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A Comparative Study about Knowledge, Attitude, Practice of Antibiotic Use and Perceptions of the Possible Causes of Resistance between Final Year Undergraduate Students and Postgraduate Pharmacy Students
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Background: Antibiotic resistance is a problem leading to difficulty in treating microbial infections thatmay occur due to many causes. For the important pharmacist role as a reference for the information and theability to access to medications, they are vital members in lowering the development of antibiotic resistance,and also they support the proper use and control of antibioticsmisuse. Our goal is comparing the knowledge,attitude, practice of undergraduate and postgraduate pharmacy students and their perceptions about thecausing factors of antibiotic resistance in Iraq.Method: A cross sectional study was conducted involving the final year bachelor and postgraduate (masterand Philosophical doctor) students from different private and public pharmacy universities in Iraq. Anadjusted questionnaire was administrated to 233 students electronically and the results obtained wereanalyzed by using SPSS 20 for Windows Descriptive. A significant difference was found in the knowledgeof antibiotic between undergraduate and postgraduate(Master and Philosophical doctor) students (Meanknowledge score5.32 versus 5.92 respectively, p<0.001).Attitude data also showed a higher positive attitudeof postgraduate students according to antibiotic use and resistance when compared to undergraduatestudents (Mean attitude score: 2.97 versus 2.92 respectively, p<0.05). Significant difference was observed inpractices of the comparative students groups regarding to the frequency of self- medication, reason, sourcesof antibiotic use and in terms of disease condition where they used(p<0.05) . Continuous mutation and genechanges of micro-organism taken the higher percentages answere d yes for the undergraduate students whilethe limited restrictions on antibiotic usage taken the higher percentages answere d yes for the postgraduatestudents (89.1% and 98.5%respectively).Conclusion: We can conclude from data of our study that there is a significant difference in the knowledge,attitude, practice of antibiotic use and perceptions of the possible causes of resistance between postgraduate(master and Philosophical doctor) and undergraduate (fifth year bachelor) pharmacy students when assessingthe use of antibiotic and related resistance. This will help to determine the educational requirements forpharmacy students in colleges of Iraq for better understanding and dealing with the antibiotic resistanceproblem in the future

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Publication Date
Tue Feb 26 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
Income Tax in Iraq and the Treatment of Married Women in Charge
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   Iraqi legislator taxation  married women in charge of the income tax treatment of the man in charge of tax and the application of the principle of equality of individuals to bear public burdens. The factor legislator women in charge of special treatment in some cases, taking into account the circumstances family allow  tax in the case of whether she was married to a man is unable to completely work and does not have a resource, as well as giving the legislator allow for her children. it observed that the amount of allowing still little is notcommensurate with the high cost of living in addition to limiting the tax allowances granted within the limits of the taxpayer and his immediate family did not take the legisla

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 04 2019
Journal Name
Iraqi Journal Of Physics
Gamma ray effect on the properties of R590 and C480 laser dyes
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In the current research, we investigated the absorption spectrum for R590 and C480 dyes in ethanol solvent for different dye solution concentrations of 10-4, 10-5 and 10-6M. These dyes have been prepared and studied before and after gamma irradiation (first, second ionization) using cesium-137 source with absorbed doses of 18.36 Gy (time exposure of 10 days) and 73.44 Gy (with time exposure of 40 days). We noticed that the absorption intensity was decreased with decreasing concentration, before gamma irradiation while the absorption spectrum peak shifted towards the short wavelength (blue shift). It was also found that the intensity of absorption spectrum increased and shifted the absorption spectrum peak towards the long wavelength (red

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Publication Date
Thu Dec 19 2024
Journal Name
Al–bahith Al–a'alami
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This study aims to identify the most important legislatures and legal frameworks pertaining to advertisement for children. It focuses on the western approach, which is characterized by the variety of its perspectives in presenting issues and in identifying problems. However, if studies show that there is a certain awareness about the advertisement impact on children, it is obvious that most of legislatures reject the laws restricting the broadcast advertising spots intended for children under 12 years of age, with the exception of the Swedish and the Canadian province of Quebec experiences, which opted for total ban on advertising spots broadcast messages targeting children.

