduction in The Holy Qur’an: Surat Ghafir as a Model
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This paper aims at discovering the real implication of deduction in the Arabic culture
with concentration on its applications in Arabic grammar, logic, and fundamentals of Islamic
legislations. Some light has been shed on deduction in the Arabic culture but most of recent
works did not analyze deduction according to the pragmatic analysis. This paper will answer
the following questions:
 to what extent deduction in Arabic grammar could comprehend with deduction l logic and
fundamentals of thinking in Islamic thought?
 how can we find the deduction thinking in the Qur’anic surah if Ghafir?
 Can we find parts of deduction in the surah?
The methodology in this paper is descriptive analytical. This metho

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Publication Date
Tue Jan 29 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Similarity in the Holy Quran
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The method of Similarity of important topics in Arabic Rhetoric has ample evidence in the Qur'an and the Hadith and the words of the Arabs and this study is limited to only the Koran.
There have been Similarity in the Holy Quran on both types : investigative and discretion , but the verses are more Similarity investigative and in verse 49 Similarity investigative and in verse 25.
The rush of Albulageyen and many other examples of Quranic Vmtheloa on Similarity , with a linguistic analysis and return to the origins of the meanings are not properly counted Similarity , Kolvaz cunning , deception , and maliciousness , the bad and ridicule.
This study seeks as much as possible to the statement of this phenomenon and stand on these t

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Publication Date
Thu Mar 30 2006
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Secrets of mountains in the Holy Quran
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Praise be to God, who made the pegs of the earth and entrusted them with the task of keeping the earth from tilting, and prayers and peace be upon the one to whom the Qur’an was revealed, Muhammad, and upon his family and all his companions.

The topic of mountains is one of the important topics in human life, as God has associated great miracles with them that indicate the perfection of the power of God Almighty. God Almighty says: (And to the mountains, my palms have turned. This is worthy of every rational person to contemplate His signs, the Almighty, in this solid part and safety belt of the earth, in order to reveal the secrets of the mountains and uncover their treasures. The more the researcher studies the mountains and

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Publication Date
Sat Oct 01 2016
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Semiotics of Senses in the Holy Quran
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This study is based on the basic idea: that human communication does not stop at the limits of words spoken, but extends to include the movements of the body and its members, such as the face, hand, eye, hearing, touch, taste, sensation and the public body.
The human movements represented by polarization, frowns, tattoos, and movements are all auxiliary tools that reach meanings and affect others greatly.
 Perhaps their importance is also in their ability to translate what is going on in the soul, and to show it to the outside body members, without the control of the human in many cases, it is thus an important factor in the process of human communication.
The purpose of this study is to show the senses of the senses in the

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Publication Date
Sat Jun 30 2018
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The semantics of words in the Holy Quran
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The lexical connotation is one of the types of connotation that linguists have dealt with, and stipulated in their studies, meaning access to the real meanings of the words, that the lexicon can address after tracing the real meaning of the metaphorical meanings, if any, and this is known to the semantics additional significance, and the rhetorical meaning Figuratively.
The miraculous Qur'an in its systems often refers to the metaphorical uses of the words as well as the real use. The significance of the words in the Holy Qur'an came in a variety of contexts, making each word a special significance that belongs to it exclusively. This is the miracle of the Holy Qur'an. The coming of the slow walk, with its eight words (came, came, cam

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Publication Date
Wed Dec 30 2015
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Grace in the Holy Quran: Objective study
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God is the source of every grace in which man lives and enjoys, and there is no one in the world told himself that created and destined and ridiculed and found out of nothing God Almighty alone.
The grace is an affliction from God Almighty, when God Almighty blesses his servant with money or children and others, the slave thinks the acceptance of God Almighty, but may be a source of affliction and scrutiny.

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 30 2016
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
Characteristics of linguistic discourse in The Holy Quran
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It is no secret to anyone that the Koran is a speech to people, and how it is not a speech to humans is a home to them and suitable for their understandings, and the people of rhetoric mean great care has never been before in the division of the Koranic discourse, followed by linguists and science of the Koran. After reading the letter, I followed it in the Holy Quran, taking advantage of what was written by former writers in language and interpretation. Thanks to God, I have done what I wanted. Perhaps one of the most important reasons that led me to write my research and optional for this topic; is related to the Koran. So I started to develop the research plan, and divided it as I saw it, I started to pave the way, and then divided it

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Publication Date
Thu Jan 10 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
The Contextual Indication of admonition in the Holy Quran
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Context has occupied a distinguished place as far as the understanding of the texts and deducting the rules from them or analyzing them. The context was considered as one of the important presumptions as far arriving at the desired meanings is concerned. The word is worthless and the meaning is not known unless we know the context in which it came. The context in its two types the lingual and non-lingual types. It is the best for knowing the intended meaning of the Quranic verses to know the real meaning.  

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Publication Date
Sun Sep 30 2012
Journal Name
College Of Islamic Sciences
The benefits of striking proverbs in the Holy Quran
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The researcher dealt with the importance of striking proverbs in the Holy Qur’an and their uses and benefits in Islamic education and ethics and between the types of proverbs, so it emerged through the study the following things that the proverbs are of three types: authorized, latent, and transmitted, and it has been shown through the current study that the proverb has conditions that the proverb is not valid except There are five: (realism, clarity, environmental, meaning injury, and good pronunciation). If the example violates these conditions, it is not an example. This study showed that proverbs have a prominent role in persuasion, argument, statement, education, clarity, approximation, education, refinement, correct belief, etc.

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Publication Date
Sun Mar 02 2025
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
Verses of Monks in the Holy Quran Study and Analysis
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Tafsir, ‘interpretation’ is one of the most important sciences the Muslims need. Because Allah, Almighty, revealed the Qur’an to be a way of life for the Muslims in which the healing of what is in the chest, including their goodness and their peasant. Allah says:
“O people, an admonition has indeed come to you from your Lord and a healing for what is in the hearts; and a guidance and a mercy for the believers.”
In order to achieve the goal for which God revealed the Quran must be understood and managed verses:” This is a Book that We have revealed to you abounding in good, that they may ponder over its verses, and that those who have understanding may be mindful.”
The Prophet (PBUH) and his companions understood t

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