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 15 2019
Journal Name
Journal Of Baghdad College Of Dentistry
The priorities and emergency treatments of multisystem injuries associated with maxillofacial traumas
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Background: The purpose of this study is to evaluate the care of multiple trauma victims with maxillofacial injuries in terms of epidemiological distributions, types of injuries, the related different modalities of surgical treatments delivered, and their complications. Materials and Methods: This prospective study was performed on 50 patients with multiple traumas including maxillofacial injuries, caused by different etiological factors, who were brought first to the surgical emergencies department of the Medical City then referred to the Maxillofacial unit in the Specialized Surgeries Hospital, Baghdad, Iraq, during the period from April 2007 to April 2008. Information was documented prospectively from the time of the emergency call to

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Scopus Crossref
Publication Date
Wed Mar 29 2023
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Education For Women
Blindness and the Critique of Society: Dystopia in “Blindness” by José Saramago""
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This paper addresses the new coloring in the concept of dystopian society as represented by the positive role of one of the characters vs. the passive role of the government and its mutual effect on the people of the society. In addition, it describes how all men in the dystopian society victimize and degrade the other through unlawful acts, like: stealing, rape, and fear, which are the lowest points in a moral decay. However, it offers hope by illustrating a positive sense, as exemplified by the doctor's wife out of Saramago's optimistic view that men may be descended from good women. Accordingly, the paper aims to examine the effect of the government’s role in the lives of the people who have later turned into blind in a dystopian so

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Publication Date
Mon Feb 14 2022
Journal Name
Journal Of Educational And Psychological Researches
The Educational and Psychological Effects of Social Networking websites on Iraqi Society
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The aim of the research is to identify the educational and psychological effects of the positive and negative aspects of using social networking websites. The researcher administered a number of questions to (250) users of different types of social networking websites. He analyzed his research results and obtained a number of results. The research has reached a number of recommendations and suggestion: Regulating the use of social media. Monitoring the parents of the sites used by children in a way that they do not feel they are observers. It is necessary to devote an hour daily to show the importance of real social life for children other than using social media. It is necessary to show the importance of choosing friends who hav

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Publication Date
Wed Mar 10 2021
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
The Effect of Eruca sativa extract on Gram Posative and Negative Bacteria
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The antibacterial effect of (Eruca sativa) extract was evaluated by an in vitro study testing the growth of various Gram-Positive and Gram-Negative bacteria . The bactericidal activity of this extract was analyzed by serial dilution in tubes. This study,found that Gram-Negative and Gram-Positive bacteria susceptible to very low eruca concentrations. On the other hand, Gram-positive bacteria were more susceptible than Gram-negative bacteria, the minimal bactericidal concentration of Gram-positive bacteria was 5 mg ml-1 but minimal bactericidal concentration of Gram-negative bacteria was 10 mg ml-1 that mean duble inhibation concentration of Gram-positive bacteria . this study suggest that Eruca sativa leaves have inhibation effect on Gra

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Publication Date
Sun Dec 07 2014
Journal Name
Baghdad Science Journal
Baysian and NonBaysian Methods to Estimate the two parameters of Logistic Distribution
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In this paper ,the problem of point estimation for the two parameters of logistic distribution has been investigated using simulation technique. The rank sampling set estimator method which is one of the Non_Baysian procedure and Lindley approximation estimator method which is one of the Baysian method were used to estimate the parameters of logistic distribution. Comparing between these two mentioned methods by employing mean square error measure and mean absolute percentage error measure .At last simulation technique used to generate many number of samples sizes to compare between these methods.

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Publication Date
Mon Jan 01 2024
Journal Name
Journal Of The College Of Languages (jcl)
Individualism and the Symbolic Language of Imagination (Pablo Neruda as an Example)
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Pablo Neruda's artistic distinctiveness can be considered in two ideas or attitudes of romanticism. First, the imagination, which is the result of conduct and spirituality, and second, the individualism, which is a collection of mysterious mysteries from the texts of individuality based on philosophical sonnets. His collection of poems points out the ethereality and indescribability of life, employing the reality of life at the level of human perception in a symbolic language. In other words, Pablo Neruda recreates the meanings in poetry through the three ideas of reduction, interpretation, and analysis. "What is the essential connection between individualism and the symbolic language of Pablo Neruda's imagination and What are the reason

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Publication Date
Sun Jun 01 2014
Journal Name
Journal Of Accounting And Financial Studies ( Jafs )
The Reality of Insurance Banking and its Role in Developing Insurance service
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Banking institutions are considered one of development foundations,and they also performe active role in supporting national economey and itsinstitutions. Banks became diversed in their activities that specialized Banksbecame one of the constituents of developing work in any activity, especiallyin investiment sector .In view of the importance of insurance sector and thenecessity of developing its divices and its working instituments, studyinginsurance Banking reality became a necessity, because insurance Companies inIraq are suffering of weakness in the level of insurance service, in addition tothe existence of a problem in the relationship between Banks network andinsurance industry.So this research aims to define insurance reality; the

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